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  • Users: Sadoun
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Sadoun

    DG380 in stock and shipping

    Hi Guys, It has been over a month since I visited here. There was a thread that I just read today about a customer complaining about the delays in shipping this motor. Since the thread is closed and I haven't had the chance to reply there, so I am doing it here. First I want to...
  2. Sadoun

    Reviews: SatHawk PVR800 WorldDVB DVB-S2 HD FTA Receiver

    Ok great news here. We just got the receivers in house. The pre-orders will go out today and tomorrow. :) The receiver is fantastic. The blind search is Hardware BLIND Search. It took me 1 Min and 45 seconds to do a full BLIND Search of Galaxy 19. The Fashion TV HD picture looks...
  3. Sadoun

    Inventory Reduction Sale: B1Sat Bandstacked C Band LNBF

    Pro Brand - Eagle Aspen B1 SAT STACK C-Band LNBF With Scalar Ok, we are running an inventory reduction sale on our C-Band bandstacked (single cable) LNBF Limited Quantity Left - While Supplies Last. I haven't seen anyone else selling these and if these are gone, they will be gone. If you...
  4. Sadoun

    GBox subforum

    Ok, there are so many users/questions about the GBox V3000 that it deserves its own sub-forum here under the C-Band forum. What do you think guys? What's a GBox you ask? Check here
  5. Sadoun

    I-NET TECH channel on YouTube - FTA setup

    I have watched a couple of videos on this channel called I-Net Tech on YouTube by a guy called Christopher from Canada. It is kind of neat to see young people getting involved like this in technology, video reporting, and FTA hobby. See this video, one of his earliest ones a year ago on...
  6. Sadoun

    My other hobbies.

    OK, several of you have other electronic / electrical / mechanical (DIY) hobbies other than FTA television. What other hobbies you have? How did that lead you to discover FTA television?
  7. Sadoun

    Special: SatHawk PVR800 WorldDVB DVB-S2 HD FTA Receiver

    As you may know, WORLDDVB has just introduced a new HD DVB-S2 receiver. We will import these into the USA in the next 2 weeks. If you are interested in getting one please click on the link below and place your order. SatHawk PVR800 WorldDVB DVB-S2 HD FTA Receiver Receive Free To Air...
  8. Sadoun

    Going Green and Saving the environment

    Ok, this months Sadoun contest has some great entries and great ideas. The question was, "Tell us your idea of saving the environment and going GREEN!?" Since members are allowed one entry into the contest, let's use this thread to dwell on the ideas and continue the discussion.
  9. Sadoun

    Sadoun Special: Factory reman RCA receiver at 60% off retail

    Bargain deal on standard definition remanufactured DirecTV receivers for your office, tailgate party, or second room in your house. Up to 60% off retail Starting at $39 only RCA's DIRECTV second-room receiver provides the flexibility of watching different DIRECTV programs on different...
  10. Sadoun

    GBox Sale: Save $20 - Sale ends 01/10/2010

    Dear C-Banders, For a limited time only, we are offering the GBox V3000 at $20 discount of the regular price. For a limited time only, until 01/10/2010, the GBox will be sold for $59.99 plus S/H. If you are in the market for one, this is the time to get it . iSEqC Compatible MOTOR...
  11. Sadoun

    Most people don't know what FTA satellite TV is

    Most people don't know what true FTA satellite TV is or even exists. I have read and heard from people who use true FTA satellite systems that their relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. never heard about Free to air television. Or even considered it on their shopping list. What can we (the...
  12. Sadoun

    Enter to win: Solar Panel from Sadoun

    Enter to Win one 10Watt PWM10W Mono-Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Solar Power Module from Sadoun. These solar panels can be used as a single module or wired together for increased power. These mono-crystalline cells are reliable, virtually maintenance-free power supply designed to...
  13. Sadoun

    SADOUN P76 Pole Mast

    SADOUN P76 Pole Mast P76: Pole Mast for SD180P 180cm Dish. 3" Dia x 39" Long Includes 3x Supporting struts. Use it with SD180PM: Polar Mount Style prime focus dishes. P76 consists of item #6 & 7 in the above diagram.
  14. Sadoun

    SADOUN SP180 Polar Mount

    SADOUN SP180 Polar Mount (Polar Mount shown with optional linear actuator, dish, and floor mast) SP180: Replacement Polar Mount * Fits on Sadoun or Fortec 180cm Dishes. * Fits on a 3" Dia pole *...
  15. Sadoun

    Special: $40 OFF Sadoun 1.8m Prime Focus C/KU Band Dishes

    Hi ALL For a limited time, the NEW SADOUN brand Prime Focus C-Band dishes are offered at $40 discount. This is an introductory sale price for a limited time only. 2 Models are Available: SD180G : Ground Mount Style SD180PM: Polar Mount Style Advantages over other brands in the...
  16. Sadoun

    BETA testers

    I need a few BETA testers to test some new products (switches, splitters, etc) for Sadoun. This is not for review here. It is for new products under development that require user BETA testing and feedback. Please note that a beta version is NOT the final version of the product and...
  17. Sadoun

    Sadoun 180 cm Prime Focus Dishes

    Hi ALL I am pleased to announce that our SADOUN brand Prime Focus C-Band dishes are here now. 2 Models are Available SD180G : Ground Mount Style $219 each SD180PM: Polar Mount Style $239 each Advantages over other brands in the market today: 0.8mm thickness reflector panels...
  18. Sadoun

    BNC621 CKU Vs GeosatPro CK1

    Ok, we get this question a lot from customers: Which one is better the BSC621 CKU or the Geosatpro CK1? if you have used both of these models and would like to post your experience with either one, please reply.
  19. Sadoun

    New Pictures: DVBWorld DVB-S2 USB & CA

    I have uploaded new pictures for the DVBWorld DVB-S2 and CA USB versions.
  20. Sadoun

    Enter to Win: Sadoun Bandstacked KU LNBF - End 10/31/09

    Enter to Win one of two BANDSTACKED KU LNBF from Sadoun. KBSL1: Sadoun Bandstacked Standard Linear Single Ku 0.4 dB LNBF * Linear Standard * Single output * Low 0.4 dB noise figure * 40mm feed diameter * 2 Year Mfg Warranty * Connects one or...
  21. Sadoun

    Happy Holidays

    Two big holidays are upon us this week and I want to wish everyone concerned a "Happy Holiday" 9/18-9/21 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish) The start of the jewish New Year. "Rosh" means Head and "Hashanah" means the year. 9/20-9/23 Eid El-Fitr (Islam) Marks the end of the month of Ramadan, the...
  22. Sadoun

    OSU Football Coverage

    Ok, other than ESPN, who else will be showing the OSU Buckeyes football games this Saturday (and the next Saturdays)? Last week, people at the tailgating parties around campus were scrambling to get the satellite signal.
  23. Sadoun

    Sadoun saves the day for some OSU vs USC Tailgaters

    Tailgaters get signals straight to see game BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Tailgaters get signals straight to see game :)
  24. Sadoun

    Galaxy 19 KU (97W) Easy Setup Instructions for the GeosatPro receiver

    I have compiled an easy step by step instructions for our customers who use the GeosatPro DSR100C or DVR1100C to receive / search channels on Galaxy 19 KU (97W). Here are the "Easy Setup Instructions for the GeosatPro receiver" Instructions GEOSATpro DSR100C FTA Receiver Any comments or...
  25. Sadoun

    VBox vs GBox

    Ok, some of you have used VBox (I through V) in the past, and now they are using the Sadoun GBox V3000. Share your experience with each and which model (hands down) you would recommend for controlling linear actuators on C-band dishes? Please only vote if you have and experienced both models...