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  1. B

    Old Primestar dish

    Update! Titanium, and Dan. I would very much like to thank you for your help!!! It turns out, I was already pretty much going about aiming this puppy the way you suggested. Of course, at first, I was trying the two people thing, which I knew would at the very least be a major pain! The take a...
  2. B

    Old Primestar dish

    Nice!!! Thank yo!!! That site is taking away a lot of guess work. As far as my direction, and elevation, I am close enough to tweak a bit here and there.But according to the markings, my skew is 12 degrees off for 91W ;)
  3. B

    Old Primestar dish

    Right on. That is exactly what I have been doing with the meter, it just seemed the logical thing to do. I do have the LO set to 10750, but didn't think to look for a skew adj. in the rec. I will look for that. Apparently though, I must be on the right track. Thank you again! ;)
  4. B

    Old Primestar dish

    I could find nothing about freq. range on the lnb. It does have a model number, part number, and voltage range. Also, next to the H output, is a triangle, with the point toward the right, and next to the V is a triangle pointing up. Not sure if any of this helps. Also, If I am looking at it...
  5. B

    Old Primestar dish

    Nice! I now have hope! I do have a small yellow sat finder, but no info on how to actually use it. If I set the DB to just past +2, I can move the dish to at least near G17, and the needle jumps up, and it sings. In that position, on the rec. I get a signal strength that matches what I get on...
  6. B

    Old Primestar dish

    Thank you for your responses. First, our receiver, is a POS generic DVB S2 rec. It actually works fairly good for our needs, being on a fixed income (Both of us are disabled) we could not afford a real one. I'm not sure what you mean by RT. And yes, this dish has 2 output one H, and one V I'm...
  7. B

    Old Primestar dish

    Hi, I have an old Primestar dish. After some browsing, I have learned they are great for Fta I do have a couple questions. I am mainly wanting to use it for a couple transponders, on G17. Both are vertical. Do I still have to have a switch to combine the Horizontal, and vertical, or will it work...
  8. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    Wow, did I ever learn some things today! To start with, I now understand the snafu, that happened when I first bought this POS receiver! While I do buy stuff from Ebay, it is because we live 100 miles, one way, from the nearest actual town. We are so far out, that it was only a year and a half...
  9. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    Yep! I was going to get one of these! I had it on the watch list, the next day, I put the money on my card, went to buy it, and the priced had jumped to $75! That was a drag! I do see one again, for the $39.95, if I can figure a way to come up with it, before another price jump, it could happen! ;)
  10. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    Thank you very much for the warning, and I am taking it very seriously. And to be honest, unless I am positive I can find something compatible, I will leave things as they currently are. However, would it be cool to ask you a completely off topic question?
  11. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    Good morning, I am still a bit skittish, about removing the heatsink from the chipset, because I don't know if I can reattach it correctly, since there is no actual lock down. However, I did make a backup, via USB, then transferred it to my laptop. Then I opened it with wordpad, the first thing...
  12. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    The mass produced cases, make sense, and is one of my main concerns.I figured as much, due to several looking the same, but with different capabilities. The link I posted, was the only one that had the same capabilities, as listed on the one I bought, other than the need for the update. I would...
  13. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    I'm not sure exactly what you mean by SOC number. However, the AV2018 is the tuner I have. Also, here is a link, to the exact stb (that kinda makes me chuckle) With all of the specs. There is a fairly long number on the motherboard, and a small chip with a few numbers on it. I did not remove...
  14. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    Well, at least I have now found a link to the exact same unit, not the seller I was dumb enough to buy from, but the same unit any way. I will try to post the link. I can not post the link, due to an error, that says spam like activity, or inappropriate elements.
  15. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    There is no make or model printed anywhere on the receiver. Most of the current sellers, are now listing the same receiver, as unbranded. The splitter, says Support compressed and uncompressed digital audio formats including DTS-HD , Dolby True HD and LPCM7.1 I thought uncompressed, would be...
  16. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    Okay, I bought it on Ebay, in Oct. The seller no longer sells them, so I can't send a link to them. However, I found another seller, who has the exact same units, except of course, their add says Dolby is optional. Also, this seller is in China, and the sell I ordered from, was supposedly from...
  17. B

    OTHER Generic Dvb-s2 firmware

    Good morning, I have a generic Dvb-s2 receiver, that may have been misrepresented by the seller. It clearly said in the add, Dolby audio, which is why I bought it. It turns out, to get the Dolby audio, I need a firmware update. I* have no clue of the manufacturer. Can anyone steer me in the...
  18. B

    OTHER Composite audio issue

    Good morning, and Thank you all for responding. First, contacting the seller, is a wash, so, that would put me in the no customer support group. However, it may be possible, as soon as I can find one of our regular usb cables, maybe I can get a firmware upgrade that way. Fat Air. I am not 100%...
  19. B

    OTHER Composite audio issue

    Hi Titanium, Thank you fro your response. Yes this happens on all channels, and all satellites. Being a trained electronics tech, I am seriously considering opening it up, to see if there is a connection issue inside. Before I do that, I just want to be sure, that I should have audio, on the RCA...
  20. B

    OTHER Composite audio issue

    Good morning. I have a generic DVB-S2 receiver. Mostly it works great, but for some reason, I only get audio, through the HDMI cable. To get that, I have to have it set for raw, instead of PCM, and I get no audio through the RCA composite. Video is fine with HDMI, and RCA. Is this a setting...