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  • Users: brice52
  • Content: Threads
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  1. B

    My Install

    I got my Fiber installed this morning 920 down 940 up
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    usb hub

    Will a powered USB Hub work with the Hopper. I have a 4 port that is powered by the Hopper and works
  3. B

    can not the post I am looking for

    It was couple of weeks ago someone posted a key sequence to signal level on OTA stations that show signal level while watching the station. If anyone knows what thread it is in Thanks
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    Eastern NC: My antenna install

    I just got my 30 ft tower up and running with ant751r antenna pointed at magnetic 64 degrees I have 200 ft of rg6 with antennas direct DP 019 preamp I n the utility room I have the power inserter and a signal distribution amplifier these are the midmorning signal these are from The Dish...
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    software 714

    Knock on wood but all 3 EHD are now showing on line all the time. They load quicker also.
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    ext HD

    I have noticed that since U708 came through my two WD mybook drives now play at once when chosen to play
  7. B

    sata to usb

    I got a 2TB internal drive mounted in a docking station. The docking station is sata. I used the USB cable that came with but it has last communication with my HWS. Does the esata port on the HWS allow communication with the dock? Is it recomended?