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  1. justlost

    TIVO vs E*

  2. justlost

    April 8th!! This WEdnesday...

    Only two Voom Channels Am I correct that there is only two voom channels. Voom HD and Rush HD left?
  3. justlost

    Hate Classical Lineup!

    I just wanted to say that I am disappointed in the Classical stations selection since the merger. I loved listening to symphonies in the evening and XM had 2 dedicated to that (110 and 113). 112 was to vocal and opera. Now for the past week all three of the new ones (77, 78, 79) are dedicated...
  4. justlost

    Voom News or just "generic" email

    We now know how good Voom was. Compared to 50% of the HD channels dish has now with little or no HD content and all the commercials on them - Voom was great. As for repeats - After just a few weeks of Smithsonian I viewed everything they have and have not seen anything new to date. Voom was a...
  5. justlost

    1080P Movie Poll

    TEST - HA HA! Have a 622, received 1080P movie on channel 501, and my tv passed the 1080P video test. BUT - No audio and picture in the upper left corner SO passing the test is no big thing!
  6. justlost

    Can't get 1080p on my 1080p set. What gives?

    1080P/60 Exactly the same here with my 622. I have a 50" panasonic and going to their website it looks like all the sets I looked up are 1080P/60. This may explain the picture being in the upper left corner but what about the audio? Its good that Blue Ray players do not have these issues.
  7. justlost

    How to install 9 Dish Network 322's

    I agree, He should be using all main Tuners with their IR remotes and then he has 15 RF remote codes for use on the 9 tuner 2 units?
  8. justlost

    L4.03 on 622

    You need to add me. Up until this update I had no problems for over a year. Now over the last two weeks my 622 has locked up 4 times and I had to reboot to get it back. Not a big problem but after a year and many updates later of no problems I feel bad! Now I do not know if it will be running...
  9. justlost

    Which of these Voom Channels do you watch? (Sub Poll)

    I agree, Rave and Rush would probable end up at the top but I would like to see the mix in popularity. The channels are too diverse to limit it to one channel one vote. I personally never watch ULTRA but I would like to see the numbers of who does.
  10. justlost

    Voom Family Room

    Maybe they will but from a film standpoint, in my opinion, they are getting worse each month. Seldom does FilmFest have good films and World has gone almost totally to foreign films. For a while after adding the other 5 they had some good content from Guy, Gunslinger and Majestic but nothing...
  11. justlost

    E & W - Direct Yes Dish No?

    Help out a slow poke. I thought I understood why Dish can not offer distant locals except through a third party. Why then can Direct subscribers have them? My neighbor still has East Coast Networks (We are on the West) and is not paying a third party? Thank You for the help!:confused:
  12. justlost

    Dish 500 vs Dish 500+

    Yes. But if you are not having problems with 129 then stay put!
  13. justlost

    Even transponders going belly up

    Hello John, Just a question, do you have DishPro or Legacy LNBs? If you still have Legacy units, age and the increased voltage(12 to 18) may be getting to them. The six volt increase is not much but I have seen some LNBs fail with no other explanation. If you do have DishPro then I do not...
  14. justlost

    622 makes me mad!

  15. justlost

    Dish 622 L356 Software Release Notes

    Try your circuit breaker. You will have to reset your clocks (vcr,tv,etc) but it is easier to get to I bet!
  16. justlost

    Dish 622 L356 Software Release Notes

    Because it totally dumps memory and reloads all drivers from scratch. The 622 is a computer. Sometimes a reset (soft boot) does not restore computers and you need to power down to re-initialize hardware ports and software drivers.
  17. justlost

    Dish 622 L356 Software Release Notes

    I have two friends with 622s. They as I had the audio problems and drop outs prior to 356. After 356 the 622 seems to be near rock solid on all three machines. One question, Have all of you done a Hard Boot (unplug and plug) to the 622 after the update? My 622 was a little squirrelly after...
  18. justlost

    Dish 1000 Woes

  19. justlost

    622 & Fox NY HD Not any better

    Fox LA is the same FoxHD Los Angeles is the same and has been from the start. The other three networks are mostly OK with few dropouts but FoxHD is a constant problem. As mentioned above, when it gets bad I go to FoxSD.
  20. justlost

    622 Audio Drop Outs, who else?

    Audio Dropouts I have had this from the start on the 622. I have the HDMI to the HDset and the Optic audio out to the Pioneer amp. I get the audio dropouts only on the Optical output and not on the HDMI. It does not seem to be as bad today but it is still happening. I do not know if the new...
  21. justlost

    Pointing a Dish1000

    I'm with you on this one! Here on the west coast, if you want good signal quality on 129 - go with a two dish setup if you can!:up
  22. justlost

    Pointing a Dish1000

    I am located outside of Palm Springs. I had two dish 500's for 110 - 119 and 61.5. I was getting 90+ on 119, 82+ on 110 and 90+ on 61.5. I installed a 1000 dish and got 85+ on 119, 80+ on 110 and 60-68 on 129. Frustrated I went back to the two 500's, got my 119 back to 90+ and 110 to 84+...
  23. justlost

    RV use for a Dish dummy

    That is what I did. I purchased their mounted crank up unit Catalog Item # 18567 on sale and it works great. Almost everything I watch on the road is on 119 but when needed I redirect to 110. It was easy to install on the roof and aiming instructiones are easy. I opted for this rather than the...
  24. justlost

    New VOOM-15 lineup

    Dish Will Let You Dish will let you do whatever you want, you just need to know the sequence. I had Dish without the Voom channels, changed out the LNB on the old Voom dish, connected it to the Dshpro+ 500 and wala had 61.5. Then I called Dish, told them I had 61.5, 110, 119 and they activated...