Search results for query: *

  1. P

    Echostar Considers Spin Off

    Nothing Really New No surprise because DIRECTV has done that for years already. Besides obvious tax advantages then when you have problems DISH can say well we are a seperate company from the other. Programming and equipment are now seperate entries.
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    All my OTA locals are 73 miles away. Is there any antenna I can buy that will reach?

    First, let me make you aware there is no such thing as a HD antenna. The regular antennas get stamped with HD and it is a slick marketing sale. I have some experience testing antennas and the best in my book is JERALD which is made now in CANADA. I have had one with a pre-amp for 11 years now...
  3. P

    DIRECTV being sued for house fire!

    I feel installer at fault The clues and reasons are I feel obvious. The installer left after 15 minutes of his set-up not working. Also after repeating blown circuit breakers he should have known something was wrong and told the homeowner to call a electrician before he would hook up. Not...
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    Moved a couple miles and now no local channels...HELP!

    A close-up picture would help but I don't know how to upload it either on this site. But to narrow down the problem I suspect the lines from the lnb's to the multiswitch. Some may be corrioded or water wicked. And as you know 101 works try switching it to another satellite lnb for a test. The...
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    Moved a couple miles and now no local channels...HELP!

    I agree with HEMI that in your case you should have had it installed by D*. But after looking over all your posts I have 2 questions. 1. Did you aim it properly and how do you know it is aimed properly AND no trees in the way? 2.You should have 4 lines coming from your 3 lnb's to your...
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    Moved a couple miles and now no local channels...HELP!

    I am inclined to agree with HEMI. Even if it worked fine before your move it could have been damaged by it or else possibly the center conductor was too long and shorted out that lnb. There is one thing you could try to make sure and that is switching cables just to confirm that it is the 119...
  7. P

    Moved a couple miles and now no local channels...HELP!

    Actually the auto-detect doesn't take long. But my meaning was for after the reset. The auto detect is mainly for use with more dishes in your setup as sometimes it won't detect all the dishes in combination, such as if you need 72.5 satellite. And there are many other uses if you know how to...
  8. P

    Moved a couple miles and now no local channels...HELP!

    I will give it one more shot to help you. 1. Hit auto-detect. 2.After it runs and stops then hit restart recorder. DO NOT TOUCH CLEAR AND DELETE EVERYTHING! 3. After all that wait a few hours. If that still doesn't work then either your dish is off focus or you have an issue with D* not...
  9. P

    Moved a couple miles and now no local channels...HELP!

    I guess the real question is if his locals are on 101 or a spotbeam or in some cases even on 72.5 which would mean an extra dish. If on 101 then you might try going to D* central and try auto-detect for satellites. But really if in fact on 101 you should be getting them . At any rate try...
  10. P

    Why Does the D* Forum Have Less Participation?

    I would surmise that the more problems that a product has would provoke more discussion. But if it wasn't for these forum's we would all be pretty much in the dark. I can still remember calling D* and their standard answer was "until we have 5 cases alike reported we will not act or do...
  11. P

    New prices/packages?

    I view this "increase' as a "leak" on purpose and the way it was fed out to some by various ways as D* having room to possibly change some of their HIGH increases and I bet they have assigned monitors to all the boards to see if they can hold to that exact increase or not. Just like the...
  12. P

    Question for subscribers…

    Have and had almost every type or programmer since 1980 and as long as my directvtivo's work with D* will probably stick with them.
  13. P

    Customer Service Nightmare, Any Advice?

    JTM: JASON,try this and you will get an answer but it may be a week or so. CHASE CAREY OFFICE of PRESIDENT DIRECTV,INC. P.O. BOX 6550 GREENWOOD VILLIAGE COLORADO,80155-6550 Remember to send it certified with proof of delievery as then they have to sign even at post office box to get it...
  14. P

    Customer Service Nightmare, Any Advice?

    JASON: I suggest sending a certified letter to their corporate office to protect yourself stating what has all happened. Also if you call again tell them you are recording it as well. Just talking on the phone does not hold up in court(He said-she said) so you need to protect yourself. Give...
  15. P

    Why No Outputs

    Thanks for the answers! I would surmise then that the makers are too scared to even let you record anything anymore. I have a 12 year old 32" toshiba with 3 inputs and outputs plus the usual s-video ones. So I guess I will not be buying any "new' stuff for a long time and as I can convert...
  16. P

    Why No Outputs

    I have looked at many lcd hd tv's and wonder why most have no outputs? So how are you to record anything?
  17. P

    Has anybody heard of this company?

    Regarding the paypal posts I only put them on there to perhaps make new users aware of it. Like I said it's YOUR own decision. But I do know if you try to google paypal you will get more hits than you really want to know. And some of the users are ones that thought "it will never happen to me".
  18. P

    Has anybody heard of this company?

    And here is one from a former employer about their "claims department".
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    Has anybody heard of this company?

    I feel for you but also I found about 11 web pages all about PAYPAL. I myself would never use it but many still do. Your decision. Here is just one link. GOOD LUCK!
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    Classic Look

    I guess I want to use only the classic (old regular) look and as far as using mail I got so confused I have to and prefer using my regular mail. Guess I am just an old fuddy duddy but wanted to buy a receiver from member and after an hour am so confused I give up. Sorry as I know you did a lot...
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    New Copyguard Protection Being Built In

    I wonder when you go to buy equipment if they will even tell us? Samsung director John Kang said cellular phones, televisions and other consumer devices will have the chips beginning in 2007. Broadcom has the technology in seven types of chips today, and expects the migration will continue to...
  22. P

    Cyberhome ?

    CHARPER1, here is a link to the feds actions I found. Anyway I think anyone owning one should be aware of the situation and it would have been nice for the company to at least make a statement rather than letting many customers and even some vendors...
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    Cyberhome ?

    THANKS charper and icstephen. I have just got the word from a big vendor that there are serious issues with their product and also the feds raided their warehouse. Also I knew about the website but their phones and e-mail have been down for over a week now. In my case I got lucky amd the place I...
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    Cyberhome ?

    Anyone know if CYBERHOME still is in business or out of it. I own a cyberhome 2500 model dvd recorder and need help with it but no answer from where I bought it or the cyberhome web site.
  25. P

    Techs Pay Attention

    From what I gather the firedog that will help merge between the digital and analog systems?