Search results for query: *

  1. munciefan

    What no one will tell you about HDTV...

    what's really funny to me, is there is so much response to this troll, but when someone asks a legitimate question, albeit it may be similar to something else already posted in the forums (maybe not in the HD, but somewhere else), thus may have been overlooked by the person submitting the...
  2. munciefan

    External HDD for 622

    well....I lurk here now...because I did a search in the forums, couldn't find what I was asking about, and got a bunch of smart a$$ stuff about it. have you ever done a google search? sometimes you get what you want, sometimes you don't. you might try some variations, but still are....well...
  3. munciefan

    622 and external device

    btw, my question was answered by rockymtnhigh, so there was really no reason for your attitude or your reply.
  4. munciefan

    622 and external device

    I tried "622 and external device" and didn't find anything relevant, not to mention that I MENTIONED IT WAS A QUICK SEARCH!! I guess I am just an idiot with a PhD who builds my own computers, regularly troubleshoots wireless and wired internet connection problems, and installed my own home...
  5. munciefan

    622 and external device

    thanks for the reply. looking forward to the new BSG tonight (in honor of the graphic!)
  6. munciefan

    So much for Indianapolis HD Locals

    talking about dishing up some crap! what a load of it! <sorry for the profanity, just a little peaved given the lies!>
  7. munciefan

    622 and external device

    Okay, I did a quick search and can't find anything on this. I just noticed my 622 has enabled an external device (usb), for pictures and possibly recordings? is this correct?
  8. munciefan

    Indianapolis HD locals

    somehow, and for some reason, I highly doubt this. sounds like more "vaporware"
  9. munciefan

    Indianapolis HD locals

  10. munciefan

    enterprise (star trek)

    I'm watching the late feed now (live) and it is working fine. I did miss Tripp getting knocked up, though. I bet that was sexy! ha ha!
  11. munciefan

    Star Trek - Problems

    thanks to dfergie, I found this part of the forums (I am a E* HD narcissist). In any event, on my 622, it locked up shortly after Tripp got on board the alien wessel (read as Chekov). If I forcefully fastforwarded, it came back (well, no audio for about another 10 minutes). I was...
  12. munciefan

    enterprise (star trek)

    I just checked my recording tonight, and noticed that it froze up, then I lost audio for about 10-15 minutes....I was watching other channels at the time, and that didn't happen in the live feed for other networks (HD or SD)....did anyone else notice this, or is this a 622 problem for the night?
  13. munciefan

    Indianapolis HD locals

    so I missed the steelers miami game in hd......and we will all miss the colts/giants in hd (colts are my #3, behind the steelers and whoever is playing the browns, so technically at times the colts can be #2 and #3).
  14. munciefan

    Indianapolis HD locals

    I completely agree; however, it seems that they have given various tentative dates (sometime in july....sometime in august....sometime in the fall.....). I was supposed to get a 1000+ installed sometime in July...sometime in sometime in the fall as well..... The customer...
  15. munciefan

    Indianapolis HD locals

    these guys are so full of crap it isn't funny (dish network, not the posters). i want my indy hd locals.....or....or....i'll continue to wait for them, as i am locked into an 18 month contract.....
  16. munciefan

    After 3 week Delay....... Finally Installed

    are the indy HD locals active yet?
  17. munciefan

    INDY HD Locals

    who can say...but the 1000+ seems to be a necessity. kudos to dish for having us all get the 1000 when we upgraded to the 622/211. ah, capitalism....
  18. munciefan

    so....what exactly is the deal with the 118?

    quick update installer called this morning (sunday) and postponed the install of the 1000+ (they don't have any)
  19. munciefan

    so....what exactly is the deal with the 118?

    on the phone right now with a tech..... trying to upgrade my legacy 811 to a 211 (which, now, according to the tech, will include the 1000+) success! it was he tried initially to give me the run around (as blues traveler might say). "the 129 will become the 118, and you...
  20. munciefan

    Warranty question, on leased 622

    don't know about the warranty, but I can tell you from experience it takes quite a while for the "dust" to settle. I had to call them back on 2 seperate bills after my upgrade to get charges removed. Thankfully, I was smart enough to call the techs, and not the csr's.
  21. munciefan

    so....what exactly is the deal with the 118?

    not yet....but as I am from indiana, i am sharpening up my hunting knives and cleaning my guns. JUST KIDDING! in any event, I may be in luck, because I've had to have them out 2 more times to realign the dish (well, actually move it) due to 129 being lost due to a neighbor's tree. Each time...
  22. munciefan

    so....what exactly is the deal with the 118?

    So, dish get's many of us to sign up for the 622, so that we can get the precious MPEG 4 signals, and eventual local HD. For those who live in several different market areas (e.g., Indy, Detroit, StL), we are SOL for the local HD channels unless we can either PURCHASE the new 1000+ and install...
  23. munciefan

    Can't sell 942 b/c dish won't offer hd programming to new customer?

    My 811 receives BOTH voom and the old hd. just not universal and espn2. And...very interestingly, running an RCA cable from the video out to a video in from the 811 to my computer, I get all of the HD channels from the 811........NOT THAT'S WEIRD! SHHHH....keep this on the down low. my 622...
  24. munciefan

    no signal (sort of)

    the same thing happened to me with 129.....big storms on a sunday night....then all sorts of freaky crap...
  25. munciefan

    121 instead of 129 being reported by 811 and 622

    i called tech support. explained the situation. the very nice tech support lady was very distressed by what i told her "what do you mean he left?" "what do you mean he took the dp34?" "what do you mean you have no 129?" "what is the airspeed velocity of an unladened swallow?" ok...she...