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  1. chicagofilms


    wow! I love waking up to good news. I think about the only thing I'm left wanting is Chiller in HD, and I don't think that's even launched yet. I am left with the question however of: Will this be 1920x1080p, or some 1080p lite? 1400x1080p, them spit out from the player @ 1920x1080p?
  2. chicagofilms

    Dish Network 2008 CES Press Conference Discussion

    - The 4 new satellites going up this year gives me hope. - Are they revamping all existing DVR software?
  3. chicagofilms

    Dish Customer Service Phone Nr Down?

    Must be a lot of folks that resolved to switch to DirecTV this year. :D I'd switch but I don't have the cash for new receivers now. Maybe Dish will have a belated x-mas miracle & add some HD.
  4. chicagofilms

    Where is the new sat?

    Meh, I think it's funnier when you don't have to put where a quote like that came from. :D All of this is pretty sad though. DirecTV is kicking ass right now adding HD channels. It seems I'm stuck for the ride though. With the shopping season upon us, I can't afford to switch and with the...
  5. chicagofilms

    dumb questrion e* and d*?

    It is a brilliant idea, the whole D* and E* thing. It is just saves so much bandwidth and not to mention time. Dish / E* = That's a 50% savings! DirecTV / D* = It's FAR more economical...
  6. chicagofilms

    BB Clearance sale on external drives

    Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up. I stopped in my local Best Buy this afternoon and picked up a 500GB Wester Digital MyBook for just $149 (reg. $249) They are on clearance to make room for the newly announced models I suppose. They also had the 1TB model for $249 (reg.$449). The...
  7. chicagofilms

    Has the CW & PBS question ever been answered?

    CW is too short to do a search in the forums, so I'm asking here. Sorry if it's been discussed but I missed it if it was. Will Dish be adding the local HD versions of CW and PBS? I'm in Chicago and still use rabbit ears so I can get Smallville & Supernatural off WGNHD. I'd love to finally...
  8. chicagofilms

    Updated 722 Information

    Any chance HowardTV will make it to the new VOD service?
  9. chicagofilms

    622 Record 2 from Sat while watching OTA?

    You can record all three! :D I've done it on the rare occasion there are 3 things on at the same time I want to watch. I don't think I've tried, but you may even be able to record 3 things while watching a pre-recorded show.
  10. chicagofilms

    Some Interesting Dish Info

    August 15 It seems like this is going to be a big day for Dish. External storage, move to mpg4 for many channels, new receiver, and a bunch of additional HD channels. Is there going to some major new promotion coming? Like ad campaign, etc? Some revamp of their image? New website? Is...
  11. chicagofilms

    Two Leased 622's... I hope

    I ended up getting my 2nd 622 for $79. I was offered it for $149, then the installer no-showed 3 times so I got $50 off, then he showed up and couldn't connect it because he forgot the splitter for the sat cable. Then after he connected it, he left with it not working (turned out he did a...
  12. chicagofilms

    Some Interesting Dish Info

    The reason this $40 fee is so off-putting is that it dramatically raises the cost of investment for external storage. I think most people will go with a 500GB solution since the drives can be had for $100-$120 and larger drives almost double the price. The enabling fee raises the total cost...
  13. chicagofilms

    Dish 622 L4.06 Software Release Notes

    Has there been any word on the frame fw/bw issue? Or am I the only that has it? :mad:
  14. chicagofilms

    Dish Network Retailer Chat Recap - July 10, 2007

    Mmmm... HD Kari....:hungry:
  15. chicagofilms

    Lost Signal on 129 and 119

    I lost 129 & 119. ran a check & instead of having 119 listed, it said "comm". I ran a check again & everything is back. I wonder what's going on. There was another odd message I saw when this was going on, about a "spoofed network". I think it was on the signal strength screen
  16. chicagofilms

    2 622's & 2 SD recievers

    That's what I thought. After deciphering the installer's broken English, I think he forgot the separator. I knew I should have been here, but he didn't show up last Wednesday when I was home and then didn't show up again Saturday when I was home.
  17. chicagofilms

    2 622's & 2 SD recievers

    I was supposed to have my 2nd 622 installed today after 2 no-shows by the installer. Then he comes and did not install it. I was told it was because of the switch I have. Is it not possible to connect 2 622's, a 508 & a 301? to a DPP44? If not, what switch do you need?
  18. chicagofilms

    Does the 622 no long do frame advance?

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or did they change the unit? I used to be able to pause something and then use skip fwd/skip back to go back and forward a frame at a time. now it seems to jump 30 seconds or so. Am I the only one having this happen?
  19. chicagofilms

    Official 622 L4.01 Discussion Thread

    I've actually had that happen 2-3 times with my DPP44. It seems to not like power fluctuations much. For example, the last time it happened was during a storm & the lights flickered. Everything came back but I was missing a sat. I had to unplug the power from the switch for a minute and...
  20. chicagofilms

    Official 622 L4.01 Discussion Thread

    Sorry to hear some people had problems. I don't think the locked recordings were the issue, I have several locked and unlocked recordings and it went ok.
  21. chicagofilms

    Official 622 L4.01 Discussion Thread

    So far, so good! I don' have time now to fully test everything per the email but I like what I see so far. The map down is sweet, the HD logo is a welcome addition and there's one thing that made me :D when looking through the setup. I'll test it after work & see what happens but so far, it's...
  22. chicagofilms

    Star Wars Series on HBO, in HD?

    The F950 is 1920x1080. Here's the user manual: So yes, EP II and III are shot in a standard HD format. :p I recorded ANH and TESB today and they both look terrific from what I've seen. I haven't...
  23. chicagofilms

    Where is Jedi HD on HBO?

    Well, there's a little piece of mind. Looks like Jedi will appear on March 6.
  24. chicagofilms

    Where is Jedi HD on HBO?

    Maybe we'll get lucky and HBOHD will get the MPEG4 treatment tomorrow and save some disk space. I'm not holding my breath though...
  25. chicagofilms

    Where is Jedi HD on HBO?

    I've already recorded Ep I and III on HBO HD. I've set my timer to record EP II, IV, and V. Where is Ep VI? I've searched HBO's site and it only lists Jedi on HBO2. What gives? Is my DVR forever destined to be missing the final chapter? Will it come in March? Does anyone know?