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  1. ONUOsFan

    "HDTV Owners Not Getting HD Service, Survey Finds"

    Same here. And mine was only installed about 5 months when I got my "free" upgrade for my bedroom.
  2. ONUOsFan

    Almost 10% of No Country for Old Men sales were Blu-Ray discs

    I must have missed the part where that article talked about the sales of these specific, recent titles. On the other hand, the obvious screw up with Transformers does make one wonder...
  3. ONUOsFan

    Best sites I have found for HD movies

    Sorry if this has been posted before - I didn't see it. The HD-DVD site has been mentioned once in that forum, I think... but I didn't realize there was one for both. They're affiliated with Amazon, so you can get the super saver shipping, etc. Tons of movies for $10-$15 on both sides, even...
  4. ONUOsFan

    Atonement vs. Enchanted

    I think the $18.95 price tag has something to do with the BD doing so well also...
  5. ONUOsFan

    There's no such thing as an HD-DVD player (according to Best Buy)

    Whatever, buddy. You guys are always looking for something that's not there, and I'm sure it's not possible that I actually meant what I said and just found this interesting. In the past, they were called "HD-DVD Players" with whatever features they have.... Now they're called "Upconverting...
  6. ONUOsFan

    High Def Disc unit sales - The Digital Bits

    Yeah, not great but I did pick up SM3 and 3:10 to Yuma... Amazon also has a pretty good sale going, including I Am Legend for $18.95. Blu-ray up to 53% off I also thought I saw a B2G1 somewhere, but now I can't remember where and can't find it again.
  7. ONUOsFan

    There's no such thing as an HD-DVD player (according to Best Buy)

    I'm not trying to start a fight with this, as I really don't think it's a big deal at this point - just found it interesting... If you go to and click on the "outlet" banner on the main page, they have the Toshiba HD-DVD players on there at discounted prices ($99/$129/$149 - but...
  8. ONUOsFan

    HD DVDs demise seem to push Blu-ray prices up

    I don't disagree... but I still think most consumers are at least 6 months from getting into this market anyway, so I'm not sure how much it matters at the moment. Then again, maybe if prices were lower, they wouldn't be 6 months away from getting in.... I doubt Sony would get rid of the 40 GB...
  9. ONUOsFan

    HD DVDs demise seem to push Blu-ray prices up

    I'm not saying I agree with this, and I have noticed that prices seem to be higher on discs too, about which I am none too happy (and yes, feel free to say "I told you so"). But does anyone think you would have seen any $98 HD-DVD players with 7 free movies on shelves today if BD had been the...
  10. ONUOsFan

    Walmart and Blu-Ray

    Exactly - if it's not cheaper, there's no reason to get it at Wal-Mart, that's my motto... :D
  11. ONUOsFan

    Blu-Ray continues on its mission to put profit back into the hardware game

    I think they're keeping them high so that they can introduce 1.1 and 2.0 players at the same prices and no one will "freak out" because, after all, they have more features... I imagine we'll see some of these older ones drop fairly quickly when the new ones come out, to get them out of the...
  12. ONUOsFan

    Walmart and Blu-Ray

    Mine's about the same - didn't really look for players but when I was in there this morning I noticed that they still have some HD-DVD's, but it looks like they're just selling off whatever they had left - many of the slots were empty. On another note, it seems their BD pricing is on par with...
  13. ONUOsFan

    US News: 7 Reasons to forget Bluray

    That's true, but some people do still have them "laying around," so I thought we should be clear on the distinction.
  14. ONUOsFan

    US News: 7 Reasons to forget Bluray

    Again, you're assuming it's a progressive scan (1080p) TV. If that's the case, I agree with you - no noticeable difference between a 1080i source and a 1080p one.
  15. ONUOsFan

    US News: 7 Reasons to forget Bluray

    I could tell - I can't speak for anything more than that. At any rate, I think the original argument was about quality of the other sources vs. that of BD, which has nothing to do with the TV they're being presented on.
  16. ONUOsFan

    Blu blues

    I don't make the rules - but from what I read, the intent of the individual forums is for people to share information about those particular formats without having to worry about being drawn into a debate about it's merits. I don't have a problem with this article, as I said - I'm just not...
  17. ONUOsFan

    US News: 7 Reasons to forget Bluray

    Don't confuse everyone. :) Tell the difference between a 1080i/60 and a 1080p signal displayed on a good 1080p TV? No. Tell the difference between a Blu-Ray played on a 1080i set and one played on a 1080p set? Absolutely. Of course, the smaller the set or the further away you are, the...
  18. ONUOsFan

    Blu blues

    At least until March 31, when Scott is forcing you to get over it and get on with your lives.... Nevertheless, the article makes some very good points. Honestly, I got my PS3 for the games and only went Blu because I already had it... had that not been the case, I probably wouldn't have forked...
  19. ONUOsFan

    US News: 7 Reasons to forget Bluray

    Actually, I have seen nothing wrong with offering other options when they're presented in an unbiased fashion, and I have said so on more than on occasion in this forum. Anything titled "7 reasons to forget [insert anything here]" is obviously slanted. Not that I expect you to realize that...
  20. ONUOsFan

    US News: 7 Reasons to forget Bluray

    Another slanted article... if he would have just titled it 7 other things to think about, and changed the wording a bit, it would be fine... but he's obviously got another "agenda," pushing people to products that aren't any more finished than BD is.
  21. ONUOsFan

    Ready to buy Blu-ray? Better hit pause button

    While I'm still not crazy about using the word "obsolete," at least this article just gives the facts and lets the reader decide for themselves.
  22. ONUOsFan

    Ready to buy Blu-ray? Better hit pause button

    I can hardly contain my surprise. Again, I never disputed the specific facts about Blu-Ray players, but I stand by my opinion that this article is biased, and is spreading FUD. You guys, meanwhile, will stand by your opinion that it is sage wisdom, so we might as well quit arguing about it and...
  23. ONUOsFan

    Ready to buy Blu-ray? Better hit pause button

    Fair enough, but you can't argue that the intent of the article was to stop people from buying Blu-Ray, and if I didn't know any better, I'd be worried after reading it that a player I buy today would just stop working all of a sudden six months from now.
  24. ONUOsFan

    Ready to buy Blu-ray? Better hit pause button

    Right, and NEVER from the "other" side.....
  25. ONUOsFan

    Hey MODS: We need a new forum: Blu-ray / HD Downloads WAR ZONE!

    It's pretty simple, really. All sets sold now are either 1080p or 720p, and 720p is cheaper... cheaper always sells more. By the way, I'm in the same boat as you, I have a 1080i set and a 1080p one - never had a 720p-only set...