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  1. R

    What will happen to Blu-ray hardware sales in 2008?

    It all depends on profile 2.0 player prices, in my opinion. I and many others jumped on HD DVD last year because it was a low cost to get into HD, and the player features were complete in all the players. $400 to $500 for a Blu Player is a lot for the mass consumer to spend on a player when the...
  2. R

    HD DVDs demise seem to push Blu-ray prices up

    I purchased my A30 early November of last year for about $220, and that was the middle model. The A3's were going for $199 with a bunch of free HD DVD's at one point before the holidays. So they had already dropped well before the Warner move.
  3. R

    Now that the war is over, are you buying a Blu-ray player?

    I agree with the posters that the difference between Blu Ray and a good upconverted DVD is not worth the premium in price on the players and disks. I thought it was worth the couple hundred I paid for my A30, especially with the 7 free disks, and I have gotten a lot of great deals on disks at...
  4. R

    Columbia House BOGO

    I picked up Serenity HD DVD and Sydney White on DVD (for the kids) for 22.46. $11.23 for each of them is way better than I have seen anywhere. Heck, I would have paid almost that much for Sydney White in the stores, so I really only paid a few bucks for the one HD DVD I was waiting for firesale...
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    Columbia House BOGO

    Actually, this is not a bad deal. They have some HD DVD movies that are around $23, so you could get 2 for $23 plus $2 fun cash, if you can find 2 you want. I could only find one I really wanted, but they have a normal DVD I have not been able to find anywhere for less than $20, so I can get...
  6. R

    Will prices now come down?

    I disagree that many are in denial. We are being realistic. Blu Ray can overtake DVD, I agree. They now have all the studio support and lost their only High Def media competition, but to overtake DVD before other technology comes out, whether it is download or something totally different, they...
  7. R

    Will prices now come down?

    The early adoption of higher priced DVD players does not really equate to High Def players. First of all, even on normal TV's, a DVD looked a lot better than VHS tapes. To really appreciate the difference between a DVD and a Blu Ray disk, you really need an HD wide screen TV, which not...
  8. R

    It's official: The Format War is Over! Toshiba pulls the plug on HD DVD

    I noticed that Toshiba said they have no current plans to release a Blu Ray player. It would be interesting instead if they came out with a killer upconverting player using the cell technology they demonstrated at CES at a reasonable price. I have an A30, and upconverted Sd disks, though not HD...
  9. R

    HD-DVD (only) Owners: What do you do when it's over?

    I keep enjoying the HD DVD movies I have and pick up good deals on the ones I can get, enjoy the upconverted DVD's, watch a lot of HD on Dish Network, wait a year or two for Blue Ray to be finalized and have all of the features I already have on my A30, and the prices drop to well under $200. No...
  10. R

    Netflix Opts for Blu-Ray High-Def DVDs

    Many posts I have seen state that people had to wait for HD DVD's to ship as they were always long waits. So there was either plenty of demand or they just did not stock enough HD DVD. This is definitely not good news. You have to wonder if there were some back room deals that influenced their...
  11. R

    HD-A3 sells out at

    Yet more evidence that they are restocking, as the boxes with the 2 Bourne movies are new product that only came out in the last several weeks.
  12. R

    HD-A3 sells out at

    Here is my two cents on the subject. Why would Circuit City come out in the last several weeks and state they were still supporting both formats and actually start to include Toshiba HD DVD players in their ads if they were planning on dumping them? With their return policy, that would just come...
  13. R

    HD DVD sure doesnt look dead here

    We have good HD DVD sales going on at Best Buy (BOGO Free), Amazon, Tower, B&N, and B&N. Best Buy and Circuit City are featuring the HD-A30 in this weeks ad, listing them on the same page with high priced Blu Ray players, and Best Buy is giving an A30 free with a Yamaha/Klipsch sound system...
  14. R

    Analyst Gives Toshiba Positve Mark for Super Bowl Ad

    Circuit City, who a lot of people all said they were dumping HD DVD a couple weeks ago, also seems to be selling the HD-A3 pretty well, at least on their web site, with it being the #4 top selling DVD player and the top HD player. Of course I would guess their internet sales would be better...
  15. R

    Why has Circuit City been quiet?

    Maybe they are doing the same messup that Circuit City did and there is a different sku for the players with the different movies, as the Superbowl ad that some people in the country were able to see (not me since local commercials were shown at the time!) clearly shows BB, CC, and Walmart on...
  16. R

    Toshiba Goes Ahead With Its HD DVD Plans...

    I agree that Blu Ray is in the driver seat at this point because of Studio support, but I find it interesting how it is bad that Toshiba "bought" Paramount and would do anything to avoid Blu Ray from succeeding when it was OK for Sony to blead cash on every single PS3 and that they reportedly...
  17. R

    Toshiba Plans HD DVD Super Bowl Spot

    Maybe they actaully want to spend that money to get the word out that they are serious about staying in the race? The big retailers have the A3 back in stock, including CC, and both CC and BB will have it featured in this Sunday's ads at the new pricing (finally). I bet if the commercial is...
  18. R

    Toshiba Goes Ahead With Its HD DVD Plans...

    I was thinking about what hurts HD DVD the most. I am wondering if maybe the biggest factor is everybody saying or believing it is all over, basically giving up. What Toshiba and HD DVD studios need to do to stay in the game is to give confidence to buyers that it is not over and their product...
  19. R

    Toshiba Plans HD DVD Super Bowl Spot

    If Toshiba did a variation of the commercial you can see on this site, and maybe include the fact the HD DVD players are the only next generation players that an all do PIP and interactivity, along with the fact you can pick one up today at prices starting at under $150, and maybes mention some...
  20. R

    Why has Circuit City been quiet?

    I had noticed that a lot of local CC's had run out of either A3's or A30's during the week. I just checked and they all have them back in stock and I understand t his Sunday's add features the A3 (as well as Best Buy's), from what I read on a forum. Maybe this is all coordinated with the Toshiba...
  21. R

    Why has Circuit City been quiet?

    I agree there is a lot of misinformation from both sides, but usually the stuff that comes form the HD DVD side is often factual (HDVD has more features that Blu will not have until Profile 2 and half the price) or rumors and wishes of what could come in the way of hardware or software (triple...
  22. R

    Why has Circuit City been quiet?

    Toshiba Tosses 'Hail Mary' With Super Bowl Ad
  23. R

    Why has Circuit City been quiet?

    I was searching the net and finally found a statement from Circuit City (not a store manager). "Jackie Foreman, a spokesperson for Circuit City, rather emphatically denied this. "It was a pricing error but it was corrected and will continue to make both formats available to Circuit City...
  24. R

    Why has Circuit City been quiet?

    There are two ways of looking at most things. There are many (mostly Blu Ray supporters I would guess) who would probably say that they are being quiet so they get rid of their stock. Since it appears they raised their prices back up today, logically that would kind of argue against the closing...
  25. R

    Circuit City abandons HD DVD, clearances all players?

    I was just over peeking at a blu ray forum, and I could not believe how they are salivating over this news! Rumor=fact to many Blu Ray supporters. I sure wish both sides would wait for the facts before posting "facts". They are all expecting an official announcement on Monday (along with dream...