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  1. B

    Odd issue wtih CPU freeze ups

    I am 99% confident in the issues being not related to spyware/malware. I have fixed literally a couple hundred PC's with those type of issues, as i diagnosed and fixed issues for a side job for a few years. This is somethign different, and i had never seen the CPU usage monitor exhibit the...
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    Odd issue wtih CPU freeze ups

    Its nothing out of the oridinary running as far as i can tell, that was one of the first thing i looked at, ran spyware scans and they wre spotless (at least for as long as i could afford to let them run with the issues, completed 100k files worth). No real downloading or anything is done...
  3. B

    Odd issue wtih CPU freeze ups

    Additional information, the PC takes about 2 minutes to boot up if not longer.. at first i thought it was the HD failing and causing these issues, until it began to happen when just trying to open "My Computer" to access the list of drives sometimes taking 30 seconds or more. it even can...
  4. B

    Odd issue wtih CPU freeze ups

    It started yesterday with random freezes on the PC, while the wife was online playing warcraft, could only get it to work by doing a hard reboot. last night i was trying to diagnose the issue, and it took a long time to reboot, i tried scans and multiple other issues and came to this one...
  5. B

    Rewritable DVD Drives

    Does it read other disks? If it doesnt, your drive is shot. If it does, then the disk is probably toast, try it in other drives to confirm.
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    Viruses affecting Macs

    there are no viruses as there isn't the hackers with a chip on their shoulders trying to exploit every possible issue in the code, like they do with Microsoft. Its not that the Mac is immune to viruses... its just not being exploited, as most people dont think Apple is "The Evil Empire".
  7. B

    Can't connect to poker sites

    Its probably something in the firewall or internet security settings on your laptop.
  8. B

    Need laptop recommendations

    I agree with the Vostro, and 2GB ram is enough. you will only have 2 slots, and 2gb sticks of ram get spendy. I love my vostro, its a low end, that i added the ram to, and it does everything i need of it. the only thing i would do, is upgrade to the best battery you can from dell at time...
  9. B

    First laptop, recommendations?

    I highly recommend Dell, I also would say to upgrade the battery to one with longer life if she would be using it regularly on battery power, as its cheaper to get a better battery up front than to buy a better one later (I am speaking from experience.) Depending on what she needs it for...
  10. B

    Help, My Laptop Has Been Hit With Some Nasty Spyware Thingy!

    best solution is to wipe it clean. guarantees that its gone. THEN, before doing anything else, load on the all antivirus, anti spyware, etc.
  11. B

    recommend a new PC

    I have a vostro notebook, a low end build, but i love it. no probs playin WOW and great for the webs... but if you upgrade in the line to better processor, and make sure you get 2GB Ram, you should be fine. Or if you want a desktop line, I also like Dell.. the custom build ability at decent...
  12. B

    Ughh... a dead PC

    ram is cheap, if your going to rebuild, spend a bit more on the Mboard, go cheap on the processor and get new ram.. you can always upgrade the processor later.. of course i see alot of Mboards now have gone to jsut Serial ATA for drives... and that can add to the expense too.
  13. B

    PS3 Load Plug In

    the PS3 browser either has issues or does not support flash/java apps, from what i remember.. i got annoyed with it and just bought a laptop to surf in my living room :-)
  14. B

    Ughh... a dead PC

    that sucks, but at least the Ipod survived whatever happened... thats probably the most expensive part that could of been damaged.
  15. B

    Nvidia 3-way SLI

    I dont know ANY game out there that you would need this type of setup to enjoy.. its playing for the "future", and then you are better off buying a top of the line new PC every 12 months than sticking out this far in the bleeding edge hoping it will work... unless you won the lottery and...
  16. B

    Windows Vista Experience

    never had any issues to speak of on my 2 systems, and I have set up about 10 customers new PC's and havnt heard any issues either... and some of them usually call whenever there computer does ANYTHING out of the ordinary.
  17. B

    How many computers do you have in your house?

    2 desktops and 1 laptop, but occasionally it gets up to 4 desktops ( I have a side business fixing computers)
  18. B

    AMD or Intel

    It all depends on what you really want to spend, the C2D do give you better performance, BUT, you can get more for you money if you go with the AMD. Spend the savings on a solid videocard and you will probably be better off for the gaming end of things.
  19. B

    Too Slow

    I always recommend Ad-Aware to clean up alot of the junk that you pick up around the web...
  20. B

    What does Vista do better than xp?

    No issues with Vista for me doing everything i want it to do, and now one NEW thing i like that i discovered last night, dumping pics from my new digital camera into the computer, it automatically created a folder for the date, and i could tag the pics with a name as well, that Vista did...
  21. B

    Am I right to be Upset?

    I would be upset as well, but i dont think you will get anywhere Regardless if its state or grant funds, the University does have some control over the money, and if its being used to buy a PC then that PC falls under their rules as they are ultimately buying it.
  22. B

    New Computer Build

    I have called Microsfot MANY times and reactivated XP, and one time for Vista for customers myself or customers of mine, and I have used an OEM disk for there Dell, Gateway, etc systems and i jsut ahve to explain it clearly and honestly and they have given me no issues. I like vista, its...
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    USB Fanton Drive ?

    the clicking noise doesnt sound good.. sounds like something may be physically broke... you could always try putting it in the freezer and then try using it, the metal parts contract and sometimes you can get it up and running for a short bit to get the data off of it.
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    Site of Champions

    not sure, but it seems kinda fun, I just figured out how to unlock the door... and later i will explore the room inside.... i always get sucked into these puzzle type things.
  25. B

    Laptop Harddrive in destop

    yes, there are a few options. Either an external enclosure that will turn that HD into a portable HD, with a USB connection, or you can find an adapter to convert it to IDE and fit inside your desktop. I picked up one of those adapters for around $15 here locally, and I know the enclosures...