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  1. V

    What happens Apr 18--autopsy, funeral, or burial?

    If comcast is anything like COX then the standard answer from them is that "they are in negotiations" LOLOL I kept cable for my weight room TV and for my bedroom TV's while I had VOOM. I would contact COX every so often to see how their HD pack was coming along. They would constantly say they...
  2. V

    VOOM Web Site is DOWN!!!

    :rolleyes: :smug :rolleyes: :smug
  3. V

    Charles Dolan E-mail Response (4/4/05)

    I'd go to E* and would even pay extra to keep the VOOM 21 along with the other HD's that VOOM has and E* does not.
  4. V

    FaxUpdate April 1, 2005: VOOM Shutdown Could Be Announced As Early As Today

    Does NOT look like good news! Come on VOOM use one of the 9 lives you have left!
  5. V

    SEC Filing - Election of the Board of Directors

    I read it, what does it say that I was not wanting to hear???
  6. V

    Voom promises of 50 channels, price reduction, etc

    Just because I only have about 80 posts does NOT make me a VOOM newbie. I did not start coming to this board until the VOOM shakeup started. I have been VOOMin for over a year! The number of posts does not always equal the amount of VOOM knowledge or the amount of time someone has been...
  7. V

    Voom promises of 50 channels, price reduction, etc

    I hope we get the RSN's :) keeping my fingers crossed
  8. V

    Voom promises of 50 channels, price reduction, etc

    Was this email or snail mail? I have not received an email but will be sure to check my mail box if it is snail mail. Thanks in advance! :)
  9. V

    T-4 Days!

    4 days left until the end of the month. I guess NO news is GOOD news.
  10. V

    2 New Channels added

    I wish world sport would cover Canadian jr hockey games. The NHL is a mess and I need a hockey fix! :)
  11. V

    2 New Channels added

    I am a displaced life long Angels fan and I would LOVE to be able to watch their games! I was born and raised in the LA area but have since been displaced to the midwest. The only channel from VOOM 21 that I see as a TOTAL wast of space is LAB.
  12. V

    Free month of service for a referal - they are listening!

    Sweet! I received the same email. I have about 10 friends who have shown interest in VOOM. They are waiting to see if VOOM survives before signing up! This is great news~! :)
  13. V

    2 New Channels added

    If you know how to read then you can see that I have never complained about channels getting added before. I am a VaVaVoomer and do not want anything for free. I have told VOOM I will gladly pay extra for the RSN's. You have not and will never hear me ask for a handout! Please show me where...
  14. V

    2 New Channels added

    Before everyone gets on my case for my original statement. I apologize if it offended anyone! That was not my intent. I understand VOOM wanting / needing to market itself to the Hispanic community. I would have understood it if they added 15-20 Spanish channels all at once and then offered...
  15. V

    2 New Channels added

    It means I can care less about the channels. I can count to 10 in spanish and that is it! If VOOM continues adding Spanish channels before the RSN's I might, for the 1st time, consider jumping ship for BUD (CBand). I have waited patiently for over a year for the RSN's. I have been very...
  16. V

    2 New Channels added

    Ahem, if this was not America and if I did not speak english I might be excited. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  17. V

    Ch. 308: "This channel reserved for future use"

    Yes, I have bothered them frequently since becoming a Voomer! :D
  18. V

    Ch. 308: "This channel reserved for future use"

    Come on VOOM! Take care of us sports junkies!!!! Please :) :)
  19. V

    Free Starz Hd No More!

    I also noticed that Fox Sports FL and Sunsports are gone. Now when tuning to the channels all you get is a blank screen. Before I was getting a pop up box that said 'call to subscribe'
  20. V

    IS Cablevison going to be sold to finance VOOM?

    I think the point was that VOOM is running commercials and infomercials. If Dolan knew he was going out of business do you really think he would be wasting all that money for advertising spots? I think not. What are all the bashers going to do WHEN it is announced that VOOM lives on?
  21. V

    FCC Docket 05-72: Public Comments against sale/transfer of VOOM Licenses

    Here is my confirmation # 2005324372702 Thanks for the link! :)
  22. V

    Thank You letters to VOOM and Charles Dolan

    Mr Dolan, Thank you for providing the best HD content on the planet earth! I love VOOM and am keeping my fingers crossed that you will be able to keep it alive. Please keep providing the HD and I will keep paying my bill! :)
  23. V

    Voom Adds More! (WealthTVHD, Fine Living, DIY,..)

    A 9" HDTV? Sweet! I will have to get one for the kitchen. LOL
  24. V

    Voom Adds More! (WealthTVHD, Fine Living, DIY,..)

    I personally will not really watch any of the channels added this month. My son will watch the cartoon channels. I might click the Wealth channel on every so often just because it's HD. Even though I do not really care for any of the recent additions, I still think it's great they were added...