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  1. BillyT

    Grrr...lamp blown on DLP, now gotta watch TV on 13"

    Usually I spend my time eternally watching the next whiz bang thing over the horizon and never spending money on anything. Not this year however. It's been a good year for me. I picked up a Sony KD34XBR960 at the start of the year and I'm still loving it. And, in September, I picked up a new...
  2. BillyT

    Topless Sales Staff?

    Well, I for one would shop less online and more in the store, if this were commonplace here. I'd have to wear sunglasses though, to keep my wife from thinking that my eyes might be drifting to where they shouldn't be. ;)
  3. BillyT

    Interesting PVR and XBox development...

    Here is a forum topic that might shed some light on your question: from the XBMC web site. It seems that they are partnering with Friendtech on this. A lot of ideas for digital input to the XBox are being thrown around...
  4. BillyT

    Interesting PVR and XBox development...

    You are correct, the Friendtech solution is to add a video capture card to the XBox.
  5. BillyT

    Interesting PVR and XBox development...

    I think I heard something similar to what you heard too. Microsoft might very well come out with the own XBox DVR at some point. However, it looks like Friendtech will beat them to it. ;) Thanks for the welcome. I've been around, but I'm mostly a lurker on all of the forums. I'm fairly...
  6. BillyT

    Interesting PVR and XBox development...

    Some explanation: GentooX is a version of Linux that can be installed and run on a modified XBox. MythTV is an open source Linux project which turns a Linux PC into a free PVR provided you have a video capture card, etc in the PC.. As refurbished XBoxes can be had for around $119.00 from...