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  1. Bountykiller

    5/27/2010 9:19am - Uplink Activity Report - 446 changes

    So where is E7 moving to ? Is it going to 61.5 ???
  2. Bountykiller

    5/19/2010 3:08am - Uplink Activity Report - 85 changes

    So which conus transponders are on E14 now?
  3. Bountykiller

    3/18/2010 7:01am - Uplink Activity Report - 68 changes

    July... no good... I was looking forward to seeing them soon. Oh well, guess I can wait. Out of interest, why July? Are they waiting on E7 to free up from 119 or something? Seems an odd date after they announced it. Or is it a licensing issue for the other TP's ?
  4. Bountykiller

    3/18/2010 7:01am - Uplink Activity Report - 68 changes

    How come the HD hasnt moved to 72.7 yet? ;0 Why are they uplinking HD to 77 still or is this now going to hold all the HD for EA ?!?! Should we expect in the 3rd move to see all the HD move/mirrored?
  5. Bountykiller

    3/3/2010 1:51pm - Uplink Activity Report - 97 changes

    I wonder what they will do with 77... it doesnt make sense to load it with conus locals... i wonder if they will put E7 there when 119 is replaced? Also, why are they not mirroring the 61.5 HD to 72.7 yet? :) I thought this would occur "soon."
  6. Bountykiller

    5/8/2009 9:04am - Uplink Activity Report - 21 changes

    OMG.. Go dish go (havent said this in a while) now what to complain about. ERR IFC's?! We want more HD!! ;0 LOL
  7. Bountykiller

    4/8/2009 1:10pm - Uplink Activity Report - 93 changes - STILL NOT VIACOM

    Chuck You Suck, CHuck you Suck... start the chant boys...! ;0 Wheres my viacom HD!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Bountykiller

    2/9/2009 2:12am - Uplink Activity Report - 35 changes

    LOL - Yes but as dead as this bird is - I am willing to bet it will be moved. Expect an FCC filing soon...! It maye shore up E3 @ 61.5 soon the way dish works! two dead birds = one useful one - Maybe ;0 LOL
  9. Bountykiller

    1/28/2009 12:07pm Uplink Activity Report - 1 change

    Scott - any rumors yet on how "soon" we may see more Dish HD.. They have been quite slack of late...! All this money and it seems like nothing changes ;0 I tell you I want to dump my SD soon. When viacom goes HD SD is doen for me... ;0 Any rumblings on when this will happen?
  10. Bountykiller

    1/28/2009 12:07pm Uplink Activity Report - 1 change

    That's not the only change today ;0 Will be more later i'm sure ;0 LOL
  11. Bountykiller

    Uplink Activity Report - 1/14/2009 1:02am - 418 changes

    I am not liking the LA HD Locals all going spot!!! :( Time to Move again!!!!!! Damnit!
  12. Bountykiller

    Uplink Report 1-7-9 1 AM ET Transponder Change

    It means less forward error correction. FEC... 7/8 means they push less ability for a failed data stream to correct itself hence if it arrives on the other end faulty theres less error bits in the stream for fixing the fault and the signal will be affected (pixelated or otherwise just not there...
  13. Bountykiller

    Uplink Activity Report - 8/20/2008 6:07pm - 531 changes

    Damn ;0 That's no fun! ;0 I guess you don't get one of these until you let them know you have done a repoint. Those punks....!
  14. Bountykiller

    Uplink Activity Report - 8/20/2008 6:07pm - 531 changes

    Scott, you need a special smartcard to get eastern arc? Even on a 622 or 722? Can I not simply repoint to them (forgetting that the dish is different of course) -B
  15. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 5/22/2008 4:09pm - 49 changes

    Hot damn... this is better than porn!!! 20 more HD.. Wait.. imagine if they were 20 porn HD's!!! ;0 Giddyup! ;0 hah All jokes aside, I am loving that charlie has come back to life now and kicked DirecTV in the @ss!!!!! ;0
  16. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 5/7/2008 1:37pm - 122 changes

    Awesome... even if the only one I want is Bravo HD, this is great news!!! Scott, is there any word on when Spike HD will come to dish? I watch a ton of Voyager and star trek, I would love for that to be HD! Any clues on that channel?
  17. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 4/9/2008 1:00pm - 178 changes

    They actually fired up the old DSS bird at 72.5 already? I thought they were waiting for Nimiq 4 to make it up first? Interesting... that footprint will suck badly. I don't see how that clunker can hit canada and the us plus hawaii, alaska and the carribean at once....
  18. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 4/9/2008 1:00pm - 178 changes

    Looks like NYC HD local movers got screwed ;0 Seems like they went spot on us. -B
  19. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 3/12/2008 12:15pm - 143 changes

    It's never coming ;0 Charlie is the worst type of tease feeding us false hope and all like he did on Monday ;0 hah! ;0
  20. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 3/5/2008 8:08pm - 43 changes

    So once you have a TID in the 100's range, that means that there is spot activity on that physical transponder I am assuming? I see that you reference combo type transponders, these must be purely virtual I would assume? Conus and Spot dont mix by their very nature? They must simply be running...
  21. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 3/5/2008 12:40pm - 48 changes

    Digi, I am one. This weekend I will repoint my dish to 61.5 and report. I am interested now as I have been using 129 for a very long time (which is quite fine on a 6 foot dish) but as the ARC becomes reality, I will most certainly want to be on that versus 129 assuming that I can get decent...
  22. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 3/5/2008 12:40pm - 48 changes

    Digi, what transponders are coming from Rainbow 1 and whats coming from E3 these days?
  23. Bountykiller

    DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 2/27/2008 2:45pm - 50 changes

    Yawn Dishnetwork... Yawn... ;( Give us some HD! :(