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  1. F

    Ran - Kurosawa film - PG guide bad?

    Every time I see that this is on - It isn't. Does anyone know if the PG guide is wrong and that it is really is airing, but at a different time? Id' like to see it in HD.
  2. F

    Great Idea! Kung Fu In Hd

    Voom should buy a whole bunch of Asian kung fu flicks and start a HD channel of just those flicks in HD! I'm a genius - where's my check? (They could drop one of their other movie channels)
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    Espn-HD: College Football : Penn State at Wisconsin 6pm EST

    stop stealing Just to make it clear: The "U" is a phrase that's getting used a bit too much by copycats out there. This could be misconstrued. The true university that the phrase comes from is the University of Virginia. Those are the folks who for many many years have referred to it as...
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    Gavel to Gavel Democratic Convention on InVoom (999) 7/26 at 4pm EST

    hmmmm, technut. I find it interesting that you chose two pictures of prominent african americans with references to "nuts". Is there anything else you'd like to add?
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    Gavel to Gavel Democratic Convention on InVoom (999) 7/26 at 4pm EST

    It was nice to be able to watch it in it's entirety without the pundits interrupting constantly. Jimmy Carter was awesome! If you're a political junkie like myself, this is really great to be able to watch it HD. It does look really good. Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter should be taken out...
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    Gavel to Gavel Democratic Convention on InVoom (999) 7/26 at 4pm EST

    NHK is providing the HD feed NHK will be providing the satellite feed. Anyone can run the signal. You don't have to buy the "rights" for a political convention. They have what they call a pool feed. That way, every single network doesn't have to put their own cameras in. Of course, the big guys...
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    Ok, Shaq is in the eastern conference. I will say this now: Voom MUST have Comcast Sportsnet by November or I will have to SERIOUSLY consider going back to Comcast. I am an admitted Wizards fan and they should be better. I rarely miss a game. When are the regionals coming? Do we even know if...
  8. F

    HDNet Movies vs. Voom's Cinema Channels

    I disagree. Most movies on Voom look pretty damn good. I can tell that they use less compression on their movie transmissions than on their HD exclusives. (especially Equator HD) I rarely, if ever see artifacts on their movie channels. One of the issues they have is that the quality of...
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    CSR info - 6/29

    Equator HD isn't one of Vooms' bright spots. The programming is probably its best. But, there is a slight pixelization that is always there. Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty good. But their news channel has the sharpest picture of all the channels.
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    Salem's Lot on TNT-HD 6/20 - 6/21 8pm EST (Part 2 tonight)

    Yeah, it happened a couple of times at one particular point. I think the priest was in the scene. But, I didn't turn the channel to see if it was TNT or the satellite.
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    Salem's Lot on TNT-HD 6/20 - 6/21 8pm EST (Part 2 tonight)

    TNT's stretch mode Why are Stephen King movies better as TV movies then as theatrical releases? Anyone seen "It". That was a good one. The spider looked kinda cheesy, but it was still pretty good. It also makes me wanna go back and rent the original "Salem's Lot" with David Soul. TNT's...
  12. F

    Comcast Sportsnet Coming?

    Does anyone know if voom will be adding regional sports networks to their line-up. I'd really like to see the Wizards and Orioles games in HD. Just signed up yesterday. I decided to switch because there just wasn't any reason to keep paying for cable and having to pay extra for HD. I hope...