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  1. T

    The DVR info we DIDN'T get

    Please allow self installs VOOM LOL - could you imagine the bitching from the installers "WTH we have to install more than 1 cable"......... The bitching I have heard from the installers is hilarious, the argument went soething along the lines of " Directtv pays me a little more and i dont...
  2. T

    DVR coming Soon at a reasonable Price?

    VOOM statement regarding thier compitition.. This is the exact reason Im with voom so my statement to VOOM CRAP or get off the pot !! :yikes if you cannot deliver a HDDVR, cut a deal with TIVO,Bastadize a cable HDDVR box,let another company buy you out, DO something hopefully VOOM...
  3. T

    DVD Recorders: Who's using them with Voom?

    im using a Phillips DVDR-75 , hooked up via composite and s-video, I get good quality burning in 2 hr mode. very reliable have used it for 4 months, recording by composite i have to kick down the red button on the stb to i think 480i (i think), i usually just use the s-video ( no messin with...
  4. T

    When will VOOM's DVR finally hit the streets?

    Ive been a good boy all year my faith is on santa to bring my HD-DVR @party
  5. T

    Voom announces intent to introduce a HD DVR in the summer

    maybe there was some mis-communication and the release date was supposed to be SUMMER 2006 :(
  6. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    hey mizee, has your companies unicorn made it too production, or is it still a prototype? Has your product been shiped to sean and when can we expect the Bedawins to deliver ? How long as your co. been is biz ? just curious ? I have never known the USPS to take a month to ship my...
  7. T

    Voom Dvr

    any thoughts on this being the hardware that we have been waiting for? 2 wire media portal
  8. T

    Voom Dvr

    dvd RECORDER im using a Philips DVDR75 Progressive-Scan DVD Player/Recorder ON SALE ! it makes good DVD's with VOOM, Im planning to add tivo to the mix as soon as it arrives. anybody recording voom to a seperate tivo then to a DVD burner, hows pic quality?
  9. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    Mizee for Pres. im startin to wonder? hmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. T

    Voom Dvr

    man when that reporter said voom is like crack he wasnt kidding, Im on the phone like a crack head with the CSR, " u got it?, i got $$$, cmon, give up the rock,...plzz..." the hell with it i, not getting exciting over it again. im going to circuit city buyin a HDTV for my bedroom and maybe a...
  11. T

    Voom Dvr

    Csr supervisor (washingtoncall center)Maria Ocha said THERE IS NO LIST... and they said DVR is no where being close to being released... Find out CSR"S name and call center we would all like to join .....
  12. T

    Voom Dvr

    she said no signuo on this page...voom site at the keep me posted at the bottom of the page....lolI asked to talk with a supervisor,
  13. T

    Voom Dvr

    on the phone with them now, csr said the list for dvr is online
  14. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    good to know that you didnt disappear, We are looking forward to the review.
  15. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    have we heard again from these folks,??? or is the STB still in the mail.... hell time-life ships my wife wanted one just to record (CBS) cold case till she read the dvd wouldnt play in all DVD players.
  16. T

    VOOM pvr/dvr

    oh yeah that clip will do the trick at least i can show her "PROOF" that something is being done by voom on this. Thanks Ilya
  17. T

    VOOM pvr/dvr

    Wife has been bugging about the PVR, since its launch date has been put off. I was wondering if anyone has some pic's of the mysterious box. I think if i could buy myself a couple of months if i had some screen shots. I will post the only pic i have found. Her suggestion was switch back to...
  18. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    has sean or scott or wasch been contacted? anyone heard from Mizee? LOL, I would like to hear about the test results. MR<C
  19. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    cant we all build this HD DVRmachine ourselfs with a HD video capture card like this Ram Video card and a DVD burner to acheive ???
  20. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    Yeah put your $ where your mouth is, the SPAM thread you started has been veiwed almost 900 times, (good advertising for free) Let some experts review your HD recorder. MR.C Free wifi hotspot in San Antonio
  21. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    kinda pricy. click here to buy some . I think i will stick with my SD DVD recording (archiving)phillips dvdr75 It has 1394 input(hopefully the VOOM DVR will be 1394compatible) MR. C $1200 for recording HD local programming is NUTS..l0l..imo good to see there are some home shops...
  22. T

    Found new HD DVR!!!

    $1,299 only ouch, and will it only do Free local OTA? for that price it better do the pay channels too