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  1. Bountykiller

    Lost signal all of a sudden on Trans. 1 Nimiq 2 Expressvu

    Man.. you guys with the small dishes are too spoon fed.... TO INCREASE SIGNAL GET A LARGER DISH...!!!! GO until you get signal. For me on the OTHER bird, even a 6 foot cant get much of it (N1 or N2) The Crapelites are better for me where I am. But in the satt world a bigger dish, more efficient...
  2. Bountykiller

    Lost signal all of a sudden on Trans. 1 Nimiq 2 Expressvu

    Can you guys say your general location? Where abouts are people being affected? I assume not in Canada? Have they possibly put more up on the old DSS birds? Maybe Nimiq 2 is not doing so well! :) I tell you, they certainly didn't plan that fleet well at ALLLLL. They def need more than they have...
  3. Bountykiller

    Lost signal all of a sudden on Trans. 1 Nimiq 2 Expressvu

    Was this an expected issue? Weren't they doing a temporary move the other day then movign stuff back? Does anyone know exactly whats going on ;0 -B
  4. Bountykiller

    Expressvu HD Channels Back on in Southern Cal

    Expressvu is pathetic these days ;0 I love their service but they are trying to get by with total garbage satellites... ;0 Why dont they lease some decent birds like charlie does. some of the AMC ones etc? Why keep messing with these crappy ones Directv owns...! ;0 -B
  5. Bountykiller

    Lost Channels - Transponders with no signal

    Rossb. Yeah.. a BUD is needed where i am too. 2.4 m as well. Same deal, Nimiq 1 is horrid signal for us here and the old us ones due to being pushed northward put us in what was floridas section of the footprint.... perfect signal and you could get it on an 18 incher here. Nimiq 1 though, not so...
  6. Bountykiller

    Lost Channels - Transponders with no signal

    So nimiq 1 is running everything else now that is it @ 91 outside of transponders 4, 8, 10, 12, 18, 22, 24 and 26? -B
  7. Bountykiller

    Lost Channels - Transponders with no signal

    Can someone please state what exactly is now on Nimiq 4 and whats now on Nimiq1 (transponder wise)...? Notably, it isnt that the birds are old so much.. it's more that the footprint was designed for the US. It is shaped accordingly. -B
  8. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 5

    Thought this might be of interest to people. Nimiq 5 is coming soon. Will be put at 72.5 apparently. Again purely for BEV. -B
  9. Bountykiller

    is it just me or my tv

    Digiblur, Which ones are 1080i or higher on xvu these days? -B
  10. Bountykiller

    Bell ExpressVU Uplink Report - 12/04/2006 (Big shuffle on 82W)

    Do you know if anyone is giving these updates to Lyngsat? Right now, I find lyngsat to be out of date. Anyways, just a thought! ;0 -B
  11. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 2 Signal Strength in Southern US

    So... like i said ;0 A bigger dish and a better lnb... surprise surprise ;0 heh ;0 I am willing to bet that if digiblur went to a 4 footer he would be more than fine on all of them, even the missing ones. -B
  12. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 2 Signal Strength in Southern US

    Hey guys, does anyone have something more up to date than lyngsat to see whats at 82 right now and on what transponder?! Whats on Tr # 31 & 29? -B
  13. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 2 Signal Strength in Southern US

    Well, I am not in the same location as you at all (not even close). For me i love the borrowed directv birds!!! ;0 I get them on the fringe at FULL strength. an 18 Inch dish would pick them up just fine and no other satellite is like that for me (i am not even in North america (and no not mexico...
  14. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 2 Signal Strength in Southern US

    HDTVFanatic, I do use the invacopm lnb ;0 Im not sure what your intention was taking a poke there but ok.. ;0 When you are far enough out, even LNB's etc dont help as much as is needed. In my instance to get Nimiq1 and Nimiq2 reception (not nimiq3 or nimiq4i) i do in fact...
  15. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 2 Signal Strength in Southern US

    Angiodan, I agree. There is a threshold point where there is no usable signal, but I dont believe that you are in it that badly that a 4 or 6 footer would not help. Clayface1000, Do you have a good signal meter? when you put a new lnb on, you also need...
  16. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 2 Signal Strength in Southern US

    I'm willing to bet you can... I cant say my location, but i can tell you that im much further than you guys from it and i can get it... ;0 Also to the guy asking about improvement with the invacom lnb.. it is very noticable. for me on the fringe i get stuff that the regular one can not at all...
  17. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 2 Signal Strength in Southern US

    heheh welcome to life on the fringe boys ;0 It's pretty simple.... get a REAL dish... when your on ther fringe those tin can 18'inchers wont cut it... I use 6 or 8 footers where I am. sucks to have a BUD or three in your yard, but hey, if you want TV and you arent where you should be to legally...
  18. Bountykiller

    SW44 with 4 HF Splitters

    Ah, good stuff! ;0 -Bounty
  19. Bountykiller

    SW44 with 4 HF Splitters

    Iceberg, Does BEV recognize DP34's and DPP44's? Is it just some DPP stuff or all? I know DP34 is not DPP. I am wondering If i cant use these though as i have two spares of them and would like to avoid buying another dpp44 if possible, but if i have to, what the heck ;0
  20. Bountykiller

    Nimiq 4/Possible Dish/Vu 1000 Updates for HD!

    Heh, i wish they would put something new at 91 too... The borrowed DSS ones are great for me signal wise (I am on the fringe). But Nimiq1, forget it! ;0 I get some of it, but I would need an 8 footer to get the lot! I wish that both directv satts would go to 119 or a new one, Nimiq 5 ;0
  21. Bountykiller

    Loss of BEV HD Channels

    Having been on the fringe of EVERY single beam out there where i have lived most of my life, I can tell you guys are simply just experiencing life on the edge so to speak ;0 A larger dish will always cure your woes. Diff satts have diff footprints. As they move to diff loations, the...