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  1. T

    It's over for me

    When someone's 1st post is VOOM positive it's "Welcome To VOOM!" When someone's 1st post is VOOM negative it's "Troll Alert!"
  2. T

    Proof VOOM lies!!!!!!

    If I recall noone on this board could ever figure out what VOOM was doing with a couple of FSN HD feeds out of Ohio and Florida back during the end of this last MLB season. Some people got it, others didn't and it didn't seem to be based on location. How confusing is that?
  3. T

    Voom is great, but moving to e*

    Wow... The Wall just stated his opinion (in a non-inflamatory way) and got slammed even before the usual "welcome to the forum" post.
  4. T

    Voom is great, but moving to e*

    Exactly the response (including the expletive) I expected from andrzej . I think Mrs. VOOM must be his mom.
  5. T

    Once Again NO SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    True but FreddyvsJasonvsAsh's neighbor w/DISH is not losing his signal. VOOM is not anywhere to close today to E* and D* in signal reliability.
  6. T

    THIS is how Movies SHOULD look on VOOM

    I seem to recall DarrellP trying Wilt about a zillion times on these boards.
  7. T

    Anyone else quiting when the new prices kick in?

    Comcast just turned on On-Demand in my area. With it comes HD PPV. Choices are pretty limited but at least it's a start. I can say that my stb hasn't lock up because of this upgrade and I use a PIN! VOOM will forever stay at release 6.20 I'm convinced.
  8. T

    Voom Sink or Swim

    SonicRob's annoying writing style and wacky responses make me think he's someones 1st attempt at a computer-generated poster. Receiving a digital signal vs an analog signal OTA is like comparing apples to oranges.
  9. T

    Promises promises

    So exactly what is the policy of ex VOOMERs when it comes to posting here? If not allowed, then just update your Posting Rules and Guidelines. Maybe the reason for "all the whining" by SO MANY is because the negativity far outweighs the positivity??????
  10. T

    Promises promises

    Ah the voice of the most infamous VOOM moderator ... what else would you expect at the home of the internet's largest VOOM forum. (even though VOOM announces a DECREASE OF ALMOST 28% in subs just since June!!!)
  11. T

    Does Voom need to hire a Rocket Scientist....

    You'll probably get fried for starting a new thread on this tired subject...
  12. T

    Promises promises

    DVR as a Christmas present??? Based on what??? Forever the optimist. 6.20 might have been the most stable release for some. I had just as many lockups with it. Didn't 6.20 come out back out late July or Early Aug? And now it's mid Nov and all they had since was a recall of the last...
  13. T

    Voom acting screwy on election day

    1 to 2 minutes!!! That's an eternity when just staring at the tv. I guess you'll just have to watch your shows like a woman (and never change the channel) I'll never gripe again on the 10 second channel changes at Comcast.
  14. T

    Voom turned my service off

    Do all you can to avoid giving them your cc #. You'll live to regret it if you cave in. After all was said and done with my CC fiasco caused by Voom (which caused me to cancel my CC), Voom decided I was due a measly $11.25 refund. I have since learned that a CREDIT can be applied to a CC...
  15. T

    IS Voom is a Fair Weather HD Satatlite System?

    Hello MR. Voom... Anyone There??? Start installing 24" dishes as the DEFAULT.
  16. T

    Best Thing About Dropping VOOM

    Funny how one is always immediately deemed to "have an agenda" if the thread is negative towards Voom. Anyway, watching the World Series with an HD-DVR is even more glorious.
  17. T

    Bye, Bye Voom

    Now comes the really fun part.... Closing your VOOM account. Good Luck.
  18. T

    Mark Cuban mentions VOOM in CNET article
  19. T

    VOOM Start-Up Kit At Sears

    There's a VOOM Start-Up Kit selling at Sears for $49.99. The kit itself says absolutely nothing about what you are getting for that money. There's also a VOOM flyer and on the back page it mentions very little about it. All it says is... "Get a VOOM Start-Up Kit for just $49.99 and pay...
  20. T

    Voom Billing Strikes Again!

    The monkey in charge of their PG must also be in charge of their billing dept. Mr. Voom really needs to have a long talk w/him. It's costing him dearly. He must not have been monitoring this forum for the last YEAR.
  21. T

    I farted, now I'm leaving Voom...

    Looks like SatelliteGuys.US has just sunk to a new low by allowing this thread to remain open.
  22. T

    My VOOMing is about to come to the end.

    Saying Something That Questions The Greatness Of VOOM = Adds Nothing To The Discusssion at the Internets Largest VOOM Forum. I now understand. Thanks!
  23. T

    My VOOMing is about to come to the end.

    I didn't realize this was "personal" thread since it was posted for ALL to see. Maybe you should start using a neat utility called "Send A Private Message To..." if you don't want anyone to respond that doesn't see things your way.
  24. T

    My VOOMing is about to come to the end.

    He doesn't need to qualify anything. That was just an expression of frustration can't you tell. He's fed up (with some of the same problems many former VOOMers also experienced) so leave him alone.
  25. T

    Unfortunately Leaving Voom...

    I Know NO COMPANY IS PERFECT... But yet another VOOM shady accounting practice... who would have guessed??