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  1. B

    2015-16 NCAA Basketball season

    Starting to see more UK apparel being worn around here which means they are starting to win.Over half the people here are formerly from Kentucky so its nice to see the Cats starting to Put it together finally,I agree the Big Test is Playing Kansas later today...
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    NHL 2015-16 Season

    Yeah Comcast Chicago showed it like 5 times on their sportscentral program.Wideman Took him out like he was a Predators player and he did it right in front of the Preds Bench....
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    Rams Are Going Back To LA

    I totally agree with you Salsa..Theres Nothing worse for the Fans when a Team relocates to another city.I am not a fan of the Rams move to Los Angeles and I was a totally Devastated Cleveland Browns fan when Art Modell moved them to Baltimore...I can always hope that San Antonio could get an...
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    Rams Are Going Back To LA

    I would say that South/Southwest Texas is about 80% Cowboys and 20% Texans,So Jerry would no doubt Hate a new Team in San Antonio.I would love to see a Third team in Texas and S.A definately has the Population to support an NFL Team.
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    MLB Hot Stove League 2015-16

    After a Horrible Season for the Tigers,I welcome this Move and Love it.Gotta Get back to the way they used to be and thats to Dominate the Division.Everybody thought the Indians would be better last season,even some picked them to make it to the Series,This will definately help them big time...
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    Rams Are Going Back To LA

    I Think the Jaguars would be an Excellent Choice to go to St.Louis.It seems like they have No Fan base anymore down there and yeah Nobody would cry about them Leaving...St.Louis still needs to go through with their New Stadium plans though,I have seen Pics of the New Stadium sitting right there...
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    NFL Play-Offs 2015-16

    I agree Ice...Some People Take Sports Far Far too Seriously,just like the Youtube Videos of People Destroying their Flat Screen TV's when a Field goal is Missed or a Dropped Touchdown pass,Thats Insane and the worst are the Death Threats.I mean did any of those Fools see walsh after the game? He...
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    Rams Are Going Back To LA

    Sad Day for St.Louis..I used to be a Big fan of the Greatest Show on Turf..From what I have heard,the Rams Owner is a Complete and Total Jackass so the City is probably Better off without him.He Turned his back on His Home State...
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    NFL Play-Offs 2015-16

    Yeah Ice...Listening to Paul Allen shout out that the Vikings Season CANT end on that Missed Field Goal was tough to listen to,especially listening to the Glee from the Seattle Guys,Warren Moon seems to almost predict the Miss just a minute before it Happens.No Season should end that way and I...
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    MLB Hot Stove League 2015-16

    You got it Jimbo...The Usual Slap on the Wrist for the Cardinals...
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    NFL Play-Offs 2015-16

    Probably the Worst Opening Weekend of Playoffs I Have ever had.Every Team I rooted for Lost (0-4). Vikings losing that game was Horrible and I feel for Walsh.Got a Listen to Both Vikings and Seahawks Radio calls on the missed Field Goal and one sentence was shouted out by both Radio teams..."Are...
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    MLB Hot Stove League 2015-16

    I hope Any team can stick it to the Cardinals.I know Jason Heyward just did lol :)
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    2015 NCAA football discussion thread

    Any Oklahoma Sooner fans here? :)
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    NBA 2015-16 Season

    Being a Cavs fan for 32 years,I would like to see the Warriors break The Bulls streak too...
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    Pete Rose

    Sad day here in Reds Country :(
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    Maybe "Heater" ? Lol...
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    NBA 2015-16 Season

    Very surprised that it was the Bucks that knocked them off.I know the Indianapolis stations were hyping the Pacers- Warriors matchup like it was the Finals,probably thinking it would be the Pacers to give them their first Loss...
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    Cavs fan since 1983.Rest in Peace Hot Rod....