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  1. Van

    Been away for a long time, dropped in to say hi and chat a bit

    I figure that most if not nearly all that are active now weren't around when I first joined the site though I am friends with an old member off the site. I first joined when the site was new and I was an inhouse installer for Dish back when it was a single lnbf and receiver setup and you would...
  2. Van

    Do you share a birthday with anybody famous?

    Dr. Dre John Travolta Vanna White Qin Shi Huang Yoko Ono Park Shin-Hye Molly Ringwold Enzo Ferrari J-Hope Toni Morrison Matt Dillion Jack Palance Cybill Shepherd Mary I or Bloody Mary Levon Bell George Kennedy Honestly the list is considerably long though most are not well known and are...
  3. Van

    The last year and a half

    Gotta keep the mystery going ya know.
  4. Van

    The last year and a half

    I've had allot going on over the last year and a half which has kept me busy and focused away from my normal leisure activities including coming around here to cause a little trouble. Work has taken up allot of my time due to every day being a challenge in having to learn how to do something...
  5. Van

    Anyone in LA good with cars?

    Ok she lives in Koreatown and works in Hollywood and can get over to places like Silverlake Melrose and West Hollywood. As a side note she is also looking for an additional part time job. She has an extensive customer service resume as well as being a Jill of most trades including music.
  6. Van

    Anyone in LA good with cars?

    Working on the location now. Francesca seems pretty knowledgeable about cars but she sold off her tools along with other items to make the move to LA and the way the issue happens has me leaning towards a faulty radiator cap seal or a failing electric fan.
  7. Van

    Anyone in LA good with cars?

    I have a friend who just moved out to LA and she is having a problem with her car overheating intermittently despite having been topped off with coolant. Since I'm on the other side of the country I can't do anything more than guess but if anyone here lives there and has some time to help out a...
  8. Van

    Back a kickstarter project

    I have a friend with a kickstarter project to get her debut album going. She recently did work on Disney's Lemonade mouth and has a great voice and I'd like to help her with this project. With %88 funding reached and 8 days to go its almost down to the wire so please take a few minutes to look...
  9. Van

    Kitchen floor tile job

    Gotta redo all the floors in the house including the sunken living room which I'm considering filling with cement to bring it up 6 inches ( seriously who puts a sunken floor in a category 1 flood zone? ). It wont affect any doors and the drywall has to be redone anyways and the fireplace hearth...
  10. Van

    Still around

    I'm still kicking around just haven't been around here lately because I've had a greater focus on work related web sites and car related ones for a car I bought earlier this year. I should be back towards the end of summer more after I finish up the training program that I'm in at work right...
  11. Van

    Now wait just one doggone minute! This isn't right! Maker of diet water, there are other various forms out there and this was introduced in 2005 along with another that has a natural ingredient called citromax that curbs appetite. Realistically though if you drink two glasses of...
  12. Van

    Car DC port not working..Need Advice!

    Outlet receptacles usually use a 20amp fuse and the fuse box cover should list it as receptacle/radio or accessory while older vehicles will list it some times as cigarette or cigarette lighter. Since your radio is out along with the outlets I would hazard that both are on the same fuse so find...
  13. Van

    Cars Cars Cars

    Just got myself a spiffy 2001 VW jetta VR6 sport wagon with a nice set of 17's and hot black on black colors.
  14. Van

    No car subforum?

    Actually I think it does warrant a sub forum for vehicles in general considering the ever important role that vehicles of all types play in most every movie ever made whether it be a roman chariot or a wooden schooner or 70 cuda.
  15. Van

    B12 Injection... Anyone familiar?

    Look into b12 rich foods as well, I have low vitamin d levels so I'm taking 800 units a day to get them back up.
  16. Van

    classic laughs

    YouTube - NERDS laughing YouTube - Revenge of the Nerds- Toyota is South Korean YouTube - Revenge of the Nerds Music Video And the best YouTube - the Belching Contest
  17. Van

    You could have heard a pin drop

    It couldn't be any easier to see who the dunce in the world is.
  18. Van

    Cities with the Worst Rush Hours

    Surprised that Miami isn't in the list as well as the multiplex that is Norfolk/Newport News/ Hampton/ Virginia Beach/ Suffolk/ Chesapeake.
  19. Van

    More and More Commercials

    Doesn't bother me anymore thanks to prozac.
  20. Van

    MGM Going Bankrupt. James Bond And THE HOBBIT In Trouble

    I like the new bond and the restructured stories so far because they're considerably darker and more realistic. I watched one of Roger Moores bond films the other day and it was like watching a badly acted grade school rendition of Buckaroo Bonzai.
  21. Van

    Heathkit fans

    That site tends to have at least 2 kits a week on there.
  22. Van

    Uncle Earl stopping over late

    Well this is as about as exciting as it all got. This is from the same area that I posted pics of from last November when the barge was grounded. What sand that was lost this time was superficial for the most part other than about 20ft or so washed away. The pier took no damage that I could...
  23. Van

    Storm chaser live feed

    Looking allot better than I had hoped this morning even with 2 hours of sleep out of 24.
  24. Van

    Storm chaser live feed

    Rains finally coming in but its mild.
  25. Van

    Storm chaser live feed

    Winds have picked up a bit more but still no rain as the last rain band broke up somewhat but the next to come in is the main body.