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  1. SandFarmer

    What are you Watching?

    "The Boys" now "Obliterated"
  2. SandFarmer

    Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

    That was Genius! That's when I noticed he does look like his dad with his mother's coloring. Sent from my S61Pro using Tapatalk
  3. SandFarmer

    Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

    Russells' son sounds just like him, but looks more like Goldie.
  4. SandFarmer

    Good Omens 2 (Amazon)

    I'm lovn' it! Even better than the first season.
  5. SandFarmer

    Isaac Asimov's Foundation (Apple TV+)

    "I Love It!" The style and execution is "Genius!" Although in High School I failed Science Fiction Liturature because I told my teacher, Bob, I didn't like the Trilogy we had to read. I didn't know it was his favorite books. Had to go to Summer School. Sent from my S61Pro using Tapatalk
  6. SandFarmer

    Hijack...Apple TV+

    They're being back a lot of bands. Dr Who/Torchwood Picard/Next Generation The episode that shows how Cap't Jack Harkness got his name, made me cry. Nobody writes 'em like the Brits!
  7. SandFarmer

    Hijack...Apple TV+

    "Captain Jack!"
  8. SandFarmer

    Hijack...Apple TV+

    Either him or Tom Hiddleston. I always knew. But after seeing him in the "Night Manager". "Confirmed." "I LOVE THESE GUYS!"
  9. SandFarmer

    Isaac Asimov's Foundation (Apple TV+)

    I had issues with continuity. As I am seeing a bit of the same in parts of the series. Assumptions are taken that you "know already". Or, like me, am a SciFi freak, you learn to play along and really pay attention. So this fare is not a "sit back and enjoy the pretty pictures". I have also read...
  10. SandFarmer

    Isaac Asimov's Foundation (Apple TV+)

    It's ironic that I really like this series. I had to read the Trilogy in High School for my Science Fiction Lit class and hated it. Too bad before I stated that, I wish I had known that it was the teachers favorite. Needless to say I had to go to Summer School that year.
  11. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    That was one of the main reasons that Orville moved to Hulu or was looking for a Streaming Service so that MacFarlane was not constrained by network "time slot" restrictions to effectively convey a complete and not adjusted storyline to meet the time alloted. If an episode takes 42 minutes, so...
  12. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    I thought he came back after a "little come to Jesus" and "they" gave him back his control over the necessary running time he felt each episode needed? Didn't the article mention various timelines?
  13. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    "It's all about "Negative Space"! "What's not there is what intrigues the mind." Speaking of, I need a little "negative space" myself . . .
  14. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    Being on Hulu it's supposedly able to be more "adult" oriented. Looks like they're gettin' a good start. ORVILLE the Blue Universe.
  15. SandFarmer

    What are you Watching?

    The Program Guide.
  16. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    Not his... The Orville - Wikipedia Sent from my SM-T290 using Tapatalk
  17. SandFarmer

    War of the Worlds - EPIX

    I got really interested, love art, when they had a free preview. Got 3-4 Episodes and that was it. I had set a Timer that was a Seek and so whenever it comes on I get more, I now have 15 Eps. Many dups. I haven't watched it yet because the first movie back in the 50s-60s scared the hell out of...
  18. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    You're right that it's subjective. But there were a lot compared to what I have experienced with other programs under the same implications. Like "Dead Class" and "Happy". But then that's NBC's and Foxes . . .
  19. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    So, um . . . did it say with "Limited Commercials" or was that my imagination?! I swear that every time you took a breath there was a commercial . . . Otherwise, I loved it and yes there needs to be a Season 3, 4 ,5, 6 . . . I have read that it was feared that this "attempt" would be "more...
  20. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

  21. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    Oh language has been popping up all over and in the most surprising places and times. Then it disappears. It seems to be "seasonal". I agree with getting crap, but then MacFarlane tends to go that way . . . mucking things up when they are going good. If the promo is any indication as to what's...
  22. SandFarmer

    The Orville on Hulu

    I liked it. But I like all that stuff, have since the premier of the original Star Trek. I was a Trekkie long before the show premiered. Had the Spock haircut off the Enterprise model box that Dad got as a promo being a NASA Rocket Scientist. TV Ratings: 'The Orville' Returns Ahead of Season 1