It's Amazon that should be sued! That awful company is just getting more and more invasive, still no where near as bad as Google, but they're getting there. Crap like this should be Opt In, not Opt Out. Another intentional BS move pulled by big tech to further control your life.
If you are having second thoughts about having spying speakers in your home, then throw them away. Last year in an effort to remove Google and Amazon from my life, I got rid of all of my spying speakers. Don't miss them at all. Now I actually have to *gasp* make an effort to turn on a light, after the novelty wore off I hardly even used the stupid things. Canceled Prime , canceled Audible, got rid of my Echo Plus and Echo Dot, haven't purchased a thing on Amazon in over a year. Life is great!
Big tech needs a wake up call. They need to remember they answer to US, we DON'T answer to those bloodsuckers
F - Facebook, Ashamed to say I had an account for six months in 2009 and then realized Facebook is the stupidest thing ever created, removed account in 2009
A - Apple, Proudly haven't owned an Apple device since 2010, Shamefully I did own three prior to that
A - Amazon, Dumped in April 2020, Amazon Free is the way to be
N - Netflix, had it early on in the DVD my mail days, never really paid for the streaming, came included with T-Mobile, when they no longer ate the full cost I opted out, Netflix isn't even worth $2 to me
G - Google, trying like hell to stop using things by this company, I can't wait until the day I can say I'm free of Google
Remove those six companies from your life and you will be happier, I know I am. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything by not being on Fakebook for the past 12 years. I don't feel like I need to be trendy and superficial by owning a device with a shiny fruit on the back. I don't need instant gratification, I can order the samething from other places if that means I don't shop on Amazon and wait a few extra days. Never really understood what was so special about Netflix, they have no 'must see' content, and they keep losing more and more as big media launches their own streaming services. Google, well they are just pure evil. A data mining company that offers you 'free' services that you pay for with your privacy.
Unless you are under the age of 20, you've lived without most of these companies in your life, and you can do it again.