What do you think? Oakland voters approve marijuana tax

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Hugo M Garcia

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 12, 2006
Sun Valley CA
Oakland voters approve marijuana tax

It is the first US city to assess such a tax, which could raise almost $300,000 in revenue next year. Opponents of the measure say it opens the door to more crime and heavier drug use.

Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday became the first city in the US to assess a tax on marijuana.

State and national advocates of the tax say the victory is a significant turning point in the history of cannabis use, paving the way for taxation in other communities and states and establishing more social acceptance of marijuana use.

Opponents say an irreversible threshold has been crossed, opening the door to more crime and heavier drug use.

By a wide margin of 80 percent to 20 percent, Oakland voters said "yes" to Measure F, which asked: "Shall City of Oakland's business tax, which currently imposes a tax rate of $1.20 per $1,000 on 'cannabis business' gross receipts, be amended to establish a new tax rate of $18 per $1,000 of gross receipts?"

Looks to me like they were already taxing it, just raised the rate by 1500%.

If anything, legalization and regulation should lead to reduced crime and usage, that was pretty much proven by Prohibition.
I wish they'd just legalize it at the federal level. Money could be raised by taxation and money could be saved by less incarceration.......
I wonder if they will sell it in packs of 5, 10, 15, or 20 cigarettes
Or by the oz or by the pound
Or to whom

You live in California, right? :) It's my understanding that they'll only sell it to those individuals with a doctor's prescription....I think they sell it by the ounce, pre-rolled joints, and in baked goods. :)
You live in California, right? :) It's my understanding that they'll only sell it to those individuals with a doctor's prescription....I think they sell it by the ounce, pre-rolled joints, and in baked goods. :)

I think you can also buy the plant and have your own nursery at home.
Is there thought that decriminalizing it might lead to more CA tourism?
The state of CA all ready collects over $15 million dollars a year from cannabis stores in taxes.

Just think how much more the state can bring in if it was legal !! Between the tax money and money saved spent on policing it our deficit could be cut dramatically.
The state of CA all ready collects over $15 million dollars a year from cannabis stores in taxes.

Just think how much more the state can bring in if it was legal !! Between the tax money and money saved spent on policing it our deficit could be cut dramatically.

I think it would bring some people in, but I don't know if the floodgates would be open. :)

Until its legal at the federal level, there's always a risk that the Feds will barge in and bust you. President Obama has stated he will instruct the FBI/DEA to leave medicinal users/suppliers alone in states where its legal...lets hope he keeps his word. Additionally, legally smoking in state X will still cause a failed drug test in state Y.

It's time for the country to accept reality and just legalize it from sea to shining sea. :)
Might be coming.

Odd how I've changed my views on pot over the years. Never did use it, but since it's less harmful than alcohol, it really makes sense to legalize it. And tax it. Cut an income stream to the crooks.
The state of CA all ready collects over $15 million dollars a year from cannabis stores in taxes.

Just think how much more the state can bring in if it was legal !! Between the tax money and money saved spent on policing it our deficit could be cut dramatically.

It's healthier to smoke pot than to smoke tobacco... there's your way to lower health costs!!
If anything, legalization and regulation should lead to reduced crime and usage, that was pretty much proven by Prohibition.
I don't agree on this, visiting any college campus on a regular night should prove it and if thats not enough then go on a home game night. Not only will you find a ton of drunk students you'll find many underage drinkers that are college students and many that are still in high school. Domestic violence is heavily influenced by alcoholism and lets not forget drunk driving and yes there are still people running shine stills today oddly enough.

I will agree that it should be legalized and taxed and regulated so that the authorities can focus on the stuff that actually does real damage like meth or heroine and to prevent it from being laced with something else ( been there done that scared the hell out of me ) but all legalizing it will do besides the above is take the authorities focus away from one problem so that they can focus on another. It's a no win situation legalizing it to give up the fight only to make money and throw a bandaid on the problem by starting a few prevention programs here and there. I've never understood the addictive personality and still don't, I've walked away from cigarettes after starting them because I wanted to, I walked away from alcohol after starting it because I wanted to and I walked away from light recreational pot use after starting it because I wanted to and I walked away from them all because I wanted to and never had a craving or withdrawl's. Find some way to permanently cure the addiction and you'll do away with drugs and alcohol almost completely if not fully.
Legalizing it will not only bring much needed revenue, and save the US millions a year in fighting it, but it will also do one more very important thing.

It will hit organized gangs and the Mexican cartel hard in the pocket book.
Pot is a multi million dollar a year business for these groups. Taking this cash cow away from them will hurt them !!

Besides, I can't think of any better way to stimulate the economy right now.
Just think, with everyone running around with the munchies convenience store and restaurant sales will sky rocket. :D
Legalizing it will not only bring much needed revenue, and save the US millions a year in fighting it, but it will also do one more very important thing.

It will hit organized gangs and the Mexican cartel hard in the pocket book.
Pot is a multi million dollar a year business for these groups. Taking this cash cow away from them will hurt them !!

Besides, I can't think of any better way to stimulate the economy right now.
Just think, with everyone running around with the munchies convenience store and restaurant sales will sky rocket. :D

Don't forget about movie theatres! :)
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