BB@Home Store Exchange Question


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 27, 2012
Tucson, AZ
How the store exchange work. In just signed to BB@Home and wondering how this store exchange work out. I have the 1 disk plan and have a still oped BB store about 5 miles.
As today I have my fisrt movie coming on Wednesday, so if I decide to returned to the store what next? Can I pick up a new one in store o I have to wait for next one to be sent? If they let me take one at store, its this is something that jave a limit? (ex 2 store exchange per month etc) thanks
It works like this. You receive a DVD by mail. Watch it, and go to your BB store. Take the whole thing inside with you and find a new movie to exchange. Take both to the front desk and tell them you want to do an exchange. If you have no store account yet, they will create one in about 60 seconds. You leave with disk #2, watch that one, and then return it to the same store you got it from. (I just drop it off in the slot the next morning.) Then you wait for another shipment by mail.

So, the "unlimited" feature is limited by two things: shipment time to your door and only one exchange/shipped disk. You can't exchange the store disk recursively.
The store will require a credit card. They do not charge anything against the card. It is just in case you drop your membership and do not return the stores disc. I always take my return disc into the store and wait for them to scan its return. I am not as trusting as TheKrell. The store part does work flawlessly. If only the mail order part went so well.
If only the mail order part went so well.

In fact, if DVD and Blue Ray and games are your thing, plus you have a BB store near by, you should check out their store program, called "movie and game pass" It pretty much works the same way as BB@home except is way better. The cost now is universal everywhere at $15 for one out at a time. You can get two accounts for two out at a time and they are billed individually to separate credit cards if you want. Now when you go to the store you can browse and select your disk(s) take it home and watch it and return for exchange the same day if you want. It's unlimited. Practically speaking, watch two a day for a month is 60 disks a month for $30. Now you can pretty much watch all the new releases out on Tuesdays and Fridays that same week. It would take several months to do half that much with BB@Home.
Or, if you're like Jerry and keep a disk out for a couple weeks there is no late charge. Keep it out for your billing cycle a they will bill your CC for the cost of the disk.
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If I was going to drop BB@Home, I would go back to Netflix. Both the disc-by-mail program and the stores have a really crappy selection anymore (we don't rent games). The stores now seem to have more space devoted to selling used discs than they do for movie rentals. A greater selection plus streaming on my Xbox 360 were the reasons why I joined Netflix in the first place. I went with BB when it became part of my Platinium plan (still have Netflix streaming).
It works like this. You receive a DVD by mail. Watch it, and go to your BB store. Take the whole thing inside with you and find a new movie to exchange. Take both to the front desk and tell them you want to do an exchange. If you have no store account yet, they will create one in about 60 seconds. You leave with disk #2, watch that one, and then return it to the same store you got it from. (I just drop it off in the slot the next morning.) Then you wait for another shipment by mail.

So, the "unlimited" feature is limited by two things: shipment time to your door and only one exchange/shipped disk. You can't exchange the store disk recursively.

Just to clarify one thing...your next online movie will not ship until you return the store exchange

More stores closing.

keep getting broken discs

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