Lost episode guide


AKA Stuart628
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 21, 2004
Akron (Cleveland), Oh
Here i will try and give you a breakdown of the episode titles and a little quick hitter about the episode, this thread will grow and I will try and do it in order by replies (meaning each reply is a different episode I will include the season and episode number in the reply and the quick tid bit about that episode, I hope you enjoy and this and please feel free to add your own (in order of course if you would like, i will delete any reply out that isnt needed or in order.) if you have questions or comments about this, please use the episode guide chat thread!
it is located here http://www.satelliteguys.us/lost-fan-forum/171797-lost-episode-guide-chat-thread.html#post1786761

I will be getting alot of my information from the wiki, and link up to the wiki as it gives GREAT detailed information as I didnt memorize the titles of the shows :)

also I will try and do as many episodes as I possibly can in a day (2-3 will probably be it as I do have to moderate here, and still have a job, wife and two kids :).)
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Season One: Episode 1: The pilot

Sept 22, 2004.
Oceanic Flight 815 chartered from sydeny to Los Angeles crashes on a deserted island in the south pacific (it broke into two sections which divide the people up into nose people, and tail people). Their are Strange Sounds coming from the jungle and you actually see trees being knocked over at one point in the episode, but no reason why is given. You meet Jack, Kate and charlie who go to give the distress signal, and also meet for the first time the monster who kills the copilot of the Plane.
Season one:episode 2: The pilot part 2

Sept 29th, 2004

A group of survivors (Kate, Shannon, Boone, Sawyer, Charlie and Sayid) Try to find higher ground so they can send out a signal from their distress signal, only to have another signal Block their way (huh I thought this was a empty island.). Shannon translates the signal which can be heard over the radio, and it is a French woman who says she has been on this island for close to 16 years. Along the way we come upon our first HUH? moment as they kill a polar bear trying to charge them, wait isnt this the tropics?

Flashbacks: Federal marshall asks Jack who is performing surgery on him about Kate, the flashback happens and we see him escorting Kate in Handcuffs
and #2 we see a Charlie flashback of him getting drugs on the plane.
Season one: episode 2: tabula Rasa

October 26th 2004

Jack learns about Kate's past as a fugitive. The signal party returns, but decides not to tell the others about the transmission. Sawyer shoots the marshal, thinking that it will relieve him of his misery. However, this only punctures his lung, so Jack euthanizes him. Flashbacks show Kate's life on an Australian farm, until she is captured by the marshal.

Season one:episode 4:Walkabout

Oct 13th. 2004

The fuselage is burned after it is raided by a group of wild boar. Locke successfully goes hunting for boar. Locke encounters the monster, but he does not tell anyone about this. In flashbacks, it is revealed that he was in a wheelchair before the plane crash and healed after the crash.

Season one: episode 5: White Rabbit

Oct 20th 2004

Boone steals the decreasing water supply in a misguided attempt to help everyone, but the survivors turn on him. A sleep-deprived Jack chases after what appears to be his deceased father in the forests and eventually discovers caves with fresh water. Jack comes to terms with his role as leader. In flashbacks, Jack goes to Australia to retrieve his deceased father.

Season One: episode 6: House of the Rising Sun

Oct 27th 2004

Some of the survivors move to the caves, while some stay at the beach. Locke exchanges Charlie's heroin for Charlie's guitar. Jin attacks Michael because he has Jin's father-in-law's watch; however, only Jin's wife Sun knows this because they do not speak English. Jin is handcuffed to the wreckage. Sun reveals to Michael that she can speak English and explains why Jin attacked Michael, after which Michael frees Jin. Flashbacks show that Jin had to take a job working for Sun's father for her hand in marriage. One night, after they are married, Jin returns home covered in someone else's blood. Sun secretly plots to leave Jin; however, she changes her mind in the end.

Season one:episode 7: The moth

Nov 3. 2004

Charlie is suffering from withdrawal and asks Locke for his heroin, and Locke says that he will return the drugs the third time Charlie asks. Charlie later asks Locke for his heroin for the third time and Locke gives it back but Charlie destroys it. Flashbacks show Charlie and his brother Liam leading their band DriveSHAFT and, eventually, Liam gets Charlie hooked on heroin. Years later, Charlie visits Liam's house in Australia and wants him to rejoin DriveSHAFT for their comeback tour but a clean Liam refuses.

The Moth (Lost) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Season One:episode 8:Confidence Man

Nov. 10 2004

Sawyer is suspected of hoarding some asthma inhalers from the wreck. Sayid tortures Sawyer, who reveals to Kate that he does not have them. Sayid sets off to explore the island's shoreline in self-imposed isolation, needing time to come to terms with his actions in torturing Sawyer. Kate reads a letter that Sawyer always carries around, which reveals that "Sawyer" is an alias. When Sawyer was a child, a man known as Sawyer conned and slept with his mother, who was killed by young Sawyer's father in a murder-suicide. Young Sawyer vowed, in the letter, to give the letter to the original Sawyer. Later, Sawyer became a con-man and took the name of the original Sawyer. In flashbacks, Sawyer tries to con a husband and wife, but gives up when he discovers that they have a son.

Season One:episode 9: Solitary

Nov 17 2004

Sayid finds a cable running out of the ocean and into the jungle. While following it, he is caught in a trap and captured by Rousseau, the woman who sent out the distress signal. Rousseau tells Sayid she was part of a science team, and that they crashed on the island sixteen years ago. She identifies a group of island inhabitants she calls the "Others" as the carriers of a sickness that her companions caught, and says that the Others whisper in the jungle. Sayid escapes and while trying to find his way back to camp, Sayid hears the whispering she told him about. In flashbacks, Sayid is tasked with torturing a prisoner named Nadia, who was a childhood friend. Sayid's superior tells him to execute Nadia, but instead he helps her escape.

Season One:episode 10:Raised by another

Dec 1 2004

A badly wounded Sayid returns to camp and tells the others about Rousseau and that there are other people on the island. Claire wakes up screaming two nights in a row and insists that someone held her down and stabbed her stomach. This attack persuades Hurley to take a census of the survivors using the flight manifest, and he discovers that Ethan was not on the plane. In flashbacks, Claire finds out she is pregnant and her boyfriend leaves her. She goes to see a psychic, who says that great danger surrounds her baby.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raised_by_Another"]Raised by Another - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Question_book-new.svg" class="image"><img alt="Question book-new.svg" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png[/ame]
Season one: episode 11: All the best cowboys have daddy issues

Dec. 8 2004

After Claire and Charlie are kidnapped by Ethan, two parties of Jack and Kate, and Locke and Boone go looking for them. Jack encounters Ethan, who warns that one of the hostages will be killed. Jack and Kate find Charlie, blindfolded and hanging by his neck from a tree branch. Jack furiously performs CPR and Charlie comes back to life. Meanwhile, Boone and Locke discover a piece of metal embedded in the forest's ground. In flashbacks, Jack confesses to his superiors that his father had been under the influence of alcohol while operating.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_the_Best_Cowboys_Have_Daddy_Issues"]All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Charlie.JPG" class="image"><img alt="Charlie.JPG" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/38/Charlie.JPG/250px-Charlie.JPG"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/3/38/Charlie.JPG/250px-Charlie.JPG[/ame]
Season One:episode 12: Whatever the case may be

Jan 5 2005

While swimming, Kate finds the marshal's locked case. Jack agrees to help Kate open the case if she will show him what is inside it. There are guns inside and a toy airplane. Kate says the airplane belonged to the man she loved—and killed. In a flashback, Kate robs a bank so that she can recover the toy airplane.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whatever_the_Case_May_Be"]Whatever the Case May Be - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Question_book-new.svg" class="image"><img alt="Question book-new.svg" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png[/ame]

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