Media Server Questions


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
Jan 15, 2005
Louisville, KY
I am just starting to research various media players as I recently installed a Synology NAS. I currently am using a PS3 for viewing the media off of the NAS but would like to step up to a media player such as the Dune BD Prime 3.0.

I started reading about XStreamHD and have questions about its media player capabilities. Will the XStreamHD system be able to access content from a NAS? If so, are there any videos/pictures of what the user interface will look like? The WAF will be a major factor in my decision. I know the hardware hasn't been tested yet, but any guesses how its performance and compatibility will be with playing various media formats compared to a Dune media player?

If the media player functionality is there, then I think this could end up being a great deal. I have little interest in PPV but I would use the OTA recording functionality extensively and might even consider dropping Dish since 80% of what we watch is OTA anyways now.

This is the exaxt thing I was thinking about too. Droping Dish and using the homenetwork to share my recording in all of my rooms.

Right now there are two problems:
1) hight initial investment
2) can't run but three tv's off of it.
They say it can do what your asking, but I haven't seen any demos of it myself.

I have one on order and look forward to it arriving next month and seeing what it can do. :)
They say it can do what your asking, but I haven't seen any demos of it myself.

I have one on order and look forward to it arriving next month and seeing what it can do. :)

Thanks for your reply Scott, I was hoping that you would reply:) Would it be possible to pass these questions along to the CEO? If XStreamHD does all of this well, I will be placing my order ASAP.
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