Today is April 30th...

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Well today is April 30th the day folks like myself who pre ordered XStreamHD are supposed to get their XStreamHD setups.

I haven't heard any updates from XStreamHD on any delayes or anything... But I did get 6 emails last night from their marketing department trying to get me to sing up... (Umm I already did guys...)

So do you think we will get XStream today?

Hopefully we get an update.
Gave them a call but the general mail (voice mail) didn't seem to work. when I pushed "0" to speak to someone it went straight to another voice mail. I know when we lived in Northern Virginia friday was the "Haul ass early day" so maybe that's where they are, out on the ''Beltway". Maybe hand delivering?
nope they cant send them out yet. FCC has not approved the units.
You may be right... I just got a call from XStreamHD a few minutes ago and it appears things are delayed due to testing issues.

George is supposed to call me next weekand fill me in on whats going on. :)
Sounds like this thing could be a bust...

With all foot dragging for the last 2+ years if it isn't now, bet it will be in a short time. If the economy was better maybe, if they have alot of operating reserves maybe, but with all these supposed "cutting the cord" refering to viewing sources, it seems iffy that they can survive. People will be leary of the economy for sometime to come, hell when the market turned we lost 200K out of our 4 college funds for our kids, now we have gotten about 90-100 back in earnings, do I feel better-Yes, do I feel comfortable- No. Whats more important to me a niche movie delivery service??? think I'll wait, Wife and Kids top the list here, and with summer upon us, everyone wants to be out and about.
I'm not seeing their signals on AMC 16 yet. So it appears they are still not in operation.
Just got off the phone with XSTREAMHD and they are going to post something later on one whats up, but basically they are waiting to have the units tested and certified by the FCC.

They wish it would happen faster (and so do I) but the wheels are in motion and now its just waiting.

You should see something here within the next day or so from XSTREAMHD explaining whats up and why they are working to make sure this hardware is the best it can be. :)
Seems like they should have posted something on the website about the delay on launch day. I can't believe it took them by surprise... :confused: I'm waiting for reviews, but this isn't the best foot forward type of launch one would expect.
Seems like they should have posted something on the website about the delay on launch day. I can't believe it took them by surprise... :confused: I'm waiting for reviews, but this isn't the best foot forward type of launch one would expect.
At the very minimum, they should have sent out letters or emails for those that have put down money on their systems.

This is not a good way for a new company to treat their customers. Delays are not necessarily a bad indication for a start-up, but the lack of communication certainly is.

SRW1000 said:
At the very minimum, they should have sent out letters or emails for those that have put down money on their systems.

This is not a good way for a new company to treat their customers. Delays are not necessarily a bad indication for a start-up, but the lack of communication certainly is.


I did get an E-Mail from them explaining the delay.

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That is the kind of thing that should be done before you even announce an availability date. Though, I'm not really surprised.
I wonder how AMC 16's power problems will effect XStreamHD? They were supposed to use AMC 16 for their satellite streaming. SES has turned off a number of transponders to save power.

Update from Xstream HD

Consumer Reports on XStreamHD

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