Two new baby Goats


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 15, 2014
North Central
The last few years, we have had really bad luck with the goats being born on bad days, and we had 4 deaths last year, and only 1 survived... This year, we kept the male goat away until January 1st, they have a 5 month gestation. We wanted to be safe... So, they were due May 1st when it should be warmer and sunnier... Well, of-course, Murphay's law, they were born this morning at 4:45 and 4:57 in the middle of a BLIZZARD.. Blowing 50mph winds, SNOW and general ugliness. Luckily, first thing when i woke up, i checked the camera, and saw a baby on the floor, ran out there, found the second one two, and brought them inside, gave them a warm bath, and blow dried them to warmth and dryness. Mother and babies are NOW hanging out inside the house in our Sauna. At least until Wednesday when this storm passes by.

Unfortunately, two still-borns this morning!!! :oldno

One was on the ground, and already dead.. The second one just the legs were peering out and i pulled it out, and it was dead. I think they were both still born....

I believe there is still one more pregnant, so we have a chance for a couple more... I hope all goes smoothly...
Well, now I'm sorry i posted this thread... The mother that gave birth to the two still-births is dead this morning. :oldno Then, One of the two that was born a couple days ago, the runt, is moments from dying. Will not take any liquid.. We have no idea why it turned so fast from good to bad for the little brown one. I don't suspect it will live more than an hour or two.

I know its life on a farm, but we have had a such a bad string of luck with the goats the last couple years, and we were pro-active in delaying birth another month for warmer days, and we still get this freakish May 1st snow storm. Sad day....

Heated barn perhaps?

Yea, we run heat lamps, and they use it.. With the mother and the still born, something other than the weather occurred. Never lost a mother before. Usually by May 1st, we are in the 60s around here and sunny, but obviously, not this year....