Sony: BD to stay high, We can't meet demands.

Probably will mean rental shortages are here to stay for a while.

I bet they will not contract out production to China, they learned with DVD that it can lead to super piracy.
analysts believe that global demand for Blu-ray discs will rise three times in 2008 to a minimum of 43 million units.

This is pure speculation. The Sony propaganda machine just keeps turning out the crap.
My local Bestbuy still have PS3 and BluRay discs collecting dust. I'm in my local Blockbuster twice a week and they have plenty of BDs on the shelf.

If there is a shortage of discs it won't be due to players being sold, it will be due to continuing replication problems.

Wow, we could of had a HDDVD!
I guess. Strikes me as nice and convenient. HD DVD gets the axe, so keep the only HDM discs expensive. :rolleyes:

One word for it in a niche market: monopoly.
analysts believe that global demand for Blu-ray discs will rise three times in 2008 to a minimum of 43 million units.
Analysts are a strange bunch, to say the least.
The 43 million discs is another rehash of Fox "research" of three months old (OK, it was 40 million then)

How they arrived at "three times" we will never know since they sold 5.6 million discs in 2007, that will make it 7.7 times...

But since Sony president now claims BD has 20% market share, the math is out the window and analysts can say whatever they want.
Or better, whatever they are paid to say...:)

I'm still waiting for Fox to go into hiatus due to the BD+ hack.


EDIT: I can't understand how stupid a reader should be to even consider this announcement seriously:
1. Sony alone will make 38 million discs by October, i.e. at least 100 million a year.
2. Cinram is installing 6 (?) new BD lines that will be operational in fall.
3. We were told making discs is a piece of cake, nothing is easier.

And after all this the discs will be a short supply for 40 million demand. Pathetic...
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Told you so. Its profit taking time. I can't believe any of you ever thought things would get cheaper so soon. I swear most of the blubloods really just fell off the turnip truck if you believe this bit of propoganda. :rolleyes:
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Told you so. Its profit taking time. I can't believe any of you ever thought things would get cheaper so soon. I swear most of the blubloods really just fell off the turnip truck if you believe this bit of propoganda. :rolleyes:

Yeah is why I used the :(, I had hoped Sony wouldn't try the whole "Artificial Shortage" Lie they used with the PS3.


iTWire - PS3 shortage of stock or demand?

oh well, guess BD group owns the market now they can do whatever they want.
Probably will mean rental shortages are here to stay for a while.

I bet they will not contract out production to China, they learned with DVD that it can lead to super piracy.

Good. Maybe they'll put some of those jobs here. Although, more than likely they'l just ship them off to some other third world country.
if they're not careful, USB Flash memory (which is already up to 32GB for around $130 a piece...and there's one's with read rates of around 32MB/s and date-writes around 18-20 MB/s) will obliterate Blu-Ray (and all optical media) once and for moving parts, far more convenient, harder to damage, and way cheaper equipment.

Seriously, what wouldn't be cool about having movies on SD cards or Flash drives? Not only that, but the player to play them would not only be small, but it'd likely require less cooling, less power, and be cheaper to make.

It probably won't happen by next year, but I'd say by 2010 to 2012, optical media will be a dying breed.

And thank less mechanical thing in your PC.
if they're not careful, USB Flash memory (which is already up to 32GB for around $130 a piece...
That is 3200x (!!!) the size of my first harddrive, which was 10Mb. Maybe flash based devices won't overtake optical soon, but possibly pretty soon!
I don't see people at the checkouts at BB or CC with BD players or BD Disks in their arms, Sony is trying a 70's style BD shortage like the phony gas shortage back then. could SONY=OPEC ?
I don't see people at the checkouts at BB or CC with BD players or BD Disks in their arms, Sony is trying a 70's style BD shortage like the phony gas shortage back then. could SONY=OPEC ?

I don't think it's a shortage; everywhere I've been, I've seen plenty of BD movies (and the places that DO sell BD Players, there have been plenty of those too).

I don't think Sony is creating a shortage...people just don't have $400+ to spend on a BD player right, DVD's have only been around for about 9-10 years now...VHS was around for nearly 20...people just aren't ready to switch the dollar (and thus the economy) sucks, so people are going to spend their money elsewhere.

the gas shortage...forget OPEC; you can thank Kissinger for that one ;)

Think Blu-ray has it easy in 2008? NPD says not so fast

Sony not betting the farm on BD now. Offer xbox style video market place.

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