Lifetime members need to see this


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 26, 2007
Take a look at the terms and conditions CLOSELY! See paragraph one?

The lifelong subscription will begin immediately upon receipt of
payment and entitles the subscriber to receive the Sky Angel package of thirty-six 24-hour Christian and family-oriented
television and rodio channels with no further monthly subscription fees for the lifetime of the subscriber and that of
their spouse or for the operating lifetime of Dominion Sky Angel.


  • Sky Angel Lifetime Subscription Terms.pdf
    698.6 KB · Views: 438
Check #7 on that page:

Programming, channels, number of channels, pricing and schedules are subject to change without notice.

They don't have to notify you and they can change anything they want. I would be interested in seeing earlier contracts. We are not lifetime subs, but the inlaws are from way back. I doubt they still have their contract.
I would have taken that to mean they can change the price of the lifetime(which they did, several times), change what channels are offered(did that too) etc BEFORE you order. In other words they wouldn't honor that price now.

You really should see if they have their contract
I would have taken that to mean they can change the price of the lifetime(which they did, several times), change what channels are offered(did that too) etc BEFORE you order. In other words they wouldn't honor that price now.

You really should see if they have their contract

My inlaws have a major satellite package with DirecTV with all the bells and whistles. I think they don't even watch SA anymore since they get so many channels with DirecTV.

The fact is SA left the clause in to give themselves an out. They can change the programming including shutting it down without notice.
You guys keep saying that S/A did not honor, or left the LL members out in the cold. What is it that you feel that you didn't get that was promised to you? Read your agreement: FOR THE LIFE OF THE SATALITE, OR THE LIFE OF THE CUSTOMER...PERIOD!!! I know you are all frustrated, but be upset for the right reasons, not the wrong. It is unfortunate that the satalite is gone, but if you look at what you paid, and what you recieved, it was basically FREE programming! No one that had a LL got a bad deal. The average customer paid $399.00 and had the service for at least 6 years! If someone would have offered me my cellphone service for 6 years at $399.00 I would have jumped on it! Basically, a small group of people got great programming (exactly what was promised to them, no more, no less) and in return, S/A can now reach people that they otherwize couldn't with a satalite. They can now go into apartments where elderly poeple couldn't have a dish on their building. They can now go into nursing homes, hospitals, etc: So remember the true meaning of S/A, and quit being so greedy. You all got EXACTLY what was promised! I am a LL member and I am greatful for the service. The rest of you are in it for something FREE!
I read that form from beginning to end. I did not see "FOR THE LIFE OF THE SATALITE" anywhere on it. I could have missed it. If I did, please point it out to me. Really.

Under section one, what I see says:
The lifelong subscription will begin immediately upon receipt of payment and entitles the subscriber to receive the Sky Angel package of thir-six 24-hour Christian and Family-oriented television and radio channels with no further monthly subscription fees for the lifetime of the subscriber and that of their spouce or for the operating lifetime of Dominion Sky Angel. If applicable, stat sales tax will be invoiced later.

Dominion Sky Angel is still in operation. It's not on satellite, but nowhere on that page does it say that if the Satellite service is moved to another medium it invalidates the life-long subscription!

BTW, I paid $299 for my lifetime subscription in 1998! I don't feel cheated, but I feel Sky Angel did violate the letter of their own terms!

----NEVER MIND>>>> Upon further investigation, Sky Angel is no longer Dominion Sky Angel. The company changed from Dominion Video Satellite, Inc. to Sky Angel LLC when they moved to IPTV. So Dominion Sky Angel no longer exists. However... One could argue that Dominion Sky Angel NEVER existed in the first place and Sky Angel is the only common thread! Dominion Video Satellite, Inc. was the broadcast arm of Sky Angel. There was never a company called "Dominion Sky Angel". It was Dominion's Sky Angel video sevice, but was never "Dominion Sky Angel". It's all in the details, I guess.

See ya
once again, I will repeat as it doesn't seem to be sinking in with you greedy, greedy people. NOBODY GOT A BAD DEAL!!! If you were in it to save a few bucks, rather then help a company spread the word globaly ( which cannot be done with Satalite by the way)then you should not have it any way! Basically what your saying is "it's great programming, but not worth having to pay $14.99 for". Which by the way, that package now has 50 channels, plus the "Timeshift" feature, and the price is still $14.99. If you step back and think S/A did it for the money, then here is something to chew on: S/A had around 60,000 paying customers. 60,000 times $ the math. As of April 1st, they gave all that monthly income up, to start up the IPTV service (which by the way, is doing VERY WELL). If it was "about the money" (as you all seem so concerened about) they would have found a way to continue on satalite, and keep that money rolling in! I speak with the reps there quite a bit, and they all agree: at least 10 LL customers call a day. Yes they are a bit upset, but 9 of them end up ordering IPTV, because they believe in the cause. Maybe you should step back and look at Dish or Direct. I think they have the secular programming you are looking for. I will pray for all of you.
You are the one who needs prayer

You have only NOW decided to BUTT in to this "conversation, long after the issue is over. It appears likely you only want to stir up things. You have added NOTHING beneficial to this conversation. In fact you appear uneducated as to the WHOLE issue.

Judge not less you be judged. If you don't feel "ripped off" then fine. that doesn't give you the right to make a blanket juedgement of those who do. You don't know their circumstances, finacial situataion or even which CONTRACT they have!

You name calling is certainly inappropriate for someone who is allegedly Christian.

Your previous post stated that renters can not install a satellite. This is UNTRUE as per FCC!!

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) passed rules in 1996 regarding the
installation of satellite dishes for residents of apartments, condos, town homes or
covenant-controlled communities managed by a Homeowners Association.
The FCC ruled that a resident has the right to have a satellite dish that is less than one
meter (39.37 inches) in diameter. The dish may be installed within the renter's or owner's
exclusive area, such as inside a balcony, yard or patio. However, the landlord or the
Homeowners Association can enforce restrictions on common areas, such as the exterior
of the building or the roof.

Furthermore the issue is not about $14.99. the real cost could be as high as $75 a month when you figure in DSL! Satellite is available everywhere in the USA. DSL is NOT. In fact the FCC definiton of "broadband" is substantially too SLOW to run IPTV!!! so even in areas that are technically losted as having Hisgh speed access they can NOT get IPTV!

The FCC’s definitions of high speed and advanced services are too low.
The FCC decided to define “high speed” as 200 kbps in one direction and “advanced services” as 200 kbps in both download and upload directions.

I am not sure where you get you "figures " from either. MOIPTV stated that they would need to have 10,000 subscribers to break even. Last # released by sky angel was 5,000 subscribers. if those #s are true then sky angel is LOSING $$$ each and every month!

Please take the time to research an issue before you jump into it!!!!!!!
Anyone else get a scalding PM from badabing227?

He/ she is angry because we all don't gladly pay $15 for what GloryStar offers for free and Direct TV offers for only a little more than SA but with more programming.

Could it be that SA IPTV is not long for this world itself after all? :eek:

And never mind that not everybody can get broadband or can afford it in addition to that $15+ a month for what we already contracted for and had working equipment for and were then left hanging.

I can't say it enough! The proclamation of the Gospel should be free!! Period. It's primarily for the non-church folks, not for the already converted who have broadband and $15 a month to spare. Never mind that at least the early contracts, such as mine, would seem to have been breached.
Bada I kinda see where you are coming from, but I think you are beating a dead horse. Bada what is your relations with Sky Angel?
scalding messages from BADA

Am I the only one wondering just WHO BADA is and where he or she works? Sky Angel perhaps? It wouldn't be the first time they lurked although never i such an abusive manner :(

Gist is that Bada is a well off LANDLORD who makes $ off his tenants so he can afford all the Expensive TV. We are "greedy", does he but does he make a profit on his "many rentals"?

Bada is also uninformed. The figures he quote for highspeed are al the FCC regs of only 200, not the 1.5 MINIMUM to receive IPTV. IPTV may be the wave of the future but its not available for eveyone NOW :(

The FCC defines broadband service as data transmission speeds exceeding 200 kilobits per ...
www.[B]fcc[/B].gov/cgb/broadband.html -

As for cell phone analogy, how ridiculous. I didn't have a cell phone when the rates where high and reception unavailable. Neither will I have IPTV right now. when and If I do I can guarantee you it will not be with skyangel.

Now I have posted a LINK to pback up my FCC claims. Bada lets see some proof to your own eg 19,000 subscribers, internet access of 1.5 or better etc

Here are his "emails" see below. I didn't think the the point of the forum was to send abusive PM and emails to the members. If you have something to say BADA then post it here for ALL to read.......

Oh and one more thing. As far as the subs for IPTV, last count they were at 19,000. And as far as HS being unavailable, AT&T is spending 400 million dollars in Tennessee alone to upgrade to fios. You need to do your homework, IPTV is not going away. As a matter of fact, we are one of the last countries to utilize this service. Satalite limits you to the U S alone, wiith IPTV, you are global. The weather doesn't interfere, and there is no maintance as you are tapping into an already built infrastructure, this thing called the internet. Also, there is no tax associated with the service. As far as S/A losing money, take a look at there Website and you will find a picture of the brand new 50,000 square foot office they built in Naples. Doesn't sound to me like somebody that's losing money. And as far as $75.00 a month w/HS and S/A. I was paying D/N $55.00 a month, just for programming. I uped my internet speed, and got S/A and combined I am paying $65.00 a month. So for $10.00 more, I'm not only getting double the speed, but great programming. Also, you want numbers, 80% percent of Americans already have HSI, so there is no extra $75.00 a month. Remember this name...UVerse. It is At&T's IPTV service scheduled to launch. Think back when cellphones first came out. Couldn't get service anywhere, but now look. How's that? Those enough facts for yeah?

This is a message from badabing227 at SatelliteGuys.US ( SatelliteGuys.US - Powered by vBulletin ). The SatelliteGuys.US owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.

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This is the message:

I find it rather funny that you have the renters agreement down word for word, as if it's gospal. But when it comes to the Lifelong terms and conditions, you want to "bend the rules". I've delt with people like you my whole life. Wanting your share of the pie, and everyone elses. Why don't you think of all the people S/A can reach thanks to the generosity of the LL customers, and how in return that small group of people got programming for pennies. It was a win/win situation. But hey, I heard Arby's has a "buy 1, get one free" Promotion going on. Why don't you run over there, and load up. Oh, and by the way, renters need a written letter of approval from there landlord before they can have any kind of dish installed. I think I may know a thing or two about this, seeing as I own a few apartment buildings. God Bless!

Sky Angel IPTV,Turbo Charged Road Runner and Vonage

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