Star Trek Discovery

Today's episode was fairly exciting but the more frequent tough spots Burnham miraculously gets out of, the less plausible the story. I fear a kum ba yah moment coming for the series finale.
Final episode: Riker and Troi in a holodeck discussing how Burnham died 1,000 years in the future after saving the entire known universe from total destruction...
Yeah, not sure how I feel about this last one. Felt too clean somehow. Enjoyed the ship porn this season though, the shuttlebay stuff was spiffy.

I don't see how the Breen don't just annihilate them though. That's some awfully thick plot armor. Moll would have also just kinda headshot both of them on sight too, she has everything she needs right there in front of her and instead entertains a conversation. She's so far beyond redemption and saving so the hesitation is just dumb, but the story ends without it so here we are.

Low expectations for the finale, we'll see how much of a bow they put on this and tie it back to existing / continuing Trek.
I suspect L'ak the Scion will be resurrected, the Breen will join the Federation, and all will live happily ever after. The only question in my mind is whether Book's planet will also be resurrected, or not.
Next Generation dipped their toe in the mirror universe with Thomas Riker (William Thomas Riker's transporter clone).
That was just because of the Transporter, nothing to do with the mirror ( or any other) universe, also, never determined who was the duplicate.

I suspect L'ak the Scion will be resurrected, the Breen will join the Federation, and all will live happily ever after. The only question in my mind is whether Book's planet will also be resurrected, or not.

Yeah, expecting a bittersweet ending for some stories, and a storybook ending for others.

Part of me hopes we get the unconventional (for Trek anyways) 'bad guys win' but that's just not how Star Trek rolls.
Yeah, expecting a bittersweet ending for some stories, and a storybook ending for others.

Part of me hopes we get the unconventional (for Trek anyways) 'bad guys win' but that's just not how Star Trek rolls.
Agreed, particularly Discovery. The 'bad guys' won't win...that's just not the flavor of this show.
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tbh, at one point I was kinda hoping Burnham...

was about to become a Q.

Happy that it was a longer episode to give most of the stories time to breathe, finale largely fit within the mold of your typical Trek finale.

So long, Paramount+.
I suspect L'ak the Scion will be resurrected, the Breen will join the Federation, and all will live happily ever after. The only question in my mind is whether Book's planet will also be resurrected, or not.
Boy was I wrong!
tbh, at one point I was kinda hoping Burnham...
Nice spoiler. Unfortunately, the writers are hacks and didn't know how to end the series. They should have hired you.
Happy that it was a longer episode to give most of the stories time to breathe,
Yeah. One ponderous last breath.
finale largely fit within the mold of your typical Trek finale.
Fits within the mold? I disagree. This was the worst series finale since STE! (The best in my estimation was STV.)
As far as the progenitor's story arc is concerned... I could sum up the finale in two words: never mind! Why bother with a 5th season at all with a finale like this? :eeek Man oh man. Did I mention I was really disappointed?
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In general I liked the ending, but I think that it had some structural issues. Putting aside plot armor, the best thing to do once they found the macguffin would have been to simply blow it up. When they beamed over to the Breen ship, they should have just hit the thing with phaser fire and gotten out.

I think that the amount of time devoted to a really minor tie-in to a "Short Trek" from 2018 was way out of proportion to the amount of time they spent actually resolving the season-long arc.

Yes, I get it, they probably shot the entire episode up to Saru's wedding at one point and then came back. But they could have edited it better.
I was being kind. Just felt like the prototypical sendoff in the end after usual the finale crisis and just struck me as a little too clean and normal-ish.

It's too bad they couldn't give us some lingering questions for Starfleet Academy to answer or something.

I liked a lot about this series, more than most probably. It's not one I'll likely ever watch again though.

Yeah Stuart Sweet, I thought the apparent reshoots were pretty glaring and almost literally bolted onto what was probably an otherwise 90% complete episode.
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As far as the progenitor's story arc is concerned... I could sum up the finale in two words: never mind! Why bother with a 5th season at all with a finale like this? :eeek Man oh man. Did I mention I was really disappointed?
Completely agree! My thought after they got two or three of the pieces of the puzzle was, just destroy them so no one could get it. Too powerful of a tool (more like a weapon) to be in anyone's hands (including Starfleet).

Then there was Tilly with her homespun advice to a former Captain about how to run a ship and interact with the crew! Like she has any experience worth mentioning!

And to end my rant, a lot of the little heart-to-heart talks seemed to be at the weirdest times. Probably the worst was when Burham and Book were on the Breen ship on a very time critical mission, and they begin to stop for a little heart-to-heart, but fortunately get interrupted. Sheesh!

The Good Doctor

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