Response from E* on TBS HD

Wow, it is amazing how some folks feel the need to apologize for any misstep Dish makes.

Here's a bulletin: it's 2007, and EVERY major sport utilizes pay channels for their games.The NBA playoffs have been on TBS forever it seems. MLB had playoff games on ESPN for years. Saying that all the MLB playoff games "should" be on network TV is worse than a non sequitur, it is infantile and delusional.

This is not about some "exclusive' that Direct overpaid for (like the NFL Sunday Ticket). Cable systems are kicking E*'s butt here, too. It is flat out embarrassing. It really should not be that big of a deal to obtain. Inattention and stupidity are the most likely causes here, not some great exercise of principle by Charlie, or any technical limitations.
Wow, it is amazing how some folks feel the need to apologize for any misstep Dish makes.

Here's a bulletin: it's 2007, and EVERY major sport utilizes pay channels for their games.The NBA playoffs have been on TBS forever it seems. MLB had playoff games on ESPN for years. Saying that all the MLB playoff games "should" be on network TV is worse than a non sequitur, it is infantile and delusional.

This is not about some "exclusive' that Direct overpaid for (like the NFL Sunday Ticket). Cable systems are kicking E*'s butt here, too. It is flat out embarrassing. It really should not be that big of a deal to obtain. Inattention and stupidity are the most likely causes here, not some great exercise of principle by Charlie, or any technical limitations.

I thought school was back in? ;)

Great substantive response. But when there is no reasonable explanation for an obvious screw-up, what else can you say?

Your facts are uncoordinated - That was just a comment. To respond I'd have to have Spock go get the anti-gravs. :D

Actually, the home plate ump was probably a rockie fan because he had the final outcome of the game on his hand and ruled against San Diego.

Gimme a break! Even if he would've been out, that was only two outs with a man on second, and the game tied up. And he didn't rule against San Diego, the catcher really made no hurried attempt to tag Holliday out, and the ump nonchalantly called him safe. (Maybe he saw the blood in Hollidays mouth?)

I hope your Yankees lose, lose, lose...........or maybe we'll see them in the World Series and the ROCKIES WILL SWEEP THEM AGAIN!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Your facts are uncoordinated - That was just a comment. To respond I'd have to have Spock go get the anti-gravs. :D


To respond substantively would require some effort (actually, great effort, since there is no real response I've seen), but you'll offer up an imbecilic icon instead.

Is this your standard response to someone pointing out that the emperor has no clothes?
Baseball can't get anybody to watch as it is. i really don't think they need to disrupt what flow a game has by pausing to review calls. human error is a part of the game.
Baseball can't get anybody to watch as it is. i really don't think they need to disrupt what flow a game has by pausing to review calls. human error is a part of the game.

Ummm, new records in attendance. Ummm...highest ratings % in years....ummm.... what kind of statement was that??
Ohhh, you must be thinking about hockey.
Yeah, I watched the end of that game after checking scores and seeing it was in the 11th inning (at the time). So I "find" TBS and put it up and I couldn't help but sit there and hate the fact that I have Dish Network and I couldn't watch this in HD.

Seriously, they've had how long to get a deal done to have TBS in HD for MLB? Baseball playoffs, lots of draw, in HD. Can't do it here.

I know Dish does a lot of HD, but they do it late. Big 10 -- Late, and only after the biggest upset in College Football history occurs. TBS HD? Who knows, but every game that goes by that I watch in SD on my HDTV will just be a reminder that I need to look elsewhere when my contract is up.
To each their own, personally I think watching baseball is like watching grass grow.... I would prefer less emphasis on sports HD and more on key programming in HD, movie channels, TBS, CNN, USA, SCI FI etc... but thats the wonder of opinions.... We are all entitled to one! ;0
One of the problems with baseball (insofar as the use of instant replay would be concerned) is the use of conventions which are outside the scope of the rules. For example, doubleplays where the middle guy on the double play never touches second base; calling guys out on stolen bases when they were not touched in time; and the grossest of all, umpires ignoring the strike zone.

A few years ago when an umpire got into a dispute with a player, the umpire called the player out on strikes. The player was quoted as saying, "That last pitch you called a strike was at least a foot outside the plate." The umpire responded, "Well, I guess you should have swung at it, shouldn't you?" (I saw that pitch replayed on TV, and it was at least a foot outside the plate.) That ump was not to my best knowledge even reprimanded for his actions, and he should have been suspended or fired.

When umpires can totally ignore the rules to express their displeasure at players, the game is rotten. Rotten. Totally rotten. After that episode I cited above, I basically (mostly) quit watching baseball because it's so rotten and you just don't know who the umpires are betting on on any particular night, or who they're mad at. Their nicknames should be "the nazi kings of the 90 foot diamond." (Just kidding.)

The above being said, I did watch the San Diego/Colorado game from about the 5th inning on last night. Aside from the blown home run call,which the ump's did get wrong, the balance of the calls seemed okay. On that last head first slide into home, I would bet there is no one (unless its the umpire) who knows whether the runner was safe. The catcher surely wouldn't know, and the runner probably thought he was safe but might be wrong, and the TV replays that I saw (non-HD TV) were just not definitive.

On balance, I thought he was probably safe; I just wonder what the ump's thought process was in delaying the call?

I missed the re-play in HD on ESPN, but it'll be on again tonight, and maybe I'll catch it. Baseball can be addictive.

That was obstruction (the catcher was blocking the plate without control of the ball). It doesn't matter if he touched the plate. When the umpire saw the ball was loose he made the safe call.
"That was obstruction (the catcher was blocking the plate without control of the ball). "

Obstruction? The catcher has the right to block the plate, that's his domain.
That was obstruction (the catcher was blocking the plate without control of the ball). It doesn't matter if he touched the plate. When the umpire saw the ball was loose he made the safe call.

That is not the reason he was called safe. The cather is completely entitled to block the plate.
That is not the reason he was called safe. The cather is completely entitled to block the plate.

Please show me where it says that in the rule book.

Why isn't the second baseman allowed to block second? It's the same thing. I love it when a catcher gets clobbered by the base runner. They shouldn't be allowed to be in the base line.

I say, No more sliding at home!! Or come in with your cleats high!

No one can block any base without control of the ball. Otherwise they would! Look up "obstruction"! Pete Rose ended a catcher's career, who was blocking the plate, (legally, he had the ball) in an allstar game, when he ran him over. The catcher dropped the ball and he was safe BTW.

No Signal! Sat "X" UPSET!

More hd from Dish? Hard to tell

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