"moving" question

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Yep, I'd "move" in a heartbeat if my locals were crappy and didn't provide an OTA HD signal at my house. Wouldn't regret it nor would I think twice about it.

wow, i'm really impressed here. regardless of the reason, what you are doing still isn't kosher. and, who knows, some day you will be caught!
Federal Law with regards to locals is: (taken from FCC web-site)

"What is the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999?
The Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 ("SHVIA") significantly modifies the Satellite Home Viewer Act of 1988, the Communications Act and the U.S. Copyright Act. SHVIA is designed to promote competition among multichannel video programming distributors, such as satellite companies and cable television operators, while at the same time increasing the programming choices available to consumers.

How does SHVIA affect the programming that is available to persons who subscribe to satellite TV service?
SHVIA permits satellite companies to provide local broadcast TV signals to all subscribers who reside in the local TV station’s market (also referred to as a Designated Market Area ("DMA")), as defined by Nielsen Media Research. This ability to provide local broadcast channels is commonly referred to as "local into local" service. SHVIA also permits satellite companies to provide "distant" network broadcast stations to eligible satellite subscribers."

Yes, kiddies, E* had their chops busted as they were found to be too lax about making sure that people were in areas that could legally be served by the "national" channels. It sounds to me as if you are now wanting them to get their chops busted again for making it too easy to get "locals" from another area. Oh, well, if they choose not to comply again, they can and will be dealt with. Chuckie must like paying fines, that is all I can think of.

As defined by Webster (a dictionary for those who are not familiar with it), fraud is defined as:
1 a: deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b: an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick2 a: a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor; also : one who defrauds : cheat b: one that is not what it seems or is represented to be

Once again, Virginia, it would seem that anyone who lies about where they really live is, in fact, blatantly committing fraud. The fact that it is perceived to be widespread has no bearing on the legality of the matter, its still fraud. If everyone you knew robbed banks, using the philosophy of most of the posts in this particular forum would seem to think that was A-OK with them as "everyone does it" or its ok to do since banks open their own doors for business.

All these posts have done for me is to make me wonder where such a collection of liars, thieves, and miscreants has come from. :D
Federal Law with regards to locals is: (taken from FCC web-site)

"What is the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999?
The Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 ("SHVIA") significantly modifies the Satellite Home Viewer Act of 1988, the Communications Act and the U.S. Copyright Act. SHVIA is designed to promote competition among multichannel video programming distributors, such as satellite companies and cable television operators, while at the same time increasing the programming choices available to consumers.

How does SHVIA affect the programming that is available to persons who subscribe to satellite TV service?
SHVIA permits satellite companies to provide local broadcast TV signals to all subscribers who reside in the local TV station’s market (also referred to as a Designated Market Area ("DMA")), as defined by Nielsen Media Research. This ability to provide local broadcast channels is commonly referred to as "local into local" service. SHVIA also permits satellite companies to provide "distant" network broadcast stations to eligible satellite subscribers."

Yes, kiddies, E* had their chops busted as they were found to be too lax about making sure that people were in areas that could legally be served by the "national" channels. It sounds to me as if you are now wanting them to get their chops busted again for making it too easy to get "locals" from another area. Oh, well, if they choose not to comply again, they can and will be dealt with. Chuckie must like paying fines, that is all I can think of.

As defined by Webster (a dictionary for those who are not familiar with it), fraud is defined as:
1 a: deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b: an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick2 a: a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor; also : one who defrauds : cheat b: one that is not what it seems or is represented to be

Once again, Virginia, it would seem that anyone who lies about where they really live is, in fact, blatantly committing fraud. The fact that it is perceived to be widespread has no bearing on the legality of the matter, its still fraud. If everyone you knew robbed banks, using the philosophy of most of the posts in this particular forum would seem to think that was A-OK with them as "everyone does it" or its ok to do since banks open their own doors for business.

All these posts have done for me is to make me wonder where such a collection of liars, thieves, and miscreants has come from. :D

:up +1
What it really comes down to is this: some people care about lying, while others will do whatever they can get away with if it suits them.

For both sides, it's in their nature, and no argument you can make will change their mind.
Every one here seems to have one opinion or another. Is it breaking the law to "move"... sure it is. How many people posting on this very thread have installed software on their computers that they did not purchase but got from a friend or family member? No one alive has not broken software piracy laws, and piracy does include installing software you did not purchase, not just copying it and giving it away or selling it.

How many people posting on this very thread do exactly the speed limit when they drive and not one mile per hour over? Again... not one can make that claim. Everyone under the age of 65 does at least 5mph over posted speed limits.

If D* had any problem with subscribers "moving" it would not be so easy to do, and you would hear of people getting busted, like you do with E* subscribers when they get audited. But D* is sticking up for what they believe is the customers' right to not be stuck with watching just their local DMA's channels. Before the Networks got the FCC to tighten the laws on this, it was not a big deal. So why do the networks want you to watch only your local DMA? Money. They feel they lose on advertising if Dallas becomes the DMA of choice for the majority customers to watch rather than New York. My local DMA does not want me watching car dealer advertisements from Chicago, because the Ford Dealer in Grand Rapids pays good money to be advertising on my local channels.

Why should we be forced to watch what others want us to watch? We should have a right to choose what we want to watch.

If you like not having rights to watch what you want, keep on talking about how people are breaking the law by "moving". Because D* does not make a big deal of it, and neither does the FCC.

We are not talking about stealing satellite signal here. We are not talking about having the ability to watch every DMA in the country. What we are talking about is the right to choose what DMA we want to watch.

And if you are accusing those of us who have in the past, or are thinking about "moving", remember to check your speedometer the next time your on the free-way.

Have a great day! :)

P.S. The way a zip code to get instantly qualified for the New York locals is 04769!
But D* is sticking up for what they believe is the customers' right to not be stuck with watching just their local DMA's channels.

You don't seriously believe this do you? They might not be actively trying to stop it, but they're not campaigning for anyone's rights, either...

Why should we be forced to watch what others want us to watch? We should have a right to choose what we want to watch.

No particular reason, other than that those are the rules...
If you like not having rights to watch what you want, keep on talking about how people are breaking the law by "moving". Because D* does not make a big deal of it, and neither does the FCC.
Go steal a few newspapers from around last August at your local library and say again the FCC doesn't care. E* got nailed to the cross for allowing subs to have access to locals they weren't supposed to have. This caused many subs who legitimately subscribed to them to lose them, but your actions have no effect on the other subs, right?
Go steal a few newspapers from around last August at your local library and say again the FCC doesn't care. E* got nailed to the cross for allowing subs to have access to locals they weren't supposed to have. This caused many subs who legitimately subscribed to them to lose them, but your actions have no effect on the other subs, right?

The FCC is not in the business of regulating news papers.

E* got nailed for allowing multiple access to more than one DMA. In other words people would have their local DMA, and another one of their choice. At that point the rule of "only your local DMA" was instituted.

How am I infringing on anyone else's rights by choosing to pay for the DMA of Pittsburgh on my satellite subscription instead of my home town? If it is not infringing on anyone else's rights, why is there a law against it? That is where our government is wrong on this point.

Some of you may like to be controlled and have your government tell you what is better for you, but I choose not to as long as it is in the realm of not infringing on anyone else's rights to live a free and prosperous life.

And for the record, I "moved" a couple of years ago to get the major networks in HD, but "moved" back because I found I could not live without my local RSN. And the Grand Rapids DMA now offers locals in HD through D*, so I am now all set.

And F.Y.I. D* and E* both still fight this FCC regulation in Washington on a regular basis.
Every one here seems to have one opinion or another. Is it breaking the law to "move"... sure it is. How many people posting on this very thread have installed software on their computers that they did not purchase but got from a friend or family member? No one alive has not broken software piracy laws, and piracy does include installing software you did not purchase, not just copying it and giving it away or selling it.

You are either full of &%^t or I am not alive. I have never stolen ANY software, if I want it, I buy it. Just because YOU are a thief does NOT mean everyone is. Some of us have never stolen ANYTHING in our lives, but sounds like you were raised differently or just its convenient for your desire to be a thief to attempt to rationalize your behavior in this way.

How many people posting on this very thread do exactly the speed limit when they drive and not one mile per hour over? Again... not one can make that claim. Everyone under the age of 65 does at least 5mph over posted speed limits.

Same as above, you are making some really rash assumptions to justify breaking laws. I am under 65, never have had a speeding ticket and do NOT speed.

If D* had any problem with subscribers "moving" it would not be so easy to do, and you would hear of people getting busted, like you do with E* subscribers when they get audited. But D* is sticking up for what they believe is the customers' right to not be stuck with watching just their local DMA's channels. Before the Networks got the FCC to tighten the laws on this, it was not a big deal. So why do the networks want you to watch only your local DMA? Money. They feel they lose on advertising if Dallas becomes the DMA of choice for the majority customers to watch rather than New York. My local DMA does not want me watching car dealer advertisements from Chicago, because the Ford Dealer in Grand Rapids pays good money to be advertising on my local channels.

If that can be proven and is widespread as you think it is, E* is guilty of conspiracy to break federal laws, which I think the FCC and DOJ have proven they are not exactly going to like. E* has had problems in the past and they no longer carry national channels because they are not allowed to. :)

Why should we be forced to watch what others want us to watch? We should have a right to choose what we want to watch.

Because the law says so? Go ahead, break any laws you don't agree with, and when you find yourself on a vacation at taxpayer's expense, think of it as a respite, not jail / prison time.

If you like not having rights to watch what you want, keep on talking about how people are breaking the law by "moving". Because D* does not make a big deal of it, and neither does the FCC.

If you seriously think the FCC doesn't care, you are sadly mistaken.

We are not talking about stealing satellite signal here. We are not talking about having the ability to watch every DMA in the country. What we are talking about is the right to choose what DMA we want to watch.

And dayum the laws, eh? I guess it would be OK with you if I come and steal your car even though its against the law. Same logic, I choose to not obey the theft laws and if you try to stop me, I'll just shoot you as I see murder laws as pretty silly to boot. That would be fine with you, right?

And if you are accusing those of us who have in the past, or are thinking about "moving", remember to check your speedometer the next time your on the free-way.

Always do, but thanks for the reminder. :) Also, I always remember to check the gas, tires, etc.,, but thanks for reminding me. :D

Have a great day! :)

Always do, don't have to worry that I am going to be arrested for breaking the law like some people who are thieves ought to be feeling.

P.S. The way a zip code to get instantly qualified for the New York locals is 04769!

What do you do when they send the bill to Maine, hijack a plane so you can fly up and retrieve it or do you have one of your crooked friends there forward it to you committing mail fraud as well?

It must be easy to live with no ethics, but no doubt in my mind you are one of the people who whine if the laws are not observed by others. Only the laws you like, naturally.
The FCC is not in the business of regulating news papers.

E* got nailed for allowing multiple access to more than one DMA. In other words people would have their local DMA, and another one of their choice. At that point the rule of "only your local DMA" was instituted.

<more bs deleted>

lol, he was suggesting you READ some papers and see what E* got nailed for, but apparently, you cannot read.

YOUR understanding of what E* got nailed for is totally untrue. Also, the laws about DMAs was most certainly not "instituted" then, check it out.

Your ignorance of all facts is simply astounding. Where do you get your info, a comic book?
Is it as easy to "move" with D* as it is with E*?
No. DIRECTV uses spotbeams for all but their DNS cities which may physically cut you out of moving more than a hundred miles. With their Ka band technology, they can't even cover some of their "served" markets entirely as the signal falls off fast on the fringe.
lol, he was suggesting you READ some papers and see what E* got nailed for, but apparently, you cannot read.

YOUR understanding of what E* got nailed for is totally untrue. Also, the laws about DMAs was most certainly not "instituted" then, check it out.

Your ignorance of all facts is simply astounding. Where do you get your info, a comic book?

+1 :up - (& this applies to more than just ONE person around here)

Not that some of of these same (simple) people will care to hear about FACTS, but the simple reason why E* got busted, was because they flagrantly sold DNS service to ANYBODY that basically asked for it. The vast majority of these subs were NOT "movers" at all, but people who called up & simply asked for "NY &/or LA networks", & E* said "OK, I've turned them on, have a nice day". E* was ALWAYS loose with (NOT) qualifying DNS subs, particularly in their non-LIL DMA's, as this was the only way subs could get networks through the dish. The majority of these subs, like the MAJORITY of all DBS subs, have NO idea what/how to "move" to get these services, particularly back when this was all brewing. (most movers got their info from boards like this, or perhaps some local dealers who sell in non-LIL DMA's)

D*, OTOH was much more rigid on their DNS qualification process, which is why they DIDN'T get in trouble.
lol, he was suggesting you READ some papers and see what E* got nailed for, but apparently, you cannot read.

YOUR understanding of what E* got nailed for is totally untrue. Also, the laws about DMAs was most certainly not "instituted" then, check it out.

Your ignorance of all facts is simply astounding. Where do you get your info, a comic book?
civility people:)
Simple, if you say you have a particular box at your house, but you really don't, then you can't give them the numbers they want. Simple.

So don't answer the phone when they call. Or, if you've already picked up the phone, tell them you are in the car and you roll your phone over to your cell while you are away from the house. Only an idiot is going to panic and freeze up when Dish calls them for an audit. Please! Wait until the real authorities are after you for something. Dish audits, what a joke!
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