Dish Network is pissing me off......badly.

nothing bad in my history with DISH. I always paid my bill on time. And I don't just expect a company to hand over new tech to existing customers all the time, but when I request to pay MORE money to a company and need new equipment in order to do so, I expect some help. What I don't appreciate is when they only offer me what I wanted in the first place AFTER it was too late.

Your last recourse should have been to email your problem to Then if]The Dish Store - Powered by Metro25

In our state you have 3 business days to cancel,other states vary.Well now you know,Good Luck!:)
In our state you have 3 business days to cancel,other states vary.Well now you know,Good Luck!:)

Those 3-day "cooling-off" rules generally don't apply to sales made over the phone or made in a store.
According to the BBB (I've bolded the important parts):
“Cooling-off” rules allow you a specified number of days after you make certain purchases under a con*tract to rescind the contract and get your money back. Enacted to combat high pressure and deceptive sales, the laws tell you how much time you have to cancel after signing the contract and what steps you must take to cancel.

The federal cooling-off rule gives everyone certain minimum rights. State cooling-off rules vary, but often afford the consumer additional or more liberal rights than does federal law.

Basically, federal law allows three days to cancel purchases of $25 or more made at your home, work*place or dormitory, or at temporary facilities (for example, hotel or motel rooms, convention centers, fairgrounds and restaurants). It also applies when you invite a sales person to make a presentation in your home.

The federal rules does not, though, apply to sales made entirely by mail or telephone or to sales for goods or services not primarily intended for personal family or household purposes, except in the case of courses of instruction or training. And it does not apply to sales of real estate, insurance, securities, or of automobiles and other vehicles sold at temporary locations if the seller has at least one permanent place of business. Nor does it apply to sales of arts and crafts sold at fairs, malls, schools, or civic centers. Like California law, it does not apply to sales that result from prior negotiations made by you at the seller’s permanent business location where the goods are regularly sold or to sales needed to meet an emergency, such as the sudden appearance of insects in your home.

The remainder of this report applies to State cooling-off rules in effect in California.

Generally, under the cooling-off rule, you may also cancel, until midnight of the third business day after you sign the agreement, a home solicitation contract or offer for the sale, lease or rental of goods or services. A home solicitation contract is not limited to something sold to you in your home, but also includes sales made at a place other than the seller’s normal place of business. This would include sales made in temporarily rented rooms, restaurants, and home “parties.” Unlike federal law, under California law, sales made by telephone and mail or telephone also come under the provisions of this law.
So phone calls when the potential customer calls the company, or in-store sales where the store is a "permanent place of business", are not subject to the 3-day cooling-off rules.
cooling off period allows the chance for you to get your money back from a purchase. in this situation, the customer has not purchased anything. it is most likely all leased. customer most likely has not paid any money upfront, so nothing to refund. and if they did, it was for upgrade fees for leased equipment or activation fees, which once again usually not covered by cooling off period rules.
I've learned that the worst position to deal with is when you're already a customer with satellite, cable modem, and cell companies. In order to get the best deal from DISH, you need to cancel out of your account after your initial commitment is over. Ship DISH your receiver back but tell them the satellite dish is too difficult for you to take down. They'll never send a tech out to get a cheap dish. Then sign up for DISH again at a second home, your mom's house or anywhere in your wife's name. When you (through your wife) sign up the second time, negotiate the best deal possible. Since you're "new," you have a lot more bargaining power than when you're already a customer. After installation of the second account, simply move the receiver back to the first location. You already have a satellite dish on the roof, so you're ready to go. In two years, cancel that account and then negotiate a deal at your own house, in your name. I've been doing this for years with DISH, going back and forth from my second home, with the account in my wife's name, and my principal residence in my own name.

Sometimes, if timing works out, DISH will call your "old account" and beg you to do business with them again. As soon as your commitment is over on your current account, talk to them about coming back to the "old" account.
If one of these two sat companies would stop their petty crap, they could rule the world.
If you need a new cable box, you just go pick one up. If you want to cancel cable, then you call and cancel. No contracts, and once they have you, you can upgrade epuipment without getting raked over the coals. Hell now dish is trying to charge you to send them back their boxes. Can't they see they only piss customers off.
Sorry this will be long, but I have to vent. I am very upset with Dish Network. I have been a loyal customer of Dish for almost 4 years, 2 of which I was out of contract. I loved the service, and the equipment.....never had a problem or complaint until now. I had a dual tuner standard definition DVR that controlled both my TV's. About 3 weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to inherit a 60" HDTV. I was very excited! As soon as I got it all hooked up, I called Dish to have my service upgraded to HD service. I spoke to them and requested an equipment upgrade to the VIP 722 HD dual tuner DVR. The rep that I spoke to told me that I was not eligible for an upgrade at this time, and that if I wanted to upgrade to HD service I would have to purchase the new reciever for $460 bucks, plus pay for installation!:eek: At this point, I got very disappointed. I called back Dish for about a week, speaking to several different CSR reps and they all told me the same thing. I don't know about you guys, but there is no way that I was going to pay that to upgrade to HD. I get offers all the time in the mail from DirecTV. I called them up and told them what I wanted. They were MORE than happy to offer their services installed FOR FREE, plus take 30 bucks off my bill for 12 months, plus give me free Showtime and STARS for 3 months. I then made one final phone call to DISH. I explained that I was a loyal Dish customer, and that I wanted nothing more that to stay with them. I made them aware of the offer that DirecTV made. They transferred me to a customer loyalty rep who again explained to me that there was nothing more they could offer me. I was pissed. I then hung up and called back DirecTV. I ordered there service reluctantly and canceled my beloved Dish Network service. Fast forward 2 weeks later. I now have the DirecTV installed at my home. I don't really like it and I think that the Dish Network has a superior service and equipment, but I would keep it rather than come out of pocket $500 bucks. This is the kicker here...........yesterday I got a letter in the mail from Dish Network. I opened it up and inside was a snazzy looking letter that says "We're willing to do ALMOST ANYTHING...TO GET YOU BACK! WE BELONG TOGETHER, AND WE WANT TO PROVE OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU. please let us know what we can do to make your experience right with DISH Network!" The offer included a free DVR upgrade (which I already had), HBO & showtime free for 3 months, and some free PPV. I immediately got pretty mad, because I want nothing more than to have Dish Network in my home, infact, what idiot calls a company and begs and pleads for a week to keep their service? Me, thats who. Anyway, There is a phone number to call and a promotion code. I called the number and spoke to someone regarding the letter. I explained why I left Dish Network and they then transferred me to customer loyalty. I spoke to another rep, and I explained my predicament again, and added that in order to come back to dish, I would have to call up DirecTV and battle with them to get out of the 2 year contract that I just agreed to and also further inconvenience myself to have dish come back to my house and re-install all their crap. I then told them that I would happy to jump through those hoops in order to get Dish Network back but this is what they had to do (the letter said very plainly PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO TO MAKE YOUR EXPERIENCE RIGHT WITH DISH NETWORK)

1. I want to be upgraded to HD service like wanted in the first place
2. I want to be upgraded to the new 922 reciever, plus get another standard
def box for my other TV FREE OF CHARGE.

They told me no. They would honor the free DVR upgrade only. I ALREADY HAVE A DVR YOU IDIOTS!!!!! They then said that they would go ahead and upgrade me to the 722 receiver that I wanted in the first place, but THAT IS ALL I WANTED BEFORE I WENT THROUGH ALL THIS CRAP! They are offering me nothing for my wasted time and inconvenience. I feel that they atleast owe me the 922 upgrade just for making me jump through all these hoops and to earn my business back. What do you guys think? Sorry about the length of this rant. Looks like I am stuck with DirecTV.

I, also, am in DirecTv purgatory, after 11 years with Dish for similar reasons. That was 1 year 5 months ago. The only positive on Diwreck has been excellent reliability on signal and equipent. I probably would stay with DirecTV, save for $200 Direct shorted me on the equipment, regardless of the many other shortcomings. I'm hoping Uverse will be available by then, if not I'm not sure what will happen. I do know this no $200, no more Diwreck.:D
only 3 things would disqualify him from getting a lease rec upgrade promotion.

1. payment history/ non pay disconnects
2. previously particpated in an upgrade in last 12 months
3. does not meet the programming requirements of dishfam or above. (welcome pack does not count).

something is being left out here.

I have seen this same scenario played out many times. There is most definitely more to the story.........
I'm thinking you left out some important info. Dish usually has a good reason for not upgrading customers. Did you ever ask them for a reason?
I'm thinking you left out some important info. Dish usually has a good reason for not upgrading customers. Did you ever ask them for a reason?
My story is different. I had ugraded (purchased a 8000, then 2-622s) 4 months after upgrading to a new 622 for the wife, I had a receiver failure. Had warranty, replacement unit lasted 2 weeks, third receiver i day. Asked for new, not refurbished receiver. Was told that what came was what came. Told service that if unit wasn't new, that would be the last service call they would have from me. Moved my 622 to wifes tv. There were a few minor burps in the 622 between the mid June replacement (receiver number 4). The day before my credit card expiration, had DiWreck installed and called the following day to disconnect service.:D The fact that ctciatti was offered by mail something similar to what I was offered the day I called leads me to beleive that he was in excellent standing with Dish.:D
2nd worst cast scenario, you could have purchased a 722K from Dishstore for $319.00.
I agree that all companies should do a better job keeping current customers happy. That being said, it's a lot to assume that Dish or any other company should just hand over new technology all the time to current customers. Any company is going to offer the freebies to attract new card 0% introductory APR's, new car 0% down, Dish/Direct, free equip.,etc, etc. But does Ford give you a new car when they change models? Does Microsoft just give you Windows 7? Does Sony give you a new flat-screen because they don't make a CRT anymore? I have been a Dish customer since the very beginning, and trust me, I like a good promotion as much as anyone, but I have never thought I was entitled to such a thing. I'm sure few will agree with me, and that's fine...just throwing out the other side of the coin. Dish is not a "non-profit" after all.

Microsoft, Ford, Sony do not charge monthly fees to use the equipment or software. Dish does for the equipment and the programing, the same programing every other provider has give or take certain things. Sony is not competing with another company for you to keep using their tv, you are going to use it until it breaks down or you upgrade, you already bought it, they don't care how long you use it. And its not like they are just giving it to you for free, you still pay for the right to use it each month.
I, also, am in DirecTv purgatory, after 11 years with Dish for similar reasons. That was 1 year 5 months ago. The only positive on Diwreck has been excellent reliability on signal and equipent. I probably would stay with DirecTV, save for $200 Direct shorted me on the equipment, regardless of the many other shortcomings. I'm hoping Uverse will be available by then, if not I'm not sure what will happen. I do know this no $200, no more Diwreck.:D
If you think Direct is a wreck, wait until you unhappily join U-Verse. Try watching more than 1 or 2 HD programs at the same time.
If you think Direct is a wreck, wait until you unhappily join U-Verse. Try watching more than 1 or 2 HD programs at the same time.

I can watch 2 HD channels with no problems at all I even record 2 HD channels at the same time I'm watching an HD recorded show.:rant:
I had the EXACT same experieince, BUT I was with Directv for over 6yrs and wanted an upgrade to HD. They would not give me the HD DVR for free like a new sub would get. They would only let me have it for $59. They lost a customer over $59....WTF....So I went with Dish. The hardware is far superior with Dish. Directv has spent over $59 on postage trying to get me back :rolleyes: and they started with the mail spam almost immediately trying to get me to come back.

What is wrong with both of these companies, is it not cheaper just trying to keep current customers happy :yes

Its not only Dish or Direct...but industries from all the sectors. eg Cellular operators. They dont want to give ur any cell upgrade free (free r the crappiest one) for existing customers who r out of contract...whereas for new customers all the new ones r free. When u switch...then they send so much spam mails wanting u back...that u wonder...why the management of these companies not act before.Same with Dish & Direct. they will give everything for free for new customers....but nothing to existing customers who r out of contract...& Can sign new contracts.
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Sprint has changed this in the last couple of years. A year after I bought my Touch Diamond I got mail and stuff from them that I could upgrade with new customer pricing. Of course you have to sign a new 2 year contract, but that is fine with me. I still have my diamond since I like it, but since I already am upgrade eligible I might get the EVO which will be the same price as if I was a new customer instead of waiting until October where I might be tempted to go over to Tmobile and get the HD2, kind of used to Windows. The point is sprint most likely will keep me as a customer because of this, Dish could learn a lesson. Before anyone starts on me, I am not expecting anything from dish, I have only been with them for 6 months and i am very happy. Just saying they should treat long time customers a little better :)
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I can watch 2 HD channels with no problems at all I even record 2 HD channels at the same time I'm watching an HD recorded show.:rant:
You cannot watch HD on another TV while you are recording 2 HD channels on one TV. You are limited to only 2 total HD streams into the whole house at one time.
U-Verse was available in parts of our area for a short time but recently a neighbour on the next block that had it lost it and AT&T told him it was some signal issue and tried to get it back on, but no potatoes.

If you think Direct is a wreck, wait until you unhappily join U-Verse. Try watching more than 1 or 2 HD programs at the same time.

Losing HD permanently? Possible fix?

Dolby Digital 5.1 with SD?

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