What TV Commercials Drive You Crazy?

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try this local one on youtube. . bangor car care. the screaming adage is "COME JOIN THE PARTY"
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Please add HealTastic to the list.

Thanks! :)
well it seems like more and more commercials are getting to me....

The JG Wentworth "ITS MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW" commercials
The "big 3" Insurance ones piss me off beyond belief. I dont know which one is worse....the Allstate "mayhem" one with the stupid ass guy, Flo and progressive (all of them) or the Geico "switching can save you 15%" ones"

Thank god for a DVR to skip through them
Any of those Dish Network inserted ones on my HD channels that are 30db louder than the rest of the program
Woke up at 3am, don't know what sat channel I was on. Mixed in with the usual exercise and diet commercials at that time was a spot for "Trojan" branded ladies pleasuring device that uses batteries, complete with live testimonial as to how good it felt. Oh well it was 3am.

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I can't believe so many people are still watching commercials!

In our household everything is recorded and then run through VideoRedo to strip the ads, it doesn't do a perfect job so I manually have to check edits and modify any its missed. Total time about 3 minutes per hour of recording after the ads are stripped I get back about 20 minutes of my life not watching commercials.

Prior to that we kept wearing out the mute button on our remotes.

Ads, can't stand them, any of them, and its one reason why I'll never pay for a commercial service that contains them.
I hate all commercials as a rule. There aren't many that I can actually say that I like, but there are a few and they are the really well written and comical ones.

For an example of one of the ones I hate... The commercials for a class action lawsuit for some drug. i.e. "If you or a loved one has died after taking this drug, you can get MONEY! Contact us now." Uhhhm, yeah, ok.

I would like to call their phone number some day and claim my money. I can just imagine the conversation:

"Hello, I saw your add on TV. Yes, I was taking that drug that you mentioned, and I died! Can I have my money now? I want to go someplace else and it takes a lot of money to get out of this place where they sent me. I hate being dead! How soon can you get my money? Can you please put it in a fireproof envelope?"

And, already mentioned... "It's my money and I want it NOW!" Ok, well you can want in one hand and...(omitted)...keep on being stupid.

Some of you already mentioned the commercial that I like the best as of late... You Jackwagons! Ha Ha. Yeah, I think that was one of the good (and the best) Gieco commercials, the one with R. Lee Ermy. By the way, he did a good acting job in the movie "SwitchBack" with Danny Glover.

Another series of commercials that I like is the Molson Golden Beer series... LOL! :)

What to drink: hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNZkbWfERiM

Wanna see my pet Beaver? hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqsF8vbR_Q&feature=related


P.S. Where's the Beef?
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Woke up at 3am, don't know what sat channel I was on. Mixed in with the usual exercise and diet commercials at that time was a spot for "Trojan" branded ladies pleasuring device that uses batteries, complete with live testimonial as to how good it felt. Oh well it was 3am.


And why would you hate this commercial? That sounds mildly entertaining. Was the chick giving the testimonial hot?
tv ads

I especially dislike the ones that are 2-4 minutes long, but I dislike them all. They treat you like you don't have brain to think with. I feel sorry for the senior citizens that get taken in my them, particularly the reverse mortgage ones. El_Viejo
I hate those dishnetwork ones too, especially the ones they throw on RTV. It's like , cool RTV-take our money, but instead of watching RTV -switch over to US so we Can OWN YOU.
Iceberg mentioned the Mayhem commercials, I love those, they are fairly clever, lol. The one where the guy falls off the roof ( I"M a satellite dish...haha)

RTV is now running those nasty, gross, 2 minute long ZIT commercials!

*puke*......... :(
Well, there are a LOT of commercials TODAY that annoy the hell out of me when I see them. From the rediculous to the annoying, to the outrite "I WANNA BRICK MY TV!" Or go postal or eat my coffee table with my bare teeth or something quaint like that.

But how about commercials that really bring back fond memories or the commercials that you can still remember from your childhood? Or the commercials that were really so well done that you still remember the product they were selling although the company has been out of business for over 30 years?

Like these?


YouTube - Lite-Brite

YouTube - Coca-Cola HILLTOP I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing

YouTube - 1970 Chuck Wagon Dog Food Commercial

YouTube - The Crying Indian - full commercial - Keep America Beautiful

YouTube - Old Home Bread commercial with C.W. & Mavis

YouTube - Where's the Beef

YouTube - Great Big Rolling Railroad Train Video (cannot find the original commercial - but the music is what counts)

This last one is a commercial that I DID LIKE very much! I like trains!

Cannot forget these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAznsU_LgA8&feature=related



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