What TV Commercials Drive You Crazy?

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Snickers ad with the sharks saying, "Steve was delicious." I rarely watch commercials, but I've skipped back once or twice to rewatch that one. :D YouTube - SNICKERS Peanut Butter Squared - "Focus Group"

I can live with all the commercials, though I seldom watch any at all, but if I'm using the computer while "watching" TV, consequently not focusing on when the ads start, the only ones that make me mute or change the channel are the ones with the abused animals. I love animals and it just hurts to know people are so cruel. Of course, that's from someone who spent about $250 for a visit to the vet's this morning (with more to come--visits and dollars, sigh).
OK this one has bothered me for a while but seeing the "long version" put me over the edge

Its for some religious thing...foundation for a better life or something like that...I'll try to describe the commercial

Its the one where the 2 teams are playing for the "championship" and they show some hilites. Then there is a close play near the out of bounds and the ref points to the "home team" that its their possession. The coach calls time out and in the huddle a player from the home team says "I touched the ball last coach". A couple of his teammates are saying "its the championship game" and the kid keeps saying "i touched it last".

After the timeout the coach says to the kid "good call" and as the commercial ends you hear the kid saying "hey ref"

So you mean to tell me there is a kid/player on the planet that seriously would do that? Are you freaking kidding me? I'm sorry but no matter how honest/religious you are there is no way someone would seriously do that in end of a close game.
What commercials don't you care for? :rant:

You know, the ones that make you want to change the channel, look away, turn down the volume or that drive you crazy?

I have one in mind, but I will wait to post it until later, if no one else does.
All of the drug company commercials that want you to go tell your doctor a particialr drug to write you a prescription for and at the end of the commercial there is a disclaimer that it may cause you to grab a gun and kill someone or it may cause fatal bleeding etc????
All of the drug company commercials that want you to go tell your doctor a particialr drug to write you a prescription for and at the end of the commercial there is a disclaimer that it may cause you to grab a gun and kill someone or it may cause fatal bleeding etc????

Or heart attack, stroke, liver failure, infections of the skin or profuse bleeding from various bodily orifices...
Just about all these current commercials send me into orbit, thank goodness I haven't worn out my mute button yet. There's just so many times I can hear about that delicious oven fried chicken and the ultra-fattening chocolate cake>all coming from the diabetic cookbook LOL.
Tony - the commercial you are talking about (I believe) is here:
See the 'Sportsmanship' commercial about an honest basketball player | Values.com
I grew up being taught that the right thing to do would be to tell the coach what happened, I believe many of the kids I went to school with would tell the coach the truth no matter what. I think we are all victims or beneficiaries of our pasts/upbringings. While you can't conceive of any kid seriously telling the truth in that situation - I can imagine that it would have happened among my peers.
OK this one has bothered me for a while but seeing the "long version" put me over the edge

Its for some religious thing...foundation for a better life or something like that...I'll try to describe the commercial

Its the one where the 2 teams are playing for the "championship" and they show some hilites. Then there is a close play near the out of bounds and the ref points to the "home team" that its their possession. The coach calls time out and in the huddle a player from the home team says "I touched the ball last coach". A couple of his teammates are saying "its the championship game" and the kid keeps saying "i touched it last".

After the timeout the coach says to the kid "good call" and as the commercial ends you hear the kid saying "hey ref"

So you mean to tell me there is a kid/player on the planet that seriously would do that? Are you freaking kidding me? I'm sorry but no matter how honest/religious you are there is no way someone would seriously do that in end of a close game.
Something like that actually happened but it was not caught on tape, (did happen more than once) Oral Roberts University, I believe, 6 or 7 years ago. No one made a big deal over it.... Some thing similar happened under Coach Forrest Arnold at Central Bible Institute in about 1963. Ref. would not listen, so Player handed the ball to the other sides player. I do not know how close either game was, however.
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