Dish has serious intergrity issues....i would not trust them

Read my post again and learn something. Stop with the lame and tired facepalm, it's almost as annoying as your inability to address my entire post.

Sorry...didn't realize you were "smiley-sensitive". Typically people know they are used to convey some context/additional feeling or emotion to a post since written text by itself is sometimes easy to mis-interpret. My facepalm was used to convey my exasperation that people could actually even consider the idea that TV is a basic entitlement and a necessity for living.

Like I said I agree with your premise that a true basic necessity for living like I mentioned in my post should be something everyone can access. But I'm sorry, you can't bring that argument to an entertainment forum and apply it to satellite service. Just doesn't work, period.

In an effort to honor your request I did re-read your post and will address it as a courtesy to you since you asked me to do so. Yes I would be totally fine with a $300 Everything Pack. I'd be fine with a $3,000 Everything Pack...because if they price it out of my reach I won't subscribe. Actually I subscribe to the AT250 but still have the same feeling if that package price was raised also. If they could make a profit and keep subscribers with a $3,000/month package for that...God bless 'em. I won't be a customer though, but I won't whine and moan over their success if it works for them. That applies to all products/services/companies that are not basic human necessities. I'm being serious...I really WOULD like that Lamborghini, but I don't complain it is priced too obviously works for them and they have a customer base to support them being a successful company despite prices many would consider obscene for a vehicle.

Your comment about pay TV being too high, well I guess you'd have to look at how many people subscribe to pay TV and how much profit these companies make. I'd say there are many millions of customers who keep paying so I guess it isn't "too high" or they wouldn't pay it. It may be higher than we all would like, but when something reaches a point where it is truly too high for you, then you have no choice but to drop it. Since we've not dropped it (at least I assume you haven't) then it isn't too high for either of us yet.

Just because someone has a different opinion than you have does not mean they are "defending" any corporation. Maybe they simply disagree with you. That happens, you know. I also hope you don't advocate to any youth you may have an influence on that it is OK to "hack, steal, cheat" in life. Resisting, and bitching, to use your words, are fine...but to suggest it is OK to do illegal things because prices are too high, WOW! (I'd insert a smiley here but don't want to offend.)

One more thing...I replied to one part of your post originally since that is what stuck out to me. Now that I have had a chance to review your post as you asked, I agree I did learn something. I should have addressed the other points I did above in my first post as well. But just to reiterate one more time...YES!!! outside of basic necessities, only those who can afford something should have it! No consumer product or service even deserves the mention of "entitlement" in the conversation.
Seriously, Steve... you're going to take the stance that only those who can afford a product are entitled to it?
Absolutely, unless it is required to sustain life and there are no affordable substitutes. As in "everybody is entitled to eat but not South African lobster tail in drawn butter".
If Dish, tomorrow, asks $300 per month for the Everything Pak you'll be okay with that? If gasoline hits $12 per gallon this summer, you'll just say fine, cool by me? When food prices soar and your salary remains stagnant, you won't bitch one bit?
Complaining, bitching and general adgeda are quite appropriate reactions. But that is no arguement at a government should undertake to create new entitlements in law.

When your home is worth half of what you paid for it, you'll just shrug it off?
Actually I bought my house to raise my family in. I have never thought of it as a can't loose lottery ticket. When my wife and I are done with it our kids can have it for nothing.

Gimme a break. The fact is, pay tv prices are too high for many and, more importantly, the package options are rigged in such a way that only the very top one can meet the viewing demands of most consumers.
That's called marketing. A pillar of free market capitalism.

They spend millions on lobbyists to ensure that a la carte never happens and millions more on creating draconian laws set to destroy a free and open internet.
Man this is so all over the place it's hard to respond to. What in hell would a lobbyists have to do with pay TV? Do you mean in a fair world governments should control entertainment? Yet the second half of the sentence seems to decry attempts to regulate your internet? Which kind of world is it? One where freedom is prime or one where government regulation reigns?

So, pretty please, keep being a good little boy defending the very companies that absolutely own and control your elected representatives. What's funny is, it's usually conservatives and smart, free-enterprise types who fall into this trap that big corporations are playing by the same rules as you and I. They are not.
That's better. Thanks for leaving out Captain Picard.

This thread is derailed beyond comprehension, but I want to make clear... what I saw going on here was a bunch of people jumping on a guy for complaining about service and price. They used, I believe, the incredibly easy response of "If you can't afford it, don't have it." It's a good ol' boy argument. It's weak. It doesn't account for human nature. It's a Rah-rah response to people making legitimate gripes.

For a luxury car, that argument works, it's black and white. For tv, I think there are shades of grey. For basic foods and goods, it's all grey.
Okay. I'll pick this up later today. I have torrents to download!

On a side note, I'd like to apologize for reading like a dink with the face palm comment... as much as I hate them and wish they would stop.
Okay. I'll pick this up later today. I have torrents to download!

On a side note, I'd like to apologize for reading like a dink with the face palm comment... as much as I hate them and wish they would stop.

Apology not needed but graciously accepted. I extend to you the olive branch of peace (I don't think there is a smiley for that).
For a luxury car, that argument works, it's black and white. For tv, I think there are shades of grey. For basic foods and goods, it's all grey.
You might want to sit down but I believe 12 years of education and basic medical care should be made constitutional rights.
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Do you want to add a roof over your head, clean water, food (but no sweets)..........

I for one just want to keep the rights we all have as Americans. No need to pile on entitlements and call them rights, too.
Since integrity issues is the theme here, or at least it was intended to be, do any here think that Dish specifically set out to intentionally deceive any of us? Did a Dish rep intentionally set out to deceive a customer? If it was not intentional is it still considered an integrity issue to you?
inazsully said:
Since integrity issues is the theme here, or at least it was intended to be, do any here think that Dish specifically set out to intentionally deceive any of us? Did a Dish rep intentionally set out to deceive a customer? If it was not intentional is it still considered an integrity issue to you?

I'm not sure about your question. I'd say more lack of brains if it was intentional. However, I am more worried that this thread is evolving into a political rant and should be monitored. I've been slammed for it before, as others should too.
Do you want to add a roof over your head, clean water, food (but no sweets)..........

Nope. They are covered quite adequately by our right to life.

I for one just want to keep the rights we all have as Americans. No need to pile on entitlements and call them rights, too.
Sounds reflexive to me.

I only want two. That's hardly a pile. And not entitlements; I asked for constitutional amendments. So unless both houses of congress and two thirds of the states agree with me you're safe.

And you have to be a real hard case to say you actually believe someone smacked by a car on a busy city street isn't entitled to a ride to a hospital where they stop hemorrhaging and stabilize broken bones, put some dressings on wounds and give him an IV and a little pain medication if needed.

But your desire not be made to pay for educating poor people has some validity. It would lower taxes and create more parking space in front of the library. Absurd but logical. How about just entitling them to enough education to make them able to read so they don't park in spaces marked "reserved for rdinkel":D
Originally Posted by empirefalls

My satellite is far from a phone jack, so i bought a $60 wall jack device that connected the reciever to the phone jack. Dish sells the item on thier website

But how is the way your house is built or your decision about what to do about it on Dish?

I think the point was that, at $5 per month savings, it was worth $60 to purchase the device. It would be paid for in one year. But because Dish changed their policy, there were no savings.

Not the same, but similar thing happened to me last year. Dish announced that customer bills were going down with new policies. My bill went up. When I called and asked, the woman I talked to did not know anything about the $5 per month savings I had been getting for many years. She just kept telling me that with the new policy, my bill was reduced. I kept telling her to look at my old bills, and she would see that it had actually increased $6 per month.

Originally Posted by empirefalls
'Dish willing to give you a free HD receiver '
I am a customer of 7 years. Everywhere you look there are ads for FREE HD reciever ,FREE HD FOR LIFE, etc., for new customers. If your a longtime customer,they charge you.
Free HD recievers and DVRs have always been free with two year commitment. Free HD for life is free if you go paperless billing (costs you nothing) and autopay(costs you nothing)

I have been a customer of Dish for about 7 years also. I have called about getting an HD receiver and HD programming. I have been told that it will cost close to $300 for me to switch even with a two-year commitment. We have been paperless and autopay since signing up 7 years ago. One co-worker of mine switched from Dish to Direct-TV just to get HD programming without having to pay for it. Another has found out that if you cancel, you only need to wait a month before you can sign back up as a new customer. She plans to cancel before going on vacation this summer.

Every business person will tell you that it cost less to keep an old customer than to find a new one. Apparently everyone except those selling satellite TV.

Originally Posted by empirefalls
RE: my inlaws got $$$$$. they buy just about all programming,even tho they do not watch all programming. Plus movies on demand stuff
Then they left. How is that on Dish?

This customer was spending a lot of money every month with Dish. If Dish was not willing to work with this customer, apparently they will not work with anyone. Again, the situation shows some business integrity issues.
I have been told that it will cost close to $300 for me to switch even with a two-year commitment. We have been paperless and autopay since signing up 7 years ago....

....the situation shows some business integrity issues.
I have to admit they are cranking up their cash flow at customers expense, and not in an entirely forthright way. But I always chalk these things up to dumb rather than evil management. Too bad we'll never know which is closer to the truth.
Every business person will tell you that it cost less to keep an old customer than to find a new one. Apparently everyone except those selling satellite TV.
Ah the naivety of life. If you think the Satellite TV Business is the only one that has enticements for new customers that are not extended to existing customers, then you have had a very limited exposure to business.
Ah the naivety of life. If you think the Satellite TV Business is the only one that has enticements for new customers that are not extended to existing customers, then you have had a very limited exposure to business.

except that...nobody ever said that. Just like nobody ever said that Satellite TV should be an entitlement. It is cheaper to keep old business than find new.

50 cents per show lol

New dish hd channels???