My Joey Screen turned purple and I lost sound? Any idea?

The PSOD issue has nothing to do with cables or receivers.
I am pretty sure it's a software bug. I wouldn't waste time troubleshooting your equipment.

and you should report the equipment that's having a problem with the hopper to someone on the DIRT team. Then they can make a report to engineering so it can get fixed.

include account number, software version, and possibly receiver id
I run hdmi through receiver to the TV. No problem.I did have simulate problem with my Roku that turned out to be a problem with the receiver setting. In the video settings I had to set it for thru.Perhaps your problem is similar.
and you should report the equipment that's having a problem with the hopper to someone on the DIRT team. Then they can make a report to engineering so it can get fixed.

include account number, software version, and possibly receiver id

How do I report it to the DIRT team?

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Old Equipment