GEOSATpro ON/OFF Reboot Looping

I feel your pain Avenger. This receiver should not be that complicated.

jibaro, Had avenger been provided a driver by his Chinese supplier and installed an .udf file this wouldn't be a thread. :D

The issue is not with how a file is loaded, it is simply what file is being loaded. Loading an .abs file will not correct a corrupted user database. A corrupt user database file will loop a receiver if it is loaded via USB, satellite or TTL serial port. Going back to post #2 of this thread it has been mentioned to install an .udf file.

Avenger's complication is with the PC not recognizing the conversion cable. The original challenge appears to be with not installing a driver for the conversion cable to be recognized by his computer. Once the conversion device was recognized, the incorrect file was loaded to remedy the corrupted user database.

Once a driver is installed on his PC and the current .udf file is loaded, he will be back in business and this thread can rest! :D
OK, Here is an update on the "Reboot Looping" problem, after re-reading all of the inputs and comments conserning this incident, I would like to clarify a comment from post #8, while using my son's computer I actually did the whole and complete process of the "Firmware Update via Internet TTL Serial Connection" per instructions.

When Brian ask me about what software I had installed somehow I gave the impression that I had installed the wrong software the .abs instead of the .udf. I misunderstood his question, I did install the latest .abs ( GSPMHD_0.19_01312013) during the ( Firmware Update via Internet TTL Serial) process, but never got to the .udf part.

Anyhow, downloaded the driver for the USB/TTL cable and and was able to identify what Com port to use for my computer and done the whole procedure many times per instructions with no good results, still blinking Red/Gree. I am using the two most up to date software updates the GSPMHD_0.16_12062012 as well as the GSPMHD_0.19_01312013. and also used the two versions of the Ali_Editor. Nada, nothing, kaput.

I read in previous posts that some of the members USB/TTL had two wires (TX and RX) swapped, I don't know if this was accidental or they were swaped in the USB/TTL unit itself, this didn't do any harm to the microHD?, could this be my problem. I am open to any suggestions.

Thank You.
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Apparently, it didn't do any damage. Once the wires were swapped, it worked perfectly.

The other weird thing I remembered in my case (and in at least one other person's case), was that for some reason, the Ali Editor needed a magical LZMA.EXE file in the same directory to function properly. Although it wasn't recommended, I borrowed this program from my Openbox s10's AliEditor program, put it into the folder with the microHD's AliEditor, and it instantly began to do the transfer. Why it wanted this is still puzzling to me.
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Apparently, it didn't do any damage. Once the wires were swapped, it worked perfectly.

Thank You,

That makes sense, were the wires connected/indentified wrong inside the USB unit, or accidentally connected to the wrong pins of the microHD serial port/connections, just wanting to know if my USB/TTL unit might no be built right. The Green light comes on when the unit is connected to the PC, but that does not mean that the other two wires might not be swapped in the PC board of the USB casing. Never Know.
I think the pins on the usb unit were labeled incorrectly. All the lights and connections seemed to work even with the wires reversed, however until I swapped the TX and RX wires, the computer couldn't transfer any data to the STB.
Avenger, I think you are still confused.

You ONLY need to transfer a good .UDF file. Nothing else!!! Once you replace your bad .udf file with a good one, the unit will stop constantly rebooting. Downloading the entire firmware (the .abs file) does NOT replace the corrupted .udf file which causes the reboots!
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Avenger, I think you are still confused.

You ONLY need to transfer a good .UDF file. Nothing else!!! Once you replace your bad .udf file with a good one, the unit will stop constantly rebooting. Downloading the entire firmware (the .abs file) does NOT replace the corrupted .udf file which causes the reboots!

Thanks primestar31,

Please correct me if I am doing something wrong. Here is exactly what I am trying to do....I am Trying to correct the RED/GREEN On/Off Reboot-Looping of the microHD, I am following the instructions that Brian posted for "GEOSATpro microHD Firmware Update via Internal TTL Serial connection" dated 08/24/2012....On Step 12 of that procedure, it states: Select "DownLoad File (PC to STB)" Select File Type: ABS (.abs)", and Step 13 states ( Select the most recent microHD .abs firmware file) which in this case happens to be GSPMHD_0.19_01312013.

If I am doing and performing the wrong procedure, please inform me of the correct one to perform.... By me following this instuctions, from Step #1 to Step 22, the final result still remains of the ON/OFF Reboot-Looping of the microHD. The question that I have and is not verified so far my me is whether the TX and RX wires points are or are not swapped inside the USB/TTL casing. Everything seem superficial to work per paper work, but as stated, this did not stopped the microHD from the "Reboot Looping" and not being functional as it should be.

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If they are connected correctly, and you try to transfer a file to your microHD from your computer, you'll see a progress bar, it'll hit 100% and say the transfer was successful :) Otherwise, you'll get some error in the end.

The .abs can help ensure you have the latest firmware, but primestar is right when he says its the .udf file and nothing else that must be reloaded to stop the cycle sequence. I would just use the most recent one with the firmware, or even better, the new North America list:
The wires are then connected correctly since it achived 100% as stated befor, and it say it was successful, even though it is still looping after the end of the procedure. Am I making sense....I do not see anything in the instructions that tells me to substitute an .udf program for the .abs program on steps 12 and 13 of the 08/24/2012 Firmware Update via Internal TTL Serial connection, or is there a specific instruction for the Reboot-Looping ( or as my original thread title was "The Dreaded ON/OFF").

I certainly agree on the .udf file being the one to stop the cycle sequence, and to use the most recent one, the new North America list. But first and foremost, the microHD has to stop cycling in order for the microHd to accept the .udf program and installed it.

As I asked before, am I using the wrong pocedure/instructions, not the wrong program to stop the microHD from cycling, rebooting, looping.

Before starting the ALiEditor program, check and if necessary, modify your AliEditor.ini file for it looks like:
<see below>
Script File=C:\MicroHD\ALI_Editor_GEOSATpro_microHD\script.ini
Chip Type=M3601s
<see Above>
Of course, your Script File path will be different for your computer, but the Chip Type needs to be as above. (There is another post about setting this and changing the file read only.)

Brian has recently posted a new copy of the ALiEditor program (last Monday) when I was having problems with editing a UDF file. His new posting has the LZMA file in the new post. He warns not to use the LZMA file from other packages. The link to purchase the cable also has a link for the software that has the LZMA file in it. (directly above the video on how to use the cable) The two links have the same version of ALiEditor. In the previous file post here, the ALiEitor file was corrupt when I downloaded it. (I downloaded it many times, not just a file download issue) The file would run, it shows the same version, it just corrupts the file being edited in some cases. Checking with a hex editor, the new and old file did not compare the same, even though they both reported the same version and had the same amount of bytes.

To load the UDF file,
Start the ALiEditor program
Select Process
Then Download File (PC --> STB)
In the Files of type box, press the down arrow and select UDF File(*.udf)
Now navigate and select your User Database File
The rest of the process is the same as for flashing the abs file.

The cable may be confusing people, as the TX signal from the Computer is Connected to the RX signal on the microHD and the TX signal on the microHD is Connected to the RX signal on the computer. This is because the Transmitted data of the PC flows out of the PC and is received on the Receive data pin on the microHD. Think of it as two garden hoses. The water only flows in one direction in each hose, but the water flow out of the tap (transmitted) where the hose is connected and into the bucket (received) at the other end of the hose.
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The instructions you are using are specifically for downloading and installing the FULL software to the internal connector. You don't need to download and install the full software in this case, as your MicroHD .udf file is corrupted and causing the reboots. You only need to install the .udf file, nothing else for the boot cycle problem. Follow the instructions, but choose the .udf file ONLY. Download and install that, and the receiver will stop the constant reboots.

There's no other way to say it if you just can't understand that in plain English, it's been said enough times already.
Finally, after all these mishaps, my microHD is working as it should.

I would like to apologize to Brian, wallyhts, jibaro29, corrado, northgeorgia, larry1 and most of all to primestar31 for setting my hardhead straight.

As most of you know, the problem started when I inadvertently caused the microHD to go into a Reboot-Looping stage.

The USB/TTL China made cable came without a driver, that made matters worse.

My PC did not recognized the right COM port for some reason.

Then there was this prompt that kept coming up "Ali Editor fail to get Version, that didn't help either. So I had to play with the Ali Editors and find the right one to use and correct that.

Then I read the correcting instructions literaly as it was writing, not realizing that this was causing the original problem to worsen, and being a "One track mind" as my wife would say, continued to make the same error, untill primestar31 opened my eyes and I was able to see the light, LOL!!!! Thanks.

My local Rat Shack doe nor carry the the mini plug that ke4est is selling with his version of the USB/TTL adapter cable. I do not want to buy the whole cable, since my China made cable is working.

Now that this episode is over, I am requesting for a Moderator, or any one with access power to close this thread.

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Great! Good job fixing it!

You didn't do anything more or less than most average people in "over-thinking" the issue. People tend to overthink a technical issue, and it takes making a LOT of mistakes AND learning from them to become a GOOD technician! You need to learn to condense a particular problem down to it's separate components, and zero-in on the most likely culprit. That takes time, but you can get there if the motivation is there.

If you don't keep trying things and making mistakes, and eventually figuring out how to fix them for things such as this, you won't learn! Keeping your mind active with stuff like this keeps you alive.
My local Rat Shack doe not carry the the mini plug that ke4est is selling with his version

I found that the connector inside the microHD was the same as some of the old CD-ROM audio cables. (only the one end) I cut and spliced the one end of the cable to the connector. A local small computer store might have a cable from some of their scrap computers and be able to splice it to the end of your cable or make you a cable.

Glad you got it working. Mark down the connections that work for you for if you need to load the database file again in the future you can refer to it for a guide.
My local Rat Shack doe nor carry the the mini plug that ke4est is selling with his version of the USB/TTL adapter cable. I do not want to buy the whole cable, since my China made cable is working.

If you want I can put the end on for you? (PM me) Its friday i'll do it for $1 plus return shipping total under $3.
... You need to learn to condense a particular problem down to it's separate components, and zero-in on the most likely culprit.
That's the approach I've used for decades. It paid the rent. :)

FTA is a very technical hobby.
Hundreds of things can go wrong, and it only takes one to prevent reception.
Luckily, we have a friendly community to help! ;)
If you want I can put the end on for you? (PM me) Its friday i'll do it for $1 plus return shipping total under $3.

Thanks wallyhts,

I am not cheap my no means, but I rather do it it myself. If you could sell me two mini-connectors plugs, I took a chance and bought two from different chinese vendors, when I were not sure if I had bought the wrong 3 volts type instead of the right 5 Volts connector. I bought these USB/TTL as soon as the first occurence of the Reboot-Looping happened, knowing that sooner or later I would trip and it would happened to me, and at that time I did no know of anyone close by to buy them from.

Give me a price, and you will have a small sale.

Mine is rebooting after I did something with the editor. I thought I took the udf out of it, and I added some names to channels and tried to send the file back to the receiver, and I did something wrong. I ordered the cable to fix it today. I really like that little box and I'll miss it until I get the cable. I read up on the MicroHD before I bought it, but I didn't see any posts about the rebooting until it happened to me.

I did read that we could go inside of it and connect it to a computer, and I was hoping for a chance to do that. Maybe not like this though. Anyway I have a lot of converters for programming radios from a serial port. I know they are level converters but none has 4 wires coming out. I fooled around with that thinking I might not have to send 5 volts to the MicroHD but I didn't get it to work and I didn't try too hard because I didn't have a good way to connect it to the output end of the converter.

One thing I did find out is that the little cables that are used for some cd rom drives in computers have the proper plug on one end that plugs into the receiver perfectly. The other end is also a 4 pin plug but it's a little larger. I cut that off and had a red wire, a white wire, an orange wire and a naked wire with no insulation. This wire was in the pin 1 position but must have been a ground of some kind for the cd rom drive.

So I'm suggesting that if anyone has one of those cables from an old computer it might be a good idea to plug that into the receiver and make some way of connecting the converter to the other end, like splicing the wires permanently. Then you wouldn't have to worry about trying to put those wires onto the receiver one by one. I might poke a hole in the back of mine and let the wire hang out all the time, because I think I am going to need it again and I would prefer using the cable over a thumb drive anyway. My receiver is always near the computer so I can do that.

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