Your Ideas for FTA Programming for the USA

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Oh my goodness. I really have to do a 97W update. I wished for Tagalog programming and BOOM. Six new channels in the clear right now on 12122 H 20000 (plus radio, too). If this stays in the clear for a while, my sister-in-law will be on cloud nine.
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To be viable, think it would have to be in the Ku band, to get the benefits of OTARD.
Imagine, advertiser supported television, what a concept. (but isn't their too many commercials, already, even with a sub?)
BBC sold out to the 'boys club' as did some nearby schools sold (y)our choice of soda they have available at their facilities.

(local university sold out to Coke, and just recently a HS sold out to Pepsi, for 'exclusive rights' for their products)
I was teased by CNBC on 72w ku and planned on recording something the next night.
The next night the channel was black.
I would just settle for those channels to be on 72w reliably.
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Le Tour de France

Sitting here with all this new FTA equipment...

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