Doing some work...

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I will be doing some work on the site, including the style update I posted about earlier in the week. As I am working some things may look strange for a moment or two.

Thanks for your understanding as we continue to make SatelliteGuys better for you! :D
Ok the Dark color style has been updated. And in quick tests all seems good.

Now on to do the Default Theme.
Actually I am seeing an issue in the Dark Style with the Sticky Navigation bar. I am working on that now and am holding off upgrading the Default style until this is fixed. :)
My settings are gone, they no longer will stick when I try them again. The bar at top is several inches down the page..... I'm in the non sticky bar dark. I don't seem to see any settings for color?
Just FYI, Satelliteguys Default No Sticky Navigation, the sidebar is now visible and when I click 'Close Sidebar' it changes to the Home Page.
Ok the AD Styler (the thing that lets you customize your style) if fixed. Turns out now its a usergroup option and not turned on for everyone by default like it was before.
Just FYI, Satelliteguys Default No Sticky Navigation, the sidebar is now visible and when I click 'Close Sidebar' it changes to the Home Page.
This is working properly for me in testing.

The javascript used to close and open the sidebar has changed. You might need to clear your cache if the old version is stuck.
I am testing something with the regular "Dark" style.

Now the navigation bar does not stay stuck on the top of your screen when you scroll down. However if you need the navigation bar, just scroll up a hair and the navigation bar will pop up. Let me know what you think.

I am still working on things. Got to get the responsive Google Ad in the top right working again. As I work on it, the navigation bar may be messed up for a few minutes.
This is working properly for me in testing.

The javascript used to close and open the sidebar has changed. You might need to clear your cache if the old version is stuck.

Cleared cache, logged out, logged back in, tried another computer using Firefox 37.0.1 and an Internet Explorer that has never been to SatelliteGuys, all with the same result. Click on 'Close Sidebar' and get sent to the home page.
I see whats going on there...

Both styles use the same javascript and since the java was updated for dark it broke the default style. This will be fixed when I update the default style. Got a few more small things to update on dark and then I will do default.

The new version really didn't break things in the dark style, the issue is they moved things so that they now have permissions when they didn't before.
Ok I got Dark working well... now onto default so I can correct the errors from the javascript change. :)

Again things may not look correct for a few moments as the style is update, but all will be ok in a few. :D
Ok update complete, pending and additional tweaks needed.

Again for the Default Sticky the navigation bar DOES NOT stay on the screen, but will reappear if you start to scroll up. This sort of gives you the best of both worlds. Let me know what you think. :D
There's now 2 each 'Normal Thread' and Sticky Thread' banners.
Looks good but I just noticed a little thing. 'Start Date' on the title bar but no start dates listed.
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