I finally got the third panel installed after about 2 hours. I tried drilling out holes but they were getting too big so I ended up installing slightly smaller bolts - which I just happen to have. It's about 90 already on it's way to 104 so I'm going to see if I can continue this later if there's still enough daylight after the temperature drops below 90. It's suppose to be cooler tomorrow but still 96 for the forecast. Monday will be even cooler but the wind is suppose to kick up. Tuesday is going to be much cooler than it has been along with rain/snow and we have a freeze warning for Tuesday night. I probably won't have the dish on the pole until next weekend. Also, the dish came with 2 circular plates that were in the panel package so I'm guessing those are center plates for the reflector - I'm thinking those will be a challenge to put on since it's looking like they have to be installed after the panels are installed. Looks like I'll have to do some touch up painting also. Too bad I can't afford a 10+ footer dish that's a single piece......
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