Recent content by dogday

  1. dogday

    Dish called me about OLN today

    just in case anyone from E* or OLN reads these boards, I too want OLN back. Between Pro Rally and NHL playoffs, it's a must-have for me. OLN-HD would be a good add too, but I'll take what I can get.
  2. dogday

    942 Upgrade Offer - POS

    I bought my 942 less than a month ago, so yes, I am peeved. Especially when I was led to believe it would be upgradeable hardware and I was refused the opportunity to lease it in the first place. So I can drop another 300 (after just spending 798) and wait three months for a 200 rebate...
  3. dogday

    President Of Dish Spoke The Truth

    I'll just tell you from the production side, there are a lot of producers/production companies who think if it's a 16:9 program, it's HD. Of course, some of the most non-techincally savy people I know are in video production:D
  4. dogday

    The Positive Spin of the HD Channel delayed

    I got this too when I was about to purchase my 942 a month ago. It's why I still think there may be an easy hardware upgrade for the 942. At least I'm hoping...
  5. dogday

    New DishHD Packages to be added February

    I haven't had any sync problems with my 942. I thought I was having some with my display, but it was only because I had sound on the receiver (optical) at the same time as the display (analog) - not so much sync as phasing. My 942 has been great which is why I'm disappointed that it will not...
  6. dogday

    New DishHD Packages to be added February

    sker66, I'm right there with you. I've been with Dish for 8 years now. Same as you, just bought my 942 4 weeks ago after the same hassles of trying to get a better deal. Ended up with a $798 bill - receiver and install. Tried to get a Dish 1000 thrown in, but they wouldn't do that, although...
  7. dogday

    EXCLUSIVE: Dish Vip 622 & Vip 222 Specs

    942 to 622 mods? with all the whining going on across the forums (not trying to disparage anyone - I'm guilty too), has anyone looked further into the possibility of a chip or motherboard mod/upgrade for the 942 boxes? Seems like other than lacking MPEG-4, it's identical to the 622 It would...
  8. dogday

    EXCLUSIVE: Dish Vip 622 & Vip 222 Specs

    Where, may I ask, did you get long runs of cable that inexpensively? PM me if you must... I have a similar set up with only the toslink running at the moment and coax for video. thx
  9. dogday

    The Positive Spin of the HD Channel delayed

    I think you are right on. Seems like it would leave them wide open for a class action suit. but then, I'm no lawyer...
  10. dogday

    Most likely upgrade path for existing customers - discussion

    Pepsi Syndrome anyone?? Now that my 942 is almost 1 month old and soon to be obsolete, it would be a shame if it were to have an "accident." It's frustrating when I asked several times prior to purchasing the 942 (no luck with a lease) what the upgrade path would be, and being told that the...
  11. dogday

    NHL Center Ice

    actually the HDPPV channel does show games occasionally. Certainly more often than HDNet. Hopefully, they'll expand the selection of HD games with the MPEG4 switch. Most of the regional nets are shooting their games in HD already, so I would hope that Dish picks them up. I'm on the west...
  12. dogday

    simple ? - where's the HD Demo channel

    thanks. oh well. Guess I wait 'til I add another dish. Is it also at 129??
  13. dogday

    simple ? - where's the HD Demo channel

    Just got my new 942 hooked up and trying to get my bearings on the new channels. Isn't there supposed to be an HD Demo channel? I'm currently only running a Dish 500, no Voom, no second dish or 1000. I thought the demo was available on 110, but I can't seem to find it. thx
  14. dogday

    Voom Price?

    Thanks, it's what I suspected all along. Of course, when I called back to Dish, the (different) CSR told me that I needed a second dish - that there was not a single dish that would work. I'm glad these forums exist so I can get proper information. It's too bad the company can't educate...
  15. dogday

    Voom Price?

    :o that's exactly what I asked - "Do I need a new dish?" The CSR seemed to not know what I was talking about, and kept asking if he should go ahead and add the Voom package. If I need a new dish, I want to know now so I can have the installer add it and have everything done in one shot...