Recent content by will0471

  1. W

    VOOM Shutdown Update

    Shutdown is, technically May 1st, 3am. I believe it is an "all at once" type deal. If you haven't been asked to send your box back, then presumably, you'd still have the ability to get your OTA networks through the use of your OTA antenna, which I do not believe, technologically speaking, has...
  2. W

    I am losing my job...

    Cableready... I think those that were asked to come to VOOM to work, at least those at the higher levels, will be *found* positions within either Rainbow, or back at CVC corporate. I think folks at some other levels are also looking to go back to positions they left, or were re-allocated...
  3. W

    Cablevision to Bid $16.5 Bln for Adelphia : A Voom blurb

    Roughly 4.5 to 5 million subscribers across 550-600 or so (roughly) cable systems. Roughly $3,200 per sub? I might not be doing the math on that right.. soooo many zeros on the old calculator!
  4. W

    Charles Dolan E-mail Response (4/4/05)

    I would highly highly highly doubt that this is an actual email from Mr. Dolan. Doesn't fit the email format even used by Cablevision... I do think it's a good idea though. If the draw to VOOM in the first place is supposed to be HD content, but VOOM can't survive as an 3rd satellite...
  5. W

    Cablevision Disavows Dolan and Dish Offers No Aid

    Thank you, JL, for saying much better what I was trying to! Yes, viability is relative to the different categories of people involved. Obviously, to the Cablevision board, VOOM is not viable, to the customers of VOOM, of course it is viable, they pay for and receive a service, so viability is...
  6. W

    Cablevision Disavows Dolan and Dish Offers No Aid

    You can all supposition all you like about what is viable and what is not. Unless you've looked under VOOM's financial hood and "kicked the tires" so to speak, you are all entirely unqualified to judge what is "viable" or not. Have any of you ever seen the actual start-up costs of VOOM...
  7. W

    Cablevision Disavows Dolan and Dish Offers No Aid

    The POINT is that you DO have alternative options to VOOM. Do they offer as much HD-specific programming, NO! I didn't say that, what I said is that you might need to be PATIENT in getting programming such that VOOM offers today. And I'm not a "I think VOOM should die person". I'm merely...
  8. W

    Cablevision Disavows Dolan and Dish Offers No Aid

    CV had no choice but to disavow Mr. Dolan's grievance with the FCC. The fact that Mr. Dolan even filed such a grievance is virtually unheard of and highly improper on HIS side. He is the Chairman of the Board of a corporation (already under an informal SEC investigation I might add over this...
  9. W

    FCC: Joint Petition Filed to Deny Assignment of Licenses (Charles F Dolan)

    I never thought rollercoasters were very much fun! It seems highly contradictory that Mr. Dolan, who is the Chairman of the Board of Cablevision, the company that currently owns VOOM, filed a petition with the FCC to block the sale of something that Cablevision (again, the company of which he...
  10. W


    Many Scenarios Possible, but what is likely? The whole situation is ripe with possibilities.. however, I think it is unlikely that VOOM buying away from CVC Rainbow Media's core national network assets is highly unlikely. At $2 billion to finance VOOM over 2 years, that would tap out...