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I rented Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Godzilla this week. Both of these movies I had great sound but I was especially impressed with Godzilla. It had lots of rear activity and it wasn't just the typical bullets whizzing past. Plus, as gadgtfreek pointed out, the bass was room shaking.

As far as the actual movies go, I liked Captain America much better. In my opinion, it was the best Marvel movie so far. I also think Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the stronger Marvel movies so they don't seem to be showing any signs of slowing down.

Next on the way from Netflix for me is Pan's Labyrinth. From what I hear the Bluray isn't great but I've never seen the movie so I'll check it out.
Bayformers 4

Saw it in a average theater so I was curious about SQ

LFE did not disapoint, PQ is superb, story is average at best and reminded be of 2. #3 is still my favorite.

Edge of Tomorrow is next, hopefully this weekend. Depends on if I get a new AVR by then.
Xmen Days of Future Past

Really liked it.

Quicksilver scene with the guards firing was outstanding. Not sure how I feel about one person playing quicksilver in Xmen movies and a different one in Avengers. Wish they could get on the same page.
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Last: X-Men - Days of Future Past and Godzilla (2014 version)

Also really enjoyed DOFP! Now that everyone is back, wonder if they'll make more X-Men films? They have (potentially) tons of storylines they can pursue now. Godzilla was also a lot of fun. AQ was astounding (as been mentioned previously in this thread).

Next: Transformers 4.
Edge of Tomorrow

What a great flick. I thought one of my subs blew with the weird pop at the beginning LOL. Also threw in Batman Begins last night, first time I watched it on a blu in a long time. Didn't realize how good the audio was, as well as the bass, because I had never watched it on my current speakers.

Marathon tomorrow: Draft Day, Brick Mansions and Fault in our Stars
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Fault in our stars - Depressing, but to be expected. Also uplifting, and a chick flick, also to be expected.

Draft Day - Enjoyed it, thought it was fun.

Brick Mansions - Good action, good bass, cheesy acting
Last: Snowpiercer

I really liked it, but can't guarantee everyone would. Has some bizarre moments and characters, but the overall plot was good. Think "Mad Max/Road Warrior" on a train. Stunning visuals. 5 star cast. Nice to see Chris Evans as someone other than Captain America.