That would be very good news. In fact, too good to believe. What 20 HD channels can they add by the end of September?
Btw., what is the percentage of Comcast customers in the Boston area that are analog-only? Anybody knows?
I was told the same thing by a few people. I.e., presently there is no room on cable for even a few additional HD channels.
Obviously, Wilt (from Voom) is very knowledgeable so I don't get his comment. Am I missing something Sean?
You can do both with 6412. You can also schedule recording only new episodes no matter their schedule time or channel. So, yes, "name-based recording" is possible and actually works on 6412.
I've had mine for ~2 months, and I haven't experienced any of the described problems. Actually, I like it a lot. Comcast in Boston is not Voom but at least I can watch tons of Red Sox in HD. And record it in HD when I am away!
Gale Force? It very much depends on the cost of an HD DVD player. You think that a Sixpack Joe will replace his regular DVD player that he just bought a few months ago for $50 with a new and more expensive toy? Besides, the new toy may not provide any benefit to him if he doesn't own an HD set...
I hope so Don. I shed a tear or two reading this.
I've been evaluating my options for HD life "after Voom" and the situation is sincerely depressing. :no
Playing a role of devil's advocate: six months might be even longer than "permanent" in the world of Voom. ;)
But seriously, it is important to clear this issue up. I am interested in multi-room setup as well.
I am wondering, why you are so passionately negative about Apple? Your several posts in this thread trash Apple with lots of exclamation marks and bold font. You seem to be an expert on computer technology but, you still use Apple computers. Why?
Oh boy!
Voom, please, say sorry to Voomin@720p and add only the channels that Voomin@720p wants. Oh, and they better be free, in HD, and no f***ing compression. :)