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  1. ats7627

    How many Hoppers and Joeys are allowed?

    I called Dish the other day to inquire about adding a 2nd Hopper 3. I currently have 1 Hopper 3, 1 4K Joey and 3 wireless Joeys. When I got to the right department, I was told that I would have to have a total of 6 Joey type receivers befor they would allow me to purchase and add the 2nd...
  2. ats7627

    4K Events Discussion Thread

    Has anyone else hit the guide while on this channel? The guide in 4K looks amazing.
  3. ats7627


    I'm interested in upgrading to the Hopper 3
  4. ats7627

    Question for the brain trust

    I would check with Comcast just to make sure that you're not getting a discount on your internet service because you subscribe to one of their video services. You may find out that the internet only price will cost more. Worth checking before you "cut the cord", so to speak.
  5. ats7627

    10/14/2009 2:05pm - Uplink Activity Report - 73 changes

    Bob. Penthouse is going away on Dish. The Pent/XTSY combo will be replaced by the Xsty/Juicy combo with no price change.
  6. ats7627

    Big Brother 11

    What! Was I watching a different show than the one Nat was on. It was clear to me that she was head over heels for Jessie and then did a 180 when she found out what he did with Lydia. Clearly she was doing some serious backtracking for her boyfriends sake. That had to be the most...
  7. ats7627

    622 issue: TV2 has sound but no picture

    Have you tried a hard reset? Hold the front panel power button for about 10 seconds and the receiver will reboot.
  8. ats7627

    Dish Drops HD Enabling Fee

    Dish adds a $5.00 charge to any account that does not have core programming. So $9.99 is the price for locals only, then you would add the $5.98 for the DVR service.
  9. ats7627

    The Dish April 1st New HD Saga (Merged Threads)

    Charlie and his lovely wife have 5 Children and I'll take "1 HD DuoDVR™ SlingLoaded™ ViP® 922" from Rey
  10. ats7627

    4/1/2009 2:06pm - Uplink Activity Report - 4 changes

    Close, it's a 05 Road Star 1700. I love the look of the V-Stars as well as the Road Stars.
  11. ats7627

    4/1/2009 2:06pm - Uplink Activity Report - 4 changes

    According to the list I saw: 9417 Temp43 = Nick HD 9484 Temp39 = MTV HD 9485 Temp42 = Comedy HD 9493 Temp38 = CMT HD 9506 Temp44 = Spike HD 9507 Temp48 = VH1 HD 9510 Temp47 = BET HD Of course, as you all know, everything is subject to change
  12. ats7627

    L618 on 622.

    According to my source the upgrade included the following: 1080p DishONLINE fixes, Ciel2 (129) 015 temp. fix, EA 1K.4 false LO drift fix, more CC fixes, Misc
  13. ats7627

    Hope Charlie doesn't steal this idea!!

    From the article, "When broadband-connected TiVo users pause a live or time-shifted broadcast, the new "Pause Menu" comes up, which not only displays Adwords-style text ads, but also allows users to perform TiVo Swivel Searches for program info, related shows, and downloads." Notice the...
  14. ats7627

    Who has L610 on his/her 722 and NO CH501?

    I received the new software on my 622 last night (6.12 I believe) and "I am Legend" is listed 1st in the 501 VOD offerings
  15. ats7627

    GAME ON! Echostar XI successfully reaches Geo-synchronous Transfer orbit!

    Thanks Digi. You just saved some of my sanity. I just unchecked "Play animations in web pages" in IE options and now all I get is 1 frame. I think some people just pick the most annoying moving avatars they can find.
  16. ats7627

    Help getting OTA antennae hooked up to satellite

    The Terk42 has a built-in diplexer. The problem is that this diplexer is not DishPro compatible. It can not handle the higher frequencies that DishPro LNBs output. You can continue using it the way you have it hooked up now (using older receiver to power the Terk42) or purchase a separate...
  17. ats7627

    418 HD & 429 HD dvr recordings

    Or you could set a manual timer for a minute or two after the start of the game broadcast.
  18. ats7627

    Satellite Dish Crane in Action

    I'll try and post some pictures in the next week or so of the "DishDavit".
  19. ats7627

    Blast From The Past - Playboy Scrambling Notice (Rated G)

    I remember when Playboy shared a transponder (G5-2) with Gary Cubetta and Satellite City TV and his famous "Super Ice Lnbs and King Viper Receivers":rolleyes:
  20. ats7627

    Satellite Dish Crane in Action

    I still have 2 of these units. Mine have the trade name DishDavit, made by a company in Asheville, NC
  21. ats7627

    Taking A Trip Down Memory Lane - Satellite TV Magazine, October 1983

    Didn't Charlie own Houston Tracker Systems?
  22. ats7627

    Remote Codes

    From the Element Electronics Website: Q: I’m trying to set up my cable/satellite/universal remote to work with your television. What is the manufacturer’s code for your unit? A: Please try the code 0178 or for Dish Network try 627 or 659. These codes may not work on some universal remotes...
  23. ats7627

    5-07-08 HD Rumors.

    From what I am seeing, all 4 for Hartford are a go at this point.
  24. ats7627

    Salvage of AMC 14 Cast Aside

    Echostar (SATS) made upfront payments to SES in excess of $40Million. They had procured insurance to cover substantially all of the upfront payments.
  25. ats7627

    AMC -14 Info

    According to the SATS 8-K filing after the launch failure, they made an upfront payment in excess of $40Million dollars to SES for the lease and had procured insurance to cover substantially all of those upfront payments. They are not obligated to make any future lease payments unless the...