Search results for query: *

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    HR-20/21 upconverting question...

    Cool. That makes sense. Thanks :)
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    Weird HR20-700 issue

    Mine has done this a few times. I just assumed it was from updates or something.
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    HR-20/21 upconverting question...

    I've got an HDTV and an HR-20. I just recently bought an upconverting DVD player, and I was pretty amazed at how much better SD DVD's look upconverted. So, I got to wondering. Does the new HR-21 upconvert the SD channels? I tried putting my HR-20 on an SD channel, turning off native, and...
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    Would VOOM channels be better as VOD?

    Plus, it just makes good business sense to offer all the HD channels the competitor offers and more.
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    Would VOOM channels be better as VOD?

    I'd be happy with that. Just make them a premium HD, like HBO or whatever. I'd pay an extra five bucks a month for them. I know everybody bashes the heck out of them, but I'd really like to have them.
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    VOOM channels?

    Have there been any more rumblings about Directv getting the VOOM channels? Not that I don't love all the HD we've been getting added, but... Well, I know everybody knocks them, but I kinda like 'em. I've had a chance to watch them quite a bit at a friend's house. Specifically, I would...
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    I will never do business with directv again.

    This is a little off-topic, but... A lot of people kept telling this guy to cancel within the 30 days or whatever and he said he couldn't, and some people didn't seem to understand that. Well, for what it's worth, when I first signed up with D*, I had an issue with them and was advised by...
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    Gray screen of death on 498

    I tried the pause-unpause trick, and I got the congratulations screen now. Kinda ridiculous, though.
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    Gray screen of death on 498

    Sorry to start another thread, but there's way too much stuff to wade through to find the answer to this. 480 and 481 both confirm that my BBC are working. However, 498 gives me the gray screen of death. Why am I not getting the "Congratulations" screen and what do I need to do? (If it's...
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    An Update

    I'm still getting the gray screen of death.
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    An Update

    498 is in my guide. It doesn't give me a "Searching for satellite," but it doesn't give me an information slide either. Just a gray screen. Anyone else getting that?
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Cute. Again, what are you, about 8, 9? Either that or usually people that use "effeminate" or gay slang in a derogatory way are closet homosexuals who secretly hate themselves. Something to think about. The only thing I "set out to do" with this thread was vent and get some advice on how to...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Are you sh*tting me? Girly? Wow. I seriously hope you guys are f**king kids in real life. Because if you're not, and you're actually two grown men calling another grown man "girly" over an argument... Holy Christ is that sad. What next? You gonna threaten to beat me up on the playground...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    You guys are ridiculous, seriously. I understand some people not thinking it's as big a deal as others, but only a f**king mental defective would sit here and try to say that what Directv did was just peachy. Somebody sells you something and tells you you're going to get it all the time...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    P.S. For the people that keep commenting on my anger... Please keep in mind I had just gotten off multiple phone calls with DirecTV at the time I posted this thread. While I'm still angry about the whole issue, I'm MUCH calmer now.
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    I want to cancel without a cancellation fee, and, if at all possible, get the $199 for the DVR upgrade fee back. I am within the 30 days, but contrary to what I keep hearing in here, DirecTV has said just the opposite. They say I am obligated to pay the cancellation fee, and they say there's...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Despite my tone in here (which is the internet, for crying out loud, so I think I could be forgiven for venting how I really feel), I haven't yelled or even been rude to any representative I've talked to. It still hasn't gotten me anywhere. The best I've gotten is my issue "escalated to Upper...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    And egging me on to do it isn't F'n ridiculous? And of course I felt the need to post those pictures. I started the thread to get some advice, then someone decided to derail the whole thing with a crackpot conspiracy theory because they didn't like what I had to say, because they didn't like...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Great, so you tinfoil conspiracy didn't pan out, so now you're coming up with other theories about why I'm having problems with DirecTV. I'm sorry you need to come up with fairy tales because you can't handle the idea that maybe, just maybe, someone got handled badly by DirecTV. I could give...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Just tell me this, seriously: How hard is it to put a * next to TNT-HD on their homepage, and then put "Not available on Sundays." That's it. That's all they had to do. Couldn't be easier. So, the fact that they haven't done it leads me to believe that they'd rather customers signing up...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Whatever. Here ya go. And FYI, this is the most retarded thing I've done all year--taking pictures of my satellite receivers on my lunch hour to satisfy some jagoffs on an internet forum. Such is life.
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Great. Now that you've got your tinfoil hat DirecTV-basher conspiracy out of your system, why don't you go post in another thread? Because I started this one to get advice on how to extricate myself from this situation with DirecTV, not to be called a liar because some A-hole doesn't like what...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    You ARE wrong. Would you like some pictures of my receivers? Would you like a picture of the paper I signed when the installer was here? There may very well be a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. However, this forum is the first I've heard of it, and I've already made half a dozen phone calls...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Yes! I'm pissed because I feel like I was deliberately deceived. I don't patronize people who deceive me. People who do that DON'T get my money. And for that matter, weekends are about the only time I really get to watch TV. So, having one less HD channel than I was told I was going to have...
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    SO freakin' MAD!!!

    Here's why it's different. If it had just been a technical glitch that took away TNT-HD, I wouldn't have blown my stack. I'm not unreasonable, and I know that things break. So, unless it was happening all the time, I wouldn't have flipped out over losing one of my channels to a technical...