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  1. DannyR

    Stargate SG-1 Discussion

    Various sites have illegal downloads - I'll not comment further. I've got no qualms about watching it early as I'll be buying the DVD anyway.
  2. DannyR

    Stargate SG-1 Discussion

    Just watched Continuum. It feels very much like just a much longer episode of Stargate rather than any sort of finale (a good thing in my opinion.) Central plot has to do with B'aal changing time, but thankfully they downplay this enough to not ruin the story's credibility. Some time travel...
  3. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    Earth being the origin of the first human vs. machine war. so, what will happen next. Will a bunch of squids suddenly appear and our hero's will be saved at the last minute by Neo, or will Summer Glau and Arnold Schwarzenagger show up and kick 7's ass? ;)
  4. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

  5. DannyR

    The Big Bang Theory

    Besides, its just a first date. Personally having her date one of the guys probably puts her on the screen more, and thats a win for me.
  6. DannyR

    CBS Renews Unit , Mother & Christine Cancels Shark & Moonlight

    What? CBS changed their mind about Moonlight? Just two weeks ago Sophia Myles (Beth) said in an interview that CBS was renewing the show. Until yesterday that was the general consensus. CBS's own president said back in December that it would likely be renewed for a 2nd season, and the ratings...
  7. DannyR

    Stargate SG-1 Discussion

    doing a Jack O'Neill Not certain what he means by that either... except my opinion of the matter is that these actors all get tired of playing their part, are certain a big "movie" career is out there waiting for them, leave, find the offers slim, and eventually beg to come back. ;)
  8. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    The othe story line that has been overkilled is the Kara "I know where earth is" and it is by a feeling I know where it is. It i beyond me how can they go on with this nonsense. What gets me is she was so certain she knew where it was... but then when given the chance to find it, seems totally...
  9. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    Without character establishment and foreshadowing, a complete and "realistic" story can't be told. I agree with that, but wish they could put the character building parts along with a bit more exciting storyline to keep things edge of your seat. No need to jam it all in one episode with no...
  10. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    This weeks episode was a wasted episode in my opinion and could easily be skipped. Nothing really earth shattering or new revealed. Next week's focus on Starbuck's mission looks much more interesting.
  11. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    The remaining cylons and humans will become our ancestors and this all happens thousands of years ago in our PAST. And here I thought we were all descended from a guy who enjoyed a good bath.
  12. DannyR

    The Sarah Connor Chronicles on FOX

    That other terminator got "blowed up" and he came back. Not the same actor though. Of course perhaps they are just prepping us to bring back Glau looking like this:
  13. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    but why did they reach that conclusion initially? Besides the music, they were also programmed to home in on each other and meet up. Pretty difficult to explain how that was possible for a normal human. In any case, I guess is that their mental triggers just turned on and they simply knew...
  14. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    I would have thought that if they wanted to save money, they would've generated a random starfield rather than taking the time to render a realistic one. Maybe, maybe not. My understanding is they are basically layering the starfield image behind the rest of the action digitally. To do this...
  15. DannyR

    New Amsterdam

    I suspect that the strike got in the way of running more episodes. Thats one possibility, but the timing doesn't quite support it. Production was closed down about 3 weeks before the strike started, with still 2 weeks left in the current writers contracts and talks still ongoing. The...
  16. DannyR

    Another Jericho lifeline?

    Maybe they could film it in Kansas where it is impossible to see the mountains. Nuclear explosions light up the mountains making them visible, just like using a flash in a dark room lets you see. *grin* Actually I believe it is possible to see Pikes Peak from the Kansas border on perfect...
  17. DannyR

    New Amsterdam

    It seemed like one of those shows at an end of an order block. Probably edited a bit to make it close out a bit, but the original order was for 13 episodes. They stopped it mid production.
  18. DannyR

    Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

    The other interesting visual I noticed was when the Cylon ships jumped in, the starfield behind them was correct as seen from Earth. Orion and Taurus were clearly visible. Wonder if that was intentional, or just a money saving technique in the production. --- One other thing I wonder if...
  19. DannyR

    New Amsterdam

    I was not impressed with the finale, though. Thought it was a bit slow and flat. It should have been much better. I don't believe it was ever intended to be any sort of finale. Rather it was simply the last episode they produced.
  20. DannyR

    The Sarah Connor Chronicles on FOX

    You guys forget she got "blowed-up" on the season ender? No little car explosion will finish off a terminator. She'll be back.
  21. DannyR

    Is Eureka coming back?

    Eureka will definitely be back this summer. In fact, SciFi increased their order up to 21 episodes from the original 13 so we'll have a longer season. Unfortunately the writers had only met for about a week before the writer's strike hit, which pushed everything back. Normally production...
  22. DannyR

    New Amsterdam

    Anybody else think he just screwed himself by dumping the girlfriend? She is very likely his true soulmate, but in my mind they aren't truly joined until he no longer has secrets from her and she knows his past. He told her once certainly, but not in a convincing manner.
  23. DannyR

    NBC offers escape with new slate

    I think its a huge mistake though. Don't they realize the TV movie only had good ratings because there was nothing else on to watch?
  24. DannyR

    NBC offers escape with new slate

    No, it didn't flop, although in my opinion it should have. Article specifically mentions its been given the greenlight and will probably appear on Fridays.
  25. DannyR

    NBC offers escape with new slate

    No doubts that Heroes will be back... its got the ratings and popularity. "Repeats don't work anymore, but we have a finite amount of money to spend," he said. "We're trying to do some things that are cheaper so that we can have more original programming." Ugh... cheaper like Knight Rider...