New Amsterdam

Anyone know if the ratings are anything that Fox may want to pick this show up for real? I know this show was canceled before it even premiered. But I am really liking this show!

See ya
Unfortunately the show has been dropping like a rock. While initial ratings were good, its been bleeding viewers every week. Fox was last among the major networks in viewers this past monday. Knowing Fox, this likely means the axe for our immortal hero.
It started tanking after Sarah Conner Chronicles ended. That was a good lead in. Who watches Cantebury's law.

I just caught the pilot today -- I know, a bit behind -- but I liked it. And like the rest of you, that means it is doomed. BUT if I have to pick between this and Sarah, its no contest, want Sarah to continue.

But I think I will watch the rest of the episodes of this. still not that much on tv.
I just caught the pilot today -- I know, a bit behind -- but I liked it. And like the rest of you, that means it is doomed. BUT if I have to pick between this and Sarah, its no contest, want Sarah to continue.

But I think I will watch the rest of the episodes of this. still not that much on tv.

It is not bad. It is very much like Highlander without the heads chopping. :p
Since I last wrote, I have seen all of the episodes; I really do like this show. It is creative and fun.

Although the comment that was made earlier in this thread is right -- he got the girl pretty darn quickly. (But she is a treat to watch! :) )
One thing for certain, we are seeing why he's not rich. Other than his stint as a lawyer, he seems to prefer jobs that pay hardly anything: policeman, artist, woodworker, singer, soldier. With his alcoholism only being fixed this generation, combined with the fact he probably dishes out a lot to ex-wives, etc, no wonder he's not rich.
I believe tonight is the season finale for New Amsterdam. Hope it is not the series finale.

Near the end of last week episode, I thought it was the season (series?) finale. After he got shot, I thought they would just leave it hanging so if there is no next season, he died, and if there is, he could come back.
I watched the whole series and really enjoyed it. It has a sci-fi premise but is really a police drama at its heart, as were Alien Nation and Raines to an extent.

Yeah, Raines was another show that died before its time. They left it hanging for another season, but it was cancelled too. I don't think New Amsterdam is coming back. It was just too interesting for FOX to keep.
I watched the whole series and really enjoyed it. It has a sci-fi premise but is really a police drama at its heart, as were Alien Nation and Raines to an extent.

Yeah, Raines was another show that died before its time. They left it hanging for another season, but it was cancelled too. I don't think New Amsterdam is coming back. It was just too interesting for FOX to keep.

Fox is good at doing just that.:(
Anybody else think he just screwed himself by dumping the girlfriend?

She is very likely his true soulmate, but in my mind they aren't truly joined until he no longer has secrets from her and she knows his past. He told her once certainly, but not in a convincing manner.
Anybody else think he just screwed himself by dumping the girlfriend?

She is very likely his true soulmate, but in my mind they aren't truly joined until he no longer has secrets from her and she knows his past. He told her once certainly, but not in a convincing manner.

No, I think he did the right thing. While the doctor is nice, she is really a bit boring. I don't think the show wants to have her as the one true love of his life. He needs someone more interesting. He loved many women in his 400+ years, and the doctor would just be another one.

If the show makes it to another season, I don't think his true love will be someone new. I think it could be the lieutenant or John's partner. She would be someone who would constantly argue with him and yet love him at the same time. The lieutenant seems like that kind of person. I noticed that in the last few episode, there seems to be some chemistry between them. John will probably realize his true love is one of them when she took a bullet for him and lying in the hospital in critical condition!
I really like/liked this show. I was not impressed with the finale, though. Thought it was a bit slow and flat. It should have been much better.

I was not impressed with the finale, though. Thought it was a bit slow and flat. It should have been much better.

I don't believe it was ever intended to be any sort of finale. Rather it was simply the last episode they produced.

Another Jericho lifeline?

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