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  1. ynnedibanez

    scored a swan fm-1210-a 2m tranciever for free, got a few Qs

    anyway, like you guys said, the radio isn't worth pouring too much effort into, unless its for some kind of experiment or serious mod. it may just end up being a test radio for antennas and working on amplifiers for 2m so I don't toast a better radio while experimenting. and its parts if I ever...
  2. ynnedibanez

    scored a swan fm-1210-a 2m tranciever for free, got a few Qs

    more pix of the back plate. the 2 big things are not capacitors, they are some kind of socket that looks like they are for light bulbs. the sockets look like they were factory installed. they are spot welded in place. 3 resistors, 2 transistors, and what looks like a plate capacitor, but maybe...
  3. ynnedibanez

    scored a swan fm-1210-a 2m tranciever for free, got a few Qs

    you'd think by now in life I'd have the i before e except after c rule down.... ;)
  4. ynnedibanez

    scored a swan fm-1210-a 2m tranciever for free, got a few Qs

    thanks for the info! it already has a ton of crystals in it. there’s also some components that are not hooked to anything mounted to the back of the door for the cavity that the crystals are in. any idea what is going on there?
  5. ynnedibanez

    scored a swan fm-1210-a 2m tranciever for free, got a few Qs

    hey everybody, I'm still really new to this, so I may be wrong, but it seems like this radio won't do ctcss? I have to plug crystals to change frequency on receive and transmit. it has a dial with positions for 12 frequencies on receive and 12 frequencies on transmit. I also have a wouxon...
  6. ynnedibanez

    Got my license!

    i've had my call sign for about a week now. :) KN4AYP